The identity of my nine-star academician was exposed by Internet celebrities

Chapter 53 If there is a battle, the chapter must be called!

Chapter 53 If there is a battle, the summons will return!
Hear this.

That "Academician Zhong" immediately got angry and reprimanded:


"I really don't know what some people are thinking about every day!!!"

"A distinguished scholar like Academician Ye Xuan, how can you allow those villains to make random comments?"

"Do you ever know how much Academician Ye Xuan has put in so much effort for our country in these years!"

"Have you ever known that the tritium battery patent developed by Academician Ye Xuan by himself is worth a lot!"

"Let me tell you this, whoever owns this patent can make a net profit of at least 20000 trillion every year!"

"Remember, at least!"

"And this patent originally belonged to Academician Ye Xuan alone!"

"But Academician Ye Xuan, without even thinking about it, just gave this immeasurably valuable patent to our motherland!"

"Now, let me ask you, is it possible for Academician Ye Xuan to do the things you just said!"

"I'm really blunt to tell you, even if the 13000 trillion yuan is all in vain, Academician Ye Xuan is worthy of the country!"

"On the contrary, we owe a lot to Academician Ye Xuan!"


The old academician Zhong turned around and left.

Only the female reporter was left, staying where she was, completely stupefied.

After a long time.

The female reporter came back to her senses and began to swallow saliva frantically.

"That tritium battery patent belongs exclusively to Academician Ye Xuan?"

The female reporter started talking to herself in a daze, her expression full of shock:

"In other words, Academician Ye Xuan could have become the world's richest man in one fell swoop with this patent?"

"However, Academician Ye Xuan chose to give such a patent to our motherland!"

"This, what kind of feelings are these!"

"I, I, I, I actually believed those rumors on the Internet a little bit before!"


This female reporter has already realized how outrageous the speculations on the Internet are! ! !

"I've recorded everything that Academician Zhong said just now!"

Taking a deep breath and calming down the extremely shocking emotions in her heart, the female reporter said with extremely moving eyes:

"I must, make all of this public!"


this day.

At noon, the sun hangs in the sky.

The entire land of China is almost covered with clear skies.

That's when the entire Internet was discussing the super-large particle collider plan.

Ye Xuan's Douyin, which has the most fans on the Internet, suddenly updated a short video.

The content of the short video is very simple——

Recruit a large number of manpower, urgently seek a large amount of engineering equipment, and urgently purchase a large amount of industrial materials!

Although Ye Xuan himself did not appear in this short video.

Even, whether it was posted by Ye Xuan himself is a big question.

However, without any accident, this short video immediately caused a huge wave beyond imagination in the whole network!
In less than 3 minutes.

The number of likes is close to 500 million!
The number of retweets of comments almost broke the record of the Douyin platform!
Douyin official, expressing their position at the first time, will give this short video the biggest traffic support!

Also directly on the main interface, a special entry was created!
The major platforms on the entire network followed suit one after another, using all their resources to announce the contents of the video to all their users!
And the major mainstream media, including TV broadcasts, etc., are also sparing no effort to publicize this matter.

such as.

On the noon news on the Yang Video channel, a very, very rare emergency spot was specially made for this matter!
Another example.

The nine official media reposted this short video of Ye Xuan at the same time...


Under such unprecedented publicity.

Not the slightest surprise.

In just half an hour, this short video of Ye Xuan spread throughout the entire land of China like mercury pouring down the ground.

Not to mention that everyone knows it, but at least it can be guaranteed that most people have heard of it.

a time.

The whole country shook!

Countless people are full of hope that they can help Academician Ye Xuan, and then do their part for the country!

In SD Province, in a very ordinary farmyard.

"I said you, why are you packing your clothes when you have nothing to do?"

A farm aunt who was drying corn in the yard was looking at her husband in great confusion at the moment——

A very ordinary-looking, but very energetic big man.

"Didn't you see the video posted by Academician Ye Xuan that was reposted in the group?"

The big man replied with a serious face: "I'm going to work with Academician Ye Xuan! I have been working on the construction site for almost 30 years, and I can also drive an excavator. I will definitely help!"

Hear this.

The aunt immediately frowned: "The doctor has told you several times that you have high blood pressure and are no longer suitable for heavy work! Can't you relax?"

"I'm going!"

He is definitely a strict wife-ruling uncle on weekdays, but this time he put on a non-negotiable posture:

"Hurry up, prepare some dry food for me, I will set off in the afternoon!"


HN Province.

A small machinery production factory.

"Come, come! Load all the guys in our factory into the car! Transport them to the place Academician Ye Xuan said!"

With a briefcase under his arm, the factory owner, who looked fat and strong, announced his latest request directly to his employees as soon as he entered the gate.

Upon hearing this.

The part-time financial proprietress rushed over immediately, complaining and said:

"I said, Lao Li, are you out of your mind? The equipment we are producing now is all ordered by foreign customers! If we can't deliver the goods on time, at least we will lose hundreds of thousands!"

"If you pay, you will pay! I don't care, just put everything on!"

The factory owner said indifferently: "Academician Ye Xuan, there is a shortage of guys like us! If you can help the country, it's nothing to lose a few small money!"


Similar things have happened countless times on the land of China.

It can be said.

As soon as Ye Xuan's short video came out.

I don't know how many people have put down everything in their hands, and rushed towards the same end point, no matter what!

And at the same time.

Many veterans have received a text message with the same content.

The content of the message is very simple——

The construction of the ultra-large particle collider is short of a large number of manpower. If you are willing, please report to XX, X District, X City, X Province!

CD City.

A five-star hotel with a kitchen.

"Tell the general manager that I'm going to ask for leave for at least half a month!"

After seeing the content of the text message, a strong middle-aged man who is the head chef made a decision without even thinking about it.


It is very likely that he will lose his current job because of this decision!
But he didn't care. He took off his kitchen hat and rushed out of the hotel all the way.

It seems that I am afraid that I will be one step too late!
the reason is simple.

He deeply remembers the sentence he swore when he retired from the army:

If there is a war, the recall must be returned!
(Author's words: 360° rolling in ice and snow, asking for a monthly pass, asking for a reward!)

(End of this chapter)

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