Chapter 258

A famous military fan forum in Huaguo.

With the most influential international air show in the world, it is about to kick off in Zhu. Hai. City of our own country.

for a short period of time.

This forum, which usually only has a few thousand daily active users at most, has exploded in direct traffic!
God knows how many passers-by and spectators came here admiringly.

after all.


Almost all well-known media such as TV, Internet, newspapers, etc. in Huaguo are sparing no effort to promote this Zhuhai.International.Aviation.Exhibition.


Yang Video Channel also specially dispatched several teams to conduct a live broadcast and explain the whole process of this air show!

This time the international air show attracted not only the attention of professional, military, and fans in China.

Even more unprecedented, it attracted millions of melon-eating people to come and witness together!
And these people who eat melons are undoubtedly very self-aware.

They knew very well that they couldn't understand those professional commentators' explanations mixed with many professional terms.

I also don't understand which fighter performs better.

and so.

After learning that there are a large number of military, military, and expert people in this forum, they will give the most detailed and easy-to-understand explanations and analysis of the barrage live broadcast while watching the live broadcast.

Here they come!
"I heard that there are many big bosses here? My little brother is here to worship!"

"Anyang Xiaobawang is passing by!"

"The front row sells melon seeds and peanuts!"

"Is the server of this forum not working? Why do I feel like I'm about to crash?"

"Damn it! What's going on! The number of bullet screens is abnormal! Here comes the problem. Our forum has a lot of secrets, who leaked them!"

"The guest commentator of Yangshi News spoke too professionally and seriously! It feels like our barrage commentators here speak more clearly!"

"Is there any boss who is boring to come out and say, this time at the air show, can our Huaguo fighter planes blow up the sky once!"

"@Upstairs, although I really don't want to pour cold water on my own people, reality is reality. In terms of fighter jets, we are indeed far behind the Star-Spangled Banner country!"


With the start of the live broadcast of the air show, more and more people who eat melons poured into this forum.

Discussions on related topics have also become more intense!
It did not go beyond the predictions of many professional analysts.

After several hours of competition.

The F32 just developed by the Stars and Stripes has completed all the flight demonstrations!
Not the slightest surprise.

This ship is hailed by the people of the Stars and Stripes as the sixth-generation fighter that brings together the most cutting-edge technology of the entire human race.

Overwhelming all the fighter planes of many countries, won the unprecedented level of exclamation and applause!
The mobility and stealth performance it exhibits almost meets the limit of the imagination of all people in the industry!
It is not an exaggeration to say that the last sentence is amazing!

So much so that even the guest commentator of Yangshi couldn't help but sigh:
"Here, I can say responsibly that the various performances exhibited by the F32 are at least one generation ahead of all fighter jets in the world!"

"Including, our Canglong Fighter!"

"However, I am more willing to believe that in the near future, we will be able to catch up with this huge gap!"

from these words.

Anyone can hear it.

This absolutely professional guest commentator doesn't think so.

At this air show, the Canglong fighter that will debut for the first time has any chance to compete with the F32!
Even, I think that the gap between the Canglong Fighter and the F32 is not a star at all!
Rather, it is extremely, extremely huge!

I am afraid that in the next 30 to [-] years, there is no hope that this gap can be bridged.


In that popular barrage live broadcast on the

Almost all the military. military. up to. people, have expressed exactly the same opinion:

"From the perspective just now, looking at the various actions shown by F32, I really feel that we have no chance to catch up in 30 years!"

"I can only say that the scientific and technological strength of the Star-Spangled Banner is indeed ridiculously high!"

"Really Nima's...too strong!"

"If that's the case, I think it's better not to show our Canglong fighter plane?"

"That's right! The F32 has just been displayed, and we're going to show it at this time. What's the difference between humiliating ourselves!"


It can be said.

These military.thing.da.people have already reached a consensus.

That is--

It is very undesirable that the Canglong Fighter will make its debut at this time!

The reason is very simple.

Now that they closed their eyes, they could all imagine it.

Once the Canglong fighter takes its first flight.


When the air show is finally over, those foreign media professionals will definitely spare no effort to compare the Canglong fighter with the F32 in all aspects.


Crazy belittle the various data of the Canglong Fighter, pointing out how many times the F32 is more advanced than the Canglong Fighter!
He even satirized the future of Huaguo's fighter jet development with complacency!
Let countless Chinese people lose their face!
How can these military, military, and Dar people with strong patriotic feelings accept that such a thing happened!

and so.

They would rather not watch the first flight of the Canglong Fighter.

I also don't want to see the most powerful fighter of my motherland finally being trampled under the feet of others, and the scene of looking down on me!


After just a few minutes.

Something that made everyone's heart beat extremely fast happened!
I saw the on-site staff, together with the communication equipment, broadcast a message to all the audience:
[The next thing to be displayed is the Canglong Fighter]

all of a sudden.

The host and guest commentator of YangTV had their hearts beating extremely fast.

The most obvious tension appeared in his expression!

As for the foreign media reporters on the scene, it was called an instant fryer:
"Hahahahahaha... I thought that the Hua people would give up the debut of the Canglong Fighter this time!"

"I have to admire the courage of these Chinese people! They still dispatched their Canglong fighter jets even though they knew they would be crushed by our F32 to the point where they couldn't hold their heads up!"

"Tomorrow's front page headline, there it is!"

"I can say this, the Canglong Fighter will not have any performance. It can be compared with the F32! Everyone, get ready and laugh at Huaguo later!"

"There is a saying in Huaguo, 'no comparison, no harm'! It is estimated that those Huaguo people will completely fall into despair after watching the whole live broadcast!"


And what no one knows is.

The Canglong Fighter Plane in China is about to appear in everyone's sight.

Fang and Xu, two national treasure-level academicians, were on the phone, and with red eyes, they sent the most serious request to President Zhou Hong of Huaguo Academy of Sciences:

"Dean Zhou, you must treat the teacher (Mr. Ye Xuan) with the highest standards and send him to our best hospital for recuperation!"

(End of this chapter)

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