The identity of my nine-star academician was exposed by Internet celebrities

Chapter 260 Extra 1: Our plane doesn’t need to fly twice

Chapter 260 Fanwai Eleven: Our plane doesn't need to fly twice

"This, this is the Mach ring!"

"It's so beautiful! The tail fin seems to be spraying diamonds!"

"The appearance of the Mach ring means that the Canglong Fighter has now fully entered the supersonic state!"

"My God! What kind of acceleration performance is this! If I remember correctly, the Canglong Fighter just took off!"

"Oh my god! What kind of sound barrier is this! It almost drowns the entire fuselage!"

"I feel, I feel that my eardrums are about to be shattered by the sound barrier! Canglong Fighter, it's just... awesome!"


At the Zhuhai.International.International.Aviation.Exhibition site, countless audiences and professional media personnel, at this moment, are in a complete boil.

Exclamation, straight into the sky!

the reason is simple.

The Canglong Fighter is showing an unparalleled speed!

At least at least, it is also above 6 times the speed of sound!
Completely crushed the performance of the F32 fighter!
In this world, invincible!
And there is no suspense, under such a hypersonic cruise.

The entire Canglong fighter plane, which is like alien technology, set off an unprecedented sound barrier.

The sound barrier was so fierce and huge that countless professionals were dumbfounded after watching it!

The terrifying roar caused by the sound barrier.

It is even more like a frenzy in the sea, about to turn the world upside down, and it spreads all over the place in an instant!
Even tens of kilometers away, you can hear it clearly!
Mach ring, cruise at 6 times the speed of sound, terrifying sound barrier beyond description...

All of these are announcing one thing to everyone in the world——

The Huaguo Canglong fighter plane is invincible in the world in terms of speed!
Even if it is as strong as the F32, it is not qualified to compare with the Canglong Fighter!

"Impossible! It must be fake!"

Seeing the Canglong fighter, it showed a speed far exceeding that of the F32.

Inside the Star-Spangled Banner Hexagonal Building, a high-ranking person from the Bacteria Fang couldn't tell how broken his mentality was.

Everyone's eyes widened.

As if, saw the most incredible scene in the world!
The reason is very simple.

What these high-level people are most proud of is actually the extremely powerful engine of the F32!
The thrust-to-weight ratio reached a record 0.27!

Such a thrust-to-weight ratio directly laid the foundation for the F32 to become the first sixth-generation fighter of mankind!

But now?
But anyone with a slightly normal mind can see it.

The engine used by the Canglong fighter must have a thrust-to-weight ratio that far exceeds that of the F32!

Absolutely, it has reached above 0.3!

realize here.

Just ask.

How can these high-level people from the original bacteria party not feel overwhelmed!

One of the technologies that our side is most proud of has been surpassed by Hua Guo without knowing it?

How could the progress of Huaguo be so fast!

Even if it's cheating, it's not so exaggerated! ! !

And the same.

A foreign media analyst who was watching the live broadcast and was already planning to write various articles and comments immediately to laugh at the Canglong Fighter.

All have been... Dumbfounded!
They stared blankly at the picture displayed on the screen, the corners of their mouths twitching constantly.

There was even more burning pain on his face.

It was as if, just now, someone pressed him against the corner of the wall and slapped him wildly from left to right!

The face is swollen!

"Hey, what's going on here!"

"God, I feel, I want to hallucinate!"

"Hasn't Huaguo's engine technology always lagged behind us by more than 20 years? Why did it suddenly surpass us?"

"This is unscientific!!!!!!"


In the indescribable dumbfounded, those foreign media analysts and commentators were completely messed up.

Many people even froze on the spot.

Leng couldn't hold back a word of comment for a long time.

As a direct result, serious live broadcast accidents occurred one after another!


There are still some people who are stubborn, facing the live broadcast camera, giving their own analysis and judgment solemnly:
"It seems that Hua Guo's engineers have put a lot of effort into the thrust-to-weight ratio of the engine over the years."

"What they have achieved in this regard is indeed unexpected."

"However, the performance of an engine is not only determined by the thrust-to-weight ratio!"

"I can say responsibly that the engine of the Canglong Fighter must have given up other aspects of performance, and piled up everything as much as possible on speed."

"Such an almost incomplete version of the engine is actually nothing at all..."

Just when these hard-talking analysts were spitting in the camera.

The Canglong fighter soaring above the sky, under countless shots from all over the world, has completed extremely smoothly and quickly the extremely difficult maneuver of falling leaves among the many tactical moves of the fighter!

"How can such a difficult movement be so easy and smooth?"

I don't know how many people watched this scene, and they were dumbfounded on the spot.

It made those foreign media analysts who were still threatening that the engine of the Canglong fighter belong to the incomplete version feel black on the spot.

He almost couldn't help but spit out dozens of taels of blood on the spot!


What they don't know is.

This is just the beginning!

After more than ten seconds, the Canglong Fighter was actually among the exclamations of countless people.

The nose of the plane went up, and it was frozen in mid-air.

From a distance, it looks like an angry cobra, ready to launch a fatal blow to the opponent at any time!
It is the most difficult maneuver among fighter jets... the cobra maneuver!



"Damn it!!!!!!"

At this moment, in Huaguo's well-known, experts who were still giving various professional explanations, instantly played a screen full of "fucking" bullet screens.

It feels as if, at this moment, only these two words can express the excitement and shock in their hearts!


These military fans who have a deep understanding of many fighter planes in the world can't be more clear.

A fighter plane can not only cruise at more than 6 times the speed of sound, but also complete cobra maneuvers.

what does this mean!
It means that, in terms of performance, the engine of this fighter plane has far surpassed the limit that can be imagined in this era!
Is F32 strong enough?


Now these military fans have reached the same consensus.

That is--

The engine of the F32 is completely unqualified, so compare it with the Canglong fighter!

It doesn't deserve it!
As for those stubborn foreign media analysts?

Without exception.

All of their faces were instantly stiffened to the extreme.

That expression, not to mention how wonderful it is!
And in the live broadcast room of Yangshi News.

The host's eyes were already red with excitement.

Witnessing the Canglong Fighter with his own eyes, above the blue sky, completing one incredible move after another.

With tears in his eyes, he said affectionately:
"At this very moment, how I wish that our most beloved President Zhou can see our Canglong fighter soaring into the sky!"

"Now, Shanhe has a new look."

"Our plane doesn't need to fly twice..."

"This prosperous age should be as the ancestors wished!"

(Author's note: After the prequel to the episode, I will start writing the postscript tomorrow!)
(End of this chapter)

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