Chapter 40 Heroic Stories, Will It Be Obsolete?


Here are the words of the author:
The day that martyr Wang Wei died happened to be April 4st.

If you are lucky enough to read this book, if you happen to have a little spare time on that day...

I sincerely hope that you will not celebrate April Fool's Day like the author.

Instead, find a post commemorating the martyr Wang Wei (I am absolutely willing to believe that there will be many commemorative posts that day), and leave a sentence at the bottom:
"81192, please return! We will pick you up!"

We may not be able to do much.

But heroes, should not be forgotten!


The following is the body:
As the car continues to move forward.

One after another, the moving photos have entered the eyes of countless people under the lens.

A series of touching stories, also narrated by the two hosts, caused countless people to cry.


In the home of an ordinary ordinary person.

A white-haired old man with many scars on his face was watching live TV with tears streaming down his face.

This old man was a veteran who had suffered dozens of injuries, large and small, on the battlefield.


On weekdays, this old man was extremely serious and would not be moved easily.

But today.

He is the one who cries the most!
Seeing him cry so hard.

The three-year-old granddaughter next to him couldn't help but ask in a childish voice:
"Grandpa, what's the matter with you?"

The old man just touched his granddaughter's little head, and then said with some sobs:

"Xiao Huahua, go and take out the photos in that wooden box over there, Grandpa wants to take another look at those people..."


LZ City.

On a flyover.

An adult in his thirties was holding his daughter's little hand, staring intently at the big screen on the square below.

"Dad, why are you crying?"

The young and inexperienced daughter asked a little ignorantly.

"Just now... sand was blown in."

The adult's words obviously have a bit of crying.

Immediately, he picked up his little daughter, and said very seriously: "Chenchen, those people in those photos just now, you must always remember them in your heart!"


The daughter nodded heavily: "Father, I'll blow the sand away for you."

"Hey, Dad, why are you still crying?"


YZ City.

In a second-grade classroom, the live broadcast of Ye Xuan's award ceremony was being played on a projection screen.

In the past, the head teacher played extra-curricular videos in the classroom every time.

The students are always excited and rowdy.

But this time.

Even if the head teacher had already walked out of the classroom, turned his back, and quietly wiped his tears at the door.

But the children were surprisingly quiet.

In such a huge classroom, there is only the sound of uninterrupted sobbing...

Even those who sat in the last row and couldn't help but chatter in class were all staring at the big screen at the moment.

Not only did he not say a word, he didn't even move his eyes!
And wait until the class teacher returned to the classroom.

The children immediately asked impatiently one by one:
"Mr. Yue, when will Uncle Wang Wei come back?"

"Mr. Yue, don't we have an aircraft carrier? Can you tell that grandpa Liu Hua Qing that we don't need to tiptoe to see other people's aircraft carriers!"

"Teacher Yue, that Uncle Qiu..."


Similar things happened countless times in every corner of Huaguo.

The stories of the deceased heroes made many people silent, many people shed tears, and even... sobbing!
Wait until the story of the last photo is finished.

The live camera finally landed on Ye Xuan.

this moment.

With the strongest emotions, the two hosts began to tell the story of Ye Xuan:

"His name is Ye Xuan..."

Although many people have heard Ye Xuan's deeds countless times on the news.

But no one feels impatient!

It seems that even if you listen to it ten thousand times, you won’t get tired of it!
Just ask.

How can a heroic story become obsolete?

And the barrage in the major live broadcast rooms has also begun to become like a sea frenzy, refreshing like crazy:

"I still remember that a few years ago, our academician Guan De passed away, and many of our media didn't even report it at all. Instead, it was the star Li XX's divorce farce, which dominated the hot searches for half a month! It's all fucking What a world!"

"Without the sacrifices of these 'national treasures', we would still be talking about the stability of this world!"

"After academician Ye Xuan, is it really impossible to walk like a normal person again?"

"Think about what happened a few days ago! We are really ashamed of Academician Ye Xuan!"

"Cry for me!"

"81192, this is Liao. Ning. ship, hull number 16, the deck has been cleared, the airspace has been cleared, call 81192 to return, call 81192 to return!"

"81192, please return! We miss you!"

"These people, like Academician Ye Xuan, will be immortal!"

"Academician Ye Xuan is our true national hero!"


that's it.

At about 10:20 in the morning.

Ye Xuan's special car was finally escorted by the highest courtesy, passed the ten-mile long street, and drove steadily into Tian'an Square.

this moment.

The salute was fired with a bang.



Every cannon is thick and loud, shaking the hearts of countless people.

"Academician Ye Xuan, it's worth it all!"

"This is the glory that our national soldiers should enjoy!"

"Total tears! Salute to Academician Ye Xuan! Salute to all the unsung heroes!"

"The peace of the country and the people are hard-won..."

"I have a national scholar who is unparalleled in the world! He is the most dazzling star in this era!"


Among the excited comments of countless audiences.

Ye Xuan's special car finally parked in the center of Tian'an Square.

There, stands a huge stone monument that seems to last forever.

It is the Monument to the People's Heroes!
At this moment.

On the reviewing platform under the stele.

All the dignitaries of Huaguo looked at the special car with eyes full of respect.

Including, the old man next to Secretary Qin!

Anyone can see that the old man's eye sockets are already wet...

at last.

Under the eyes of millions of people.

The door of the special car opened slowly.

A wheelchair emerges from it.

It was Ye Xuan who was sitting in the wheelchair!

Under the shining of the golden sun.

Ye Xuan still looked a little weak.

Especially his right knee was covered with thick bandages.

Seeing countless people, my heart aches!


With Ye Xuan's arrival, a command was sent to the entire Tian'an Square in an instant.

Swish swish!
Swish swish!

In an instant, everyone in the huge Tianan Square raised their hands in salute towards Ye Xuan!

This scene.

I was completely stunned by those Sakura Country keyboard warriors.

(Author's words: 360° rolling in the ice and snow, begging for a monthly ticket, begging for a reward!)
(End of this chapter)

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