Chapter 51 Global uproar
And there is no doubt about it.

As soon as this sensational news came out, there was a wailing in Sakura Country:
"Who will tell me, have we lost hundreds of billions of blood this time?"

"What's the situation? Didn't everyone say a while ago that the probability of Professor Ito winning the Nobel Prize this year is 99.99%? Has it dropped to 0% so soon?"

"Hey, business representatives from all over the world have already left the capital and headed directly to Yanjing, China! This time, we have completely lost!"

"This is not the scariest thing! Do you know that Huaguo now says that if we want to buy their tritium battery patents, we will have to pay at least... a three-digit magnification! At least a few hundred times, we have to see their mood!"

"Three, three digits? Does this still let us live?"


no doubt.

The advent of the tritium battery led by Ye Xuan not only caused heavy losses to the Sakura Country.

It is conservatively estimated that it is also at the level of hundreds of billions of dollars.

This, without counting the large amount of manpower and material resources invested...

It completely ended the dream of energy hegemony in Sakura Country!
Since then.

I'm afraid that the Sakura Kingdom will no longer dare to engage in any overt hostility and confrontation with the Hua Kingdom!
Because once this is the case, it means that countless enterprises in Sakura Country will go bankrupt in minutes...

As for Huaguo, it is undoubtedly that the whole network is boiling:

"The people of SX sent a congratulatory message!"

"Have you heard of it? There are dozens of companies sending representatives over to Sakura Country! Let's discuss and discuss what price is more suitable for them!"

"What a fart to discuss! Tell them directly, either sign a contract with a premium of 1000 times, or go back!"

"I'm so laughing! There is a professor in Koryo country who published a paper, mainly proving that our Academician Ye Xuan is actually from their Koryo country! Hahahaha... Come and watch everyone quickly! Below is the portal!"

"I also read that news, it's so fucking funny! Universe Kingdom can always make us happy!"

"I'm only concerned about how Academician Ye Xuan is recovering?"

"Me too! I'm looking forward to the time when Academician Ye Xuan recovers and will broadcast it live for us!"


In such a situation where the whole network celebrates together.

Countless people are looking forward to getting more news from Ye Xuan.

Especially Ye Xuan's injury!

That even touched the hearts of countless people!
and so.

People spoke on the Internet one after another, hoping that after Ye Xuan recovered, he would be able to show his face publicly.

For example, start a live broadcast.

For another example, the last time there was a program like "Let's Talk".

For another example, go back to Yenching University and give a speech.

In short.

Countless people are eagerly hoping to see Ye Xuan, the famous national soldier who moved China and was awarded the Supreme Medal of the Republic again!

What confuses countless people is.

Ye Xuan seemed to have disappeared from the world suddenly. Countless media, including Yangshi, tried everything they could to get in touch.

Even the Nobel Prize Awarding Committee's call to Ye Xuan to accept the award was not answered.

a time.

Where did Ye Xuan go? It became a hot topic in the news.

Countless people started a heated discussion about this.

The vast majority of them expressed concern about Ye Xuan's recent situation, and hoped that Ye Xuan could recover soon.

However, when the forest grows, there are always all kinds of birds.

There are always some people who, for various reasons, will make some extremely "malicious" comments unscrupulously in some unknown dark corners:

"I heard that Ye Gou is dead, so why hasn't he appeared?"

"This kind of person deserves it right! My family Fengfeng has been banned, and it's not too much to die a hundred times!"

"Don't take screenshots in the group! Many people outside have been brainwashed now! We still have to be careful when we speak!"

"Didn't it just come up with a tritium battery technology? It seems so amazing! How is our Qiao Qiao worse than him?"

"Everyone believe in me, as long as we work together, Xiaomo will definitely be able to come back! As for that Ye Xuan, die as soon as possible! Seeing him makes me upset!"

"Now there are many people on the Internet saying that Ye Xuan is very handsome! I really vomited! Didn't you see that our Fengfeng's skin is several times whiter than his!"

"Sisters, I'm already applying for a Korean passport! The men in our country are just like that. I'm going to find my Obamas!"



The brainless fans and female boxers who poked the celebrity Internet celebrity didn't realize their mistakes at all, and hated Ye Xuan even more.

Even though they are currently afraid to speak ill of Ye Xuan in public.

But, no doubt about it.

Once they find an opportunity, they will definitely spare no effort to attack (black) Ye Xuan fiercely!

And what makes these people feel happy is that.

After about three days.

They found a perfect opportunity!

This morning, there was a piece of news that shocked the entire Internet.

That is-

Under Ye Xuan's strong suggestion, the country decided to spend 13000 trillion to build a super-large particle collider!
Time, fifteen days!

As soon as the news came out.

National uproar!

Oh no, it was a global uproar!

after all.

13000 trillion, this is really a shocking number!

The most frightening thing is that the ultra-large particle collider must be built in just fifteen days!
This simply made countless foreign scientific and technological workers completely dumbfounded, saying that this is simply impossible!

To know.

The Large Hadron Collider currently located in Geneva has 80 scientists and engineers from about 7000 countries participating, but it took a full 14 years to finally build it.

And now?

A very large example collider, unexpectedly, will be completed within fifteen days!

This simply surpassed the cognitive limit of countless people!

When the whole world feels incredible about this news.

The eyes of all the celebrity internet celebrities (including the celebrity internet celebrities themselves) and female boxers hiding in the dark corners all lit up.

Because they feel that the opportunity they have been waiting for has finally come!
So ever.

They went to major live broadcast rooms, forums, post bars, exchange groups, etc. one after another.

Then, in the name of discussion, in various cryptic ways, he made remarks to smear Ye Xuan:
"I think Academician Ye Xuan is wasting the country's resources! 13000 trillion, what needs to cost so much money!"

"Just wait and see, half of the 13000 trillion will fall into Ye Xuan's pocket!"

"This kind of thing, to put it bluntly, is a waste of people and money! Why don't you take it out and share it with us equally!"

"Hehe, the construction schedule is so tight, Ye Xuan is forcing those uncle workers to die!"


(Author's words: 360° rolling in ice and snow, asking for a monthly pass, asking for a reward!)

(End of this chapter)

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