Chapter 69 Sanctions?

The research room of Global Focus.

Feeling the fiery and... endless anticipation in the hostess' eyes.

Ye Xuan's heart was deeply touched.

Because he deeply knows that at this moment, there are countless Chinese people who, like this hostess, are looking forward to the early success of his research project!
Really, conquer cancer!

That is an extremely strong desire!
after all.

Once Ye Xuan's research is successful.

That means that Lu Xinghua, the chief designer who has caused countless tears in the country, will have the opportunity to enjoy his life, instead of carrying a lifetime of infamy and regrets!

It also means that countless cancer patients have the hope of living from now on!

What an achievement this is!
In any era, it is enough to completely enshrine the gods!
It is not an exaggeration to say the last sentence "subvert the whole world"!

In this situation.

Just ask.

Which Chinese people, can not feel endless expectations for this!
And in fact.

The reason why Ye Xuan is so eager to complete the ultra-large particle collider project within fifteen days.

Except for the reasons he just mentioned in the interview.

There is another reason of immense importance.

That is--

His time is really running out.

Because of the crazy increase in brain development, his current cell division speed and metabolism speed are already many times faster than ordinary people.

to his judgment.

Even if everything remains the same, it will be difficult for him to live past the age of 40.

And once, once he conquers cancer, complete the second system task!

His brain development speed will usher in a further surge!

At that time, he couldn't even imagine how fast his cell division speed would be!
How much of your own lifespan can be left!

and so.

He really doesn't have much time to waste...

"Academician Ye Xuan, there is a netizen nicknamed 'Little Fish That Loves Playing', and I want to ask you, do you have a girlfriend now? If not, can you tell me, what type do you like? "

"Academician Ye Xuan, a netizen named 'Fo.Shan.Wu.Yan.Zu' asked you a question, how much did you score in the college entrance examination? Have you been a top student since childhood?"

"Academician Ye Xuan, there is also a netizen called 'Where is the rich woman, I don't want to work hard', he is very curious, do you like to eat durian? If you like it, he specializes in selling durian, I would like to show you some Send the car over."


After causing countless people to cry.

Ye Xuan's first live interview ended in laughter.

And with the interview over.

The hostess, although reluctantly.

But still with great reverence, he said goodbye to Ye Xuan, and immediately left the research room directly.

Because she knew that Ye Xuan still had a lot of research work to do.

How dare she disturb Ye Xuan, the winner of the highest medal of the Republic, and continue to "fight" for the country!
But there is no doubt about it.

After the live interview ended, Huaguo's entire network fell into a state of complete boiling:
"Brothers, let's bless Mr. Lu together!"

"Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety cannot be both. Mr. Lu has really paid too much for us!"

"Mr. Lu, you deserve the words 'promise the country with your body'!"

"When I think that Mr. Deng only received a bonus of 20 yuan and only lived to be 62 years old, I really couldn't help but cry."

"Old Deng and the others are the real backbone of China!"

"Everyone come to discuss and discuss, can Academician Ye Xuan really rely on a super-large particle collider to conquer cancer?"

"As far as I know, particle colliders don't seem to have much to do with cancer! However, I believe that Academician Ye Xuan will definitely not be aimless! How can we mortals understand Academician Ye Xuan's thoughts!"

"If, I said, if Academician Ye Xuan really conquered cancer, wouldn't our country of China be invincible? Other countries probably have to kneel down and beg us to help cure their diseases!"

"I'm a fan of Academician Ye Xuan, and I want to say——Academician Ye Xuan is amazing, he will definitely succeed!"


Talented netizens from all walks of life had an extremely heated discussion about this live interview.

It went on all night without any sign of stopping.

that's it.

By the next morning.

The hot search list of major platforms has become:
First, Academician Ye Xuan's live interview video playback

Second, [Heavy] Academician Ye Xuan plans to conquer cancer

Third, 44 years of incognito, Lu Xinghua

Fourth, atomic, sub-bomb, 10 yuan, hydrogen, bomb, 10 yuan

Fifth, the father of Tianyan, Nan Ren Dong

Sixth, Discussion: How does the super-large particle collider conquer cancer
Seventh, Academician Ye Xuan personally admitted the type of girl he likes

Eighth. Activity: Invite Academician Ye Xuan to have a big meal
Ninth, Dahangshan Project live broadcast + touching story review

This morning, when countless Chinese people were still discussing Ye Xuan's live interview yesterday with great interest.

A piece of news suddenly detonated the whole world!
The whole world is shaken!

That is-

The Star-Spangled Banner Country, the Country on which the Sun Never Sets, the Country of Cherry Blossoms, the Three Kingdoms of Azerbaijan, the Country of Korea, the European Union, and the Country of Australian Kangaroo, these seven countries jointly issued a major statement.

In the joint statement, these seven countries used a fabricated photo that they did not know how to stage as evidence, claiming that the ultra-large particle collider currently being built in Huaguo is not used to conquer cancer at all.

Instead, they are researching a special weapon against humanity!

Even more slanderously said: In the process of researching that anti-human weapon, it has caused the death of thousands of surrounding civilians...

In order to defend the ridiculous "human rights" in the mouth of the Seven Kingdoms.

They jointly demanded that Huaguo immediately stop the construction of the ultra-large particle collider, and allow the seven countries to send professionals to enter Daxing Mountain for investigation.

Otherwise, Huaguo will be jointly sanctioned by the seven nations!

Such a statement undoubtedly immediately caused an uproar in the international public opinion.

The media all over the world immediately set their sights on Huaguo.

Everyone wants to know, under the joint pressure of the Seven Kingdoms, what kind of reaction Huaguo will make!
So ever.

The regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on this day was beyond words how hot it was.

The entire venue was crowded with foreign journalists from all walks of life:
"Tell me, how will Hua Guo choose this time?"

"Seven-nation joint sanctions! This is not a joke! No matter what, I think they Huaguo must carefully consider the consequences this time!"

"Have you heard? BCI, the Global Better Cotton Development Association, is ready to announce sanctions against China at any time!"

"The world's four major grain merchants, ABCD, have also stated that as long as Huaguo continues to build a super-large particle collider, they will also take sanctions!"

"Oh, my God, Huaguo is really in big trouble this time!"


Author's Note: Yesterday, if I didn't pay attention, the book friend group with 500 people was full, and many book friends couldn't apply.

I'm so sorry!

The author Bacteria opened a super membership with an annual fee early in the morning, and upgraded the group.

Book friends who failed to join the group can try again!
Group number: 966436408
Finally, as usual, roll around 360° on the ice and snow to ask for a monthly pass, and ask for a reward!
(End of this chapter)

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