Chapter 8 An actor dares to bully Mr. Ye! ! ! ! ! !
Accompanied by numerous hot discussions on the Internet, the live TV interview finally kicked off under the attention of all the people.

"Audience friends, let us applaud and welcome Xiao Ruyu, the 'National Goddess', to our tomorrow's superstar interview site..."

The hostess with exquisite makeup completed the opening with experience.


Under the spotlight, Xiao Ruyu slowly walked into the studio, and finally sat down on a sofa.

Undoubtedly, as soon as Xiao Ruyu appeared on the stage, the brainless fans who had been guarding in front of the screen were all extremely excited.

The barrage was constantly brushing like a tide.

And Xiao Ruyu, who had already prepared all the interview speeches, pretended to be very reasonable and said as soon as she sat down:
"Hi everyone, I'm Xiao Ruyu, I'm very sorry for taking up so many public resources because of a small incident that happened to me..."

Following Xiao Ruyu's voice fell.

Those brainless fans of hers immediately started sending bullet chats like crazy:
"Xiaoyu is really a high-quality idol! In order not to take up too much public resources, he even appealed to us not to continue to pay attention to this matter!"

"Our Xiaoyu is really good-tempered! Being bullied by that bastard Ye Xuan, he only said it was a trivial matter!"

"Damn it! You can't swallow this breath like this! Ye Xuan won't kneel down and apologize, he won't give up!"

"Always support Xiaoyu! Long live the Yu family army!"

"I love Xiaoyu to death! I am willing to divorce for Xiaoyu!"


no doubt.

Xiao Ruyu's extremely hypocritical remarks just now successfully mobilized the fans' emotions.

It also made her good-looking woman design more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"After tonight's interview, Xiaoyu will definitely gain a lot of followers! Even, he will be promoted to a quasi-first-line star!"

Next to the studio, Xiao Ruyu's manager couldn't help but smirk with extreme complacency.

"I have to say, my picky eyes are really accurate!"

The boss of Xiao Ruyu's performing arts company is sitting on the sofa in the office at the moment, watching the show while feeling complacent:
"Among so many novice anchors, Xiao Ruyu was directly selected as a talented person!"

"If you pack it casually, you will become the number one Internet celebrity today!"

"Oh no, after tonight, Xiaoyu is no longer an Internet celebrity, but a real star!"


Neither Xiao Ruyu herself, nor her manager, nor the boss realized——

There is a shocking earthquake waiting for them!


The interview continues.

The popularity of this live broadcast is also rising.

Looking at the record-breaking data, the producer of XX's interview with Tomorrow's Superstar naturally grinned from ear to ear.

after all.

Such a high number of viewers and heated discussions will surely bring him huge advertising expenses!

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect the popularity of this Internet celebrity to be so high!"

With arms folded, the producer quickly conceived a longer-term plan in his mind:
"It seems that it is very necessary to conduct a second interview, a third interview!"

the same time.

Xiao Ruyu on the sofa was telling the host about the incident with an innocent and aggrieved face.

of course.

Everything has been enriched by Xiao Ruyu!

"Actually, there are still some things that I have been holding back."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ruyu added:

"After I left the neurology department and turned off the live broadcast, that Ye Xuan once chased after me and scolded me, not to mention how ugly the scolding was."

"Not only scolding, but also trying to do something to me."

"Fortunately, I brought a few more assistants..."

"The most frightening thing is that last night, I received a lot of threatening private messages on Weibo. They claimed that I had ruined their business and that the account in hand could not be sold, so they must come to revenge on me!"

As soon as these words came out, the barrage fryer was instantly attracted.

All of Xiao Ruyu's brainless fans were enraged collectively:
"Fuck! This Ye Xuan is so disgusting! He still wants to hit a woman!"

"@Yanjing大学, hurry up and take a look, this is the quality of your students! If you don't expel this, I will blackmail you forever!"

"I really didn't expect that Xiaoyu of our family would suffer so much grievances. Hey, good people are being bullied!"

"I can't take it anymore, @凯京武事, hurry up and arrest Ye Xuan and his scalpers!"

"Don't let me see Ye Xuan, if I do, I will definitely swell his face!"

"Sisters, take a look, this is the quality of our Huaguo men! Apart from bullying our women, they will do nothing! We must unite and protest to the end!"


There are no surprises.

Xiao Ruyu's nonsensical remarks made the heat of the incident directly enter a white-hot stage.

Public opinion is more completely one-sided.

Many big Vs have started to post, sympathizing with Xiao Ruyu's experience, and calling for a severe crackdown on scalpers.

And those female boxers hated Ye Xuan to the extreme.

Many of them have already started to form groups to discuss how to make Ye Xuan completely socially dead in a short period of time.

As for the number of Xiao Ruyu's fans, it naturally skyrocketed all the way.

"After this incident, my popularity and number of fans may not be inferior to any first-line female star!"

While accepting the interview, Xiao Ruyu imagined a bright future:
"After a while, I might be able to justifiably ask my husband to arrange a heroine for a big movie!"

"Hmph, when the time comes, let's see which director can refuse..."


Xiao Ruyu wasn't worried at all. She lied and deceived the public in the TV interview, and there would be any possibility of being exposed.

In her opinion.

A poor student like Ye Xuan, who has no power and power, has no capital to fight against himself.

How she wanted to play Ye Xuan to death, she could play to death!

But Xiao Ruyu, who thought she had everything under control, didn't know that a shocking storm was about to come!


Xiehe Hospital.

Special treatment area.

Those who can live here to recuperate, without exception, are all "old heroes" who have dedicated their lives to the country.

There are veterans who have made many first-class achievements on the battlefield, and there are engineers who have saved countless resources for the country.

There are also scientists like Mr. Yuan, who stay incognito, stay in the base in no man's land, and work silently for half their lives.

At this moment.

Elder Yuan, who was paralyzed by Ye Xuan, is constantly exercising his muscles and bones, so that his body can recover faster and completely!

"Huh? Dad, come over and take a look. This column of tomorrow's superstar seems to be talking about Mr. Ye Xuanye."

Accidentally pressed on XX, and after looking casually for a while, the middle-aged man frowned instantly.

And as the middle-aged man's voice fell.

Yuan Lao began to pay attention to the live interview program of tomorrow's superstar.


After only listening for half a minute.

Yuan Lao directly smashed the remote control in his hand, and immediately said with extreme anger:

"An actor, how dare he bully Mr. Ye!!!!!!"

"Immediately, immediately, give me the phone!"

(Author's words: 360° rolling in ice and snow, asking for a monthly pass, asking for a reward!)

(End of this chapter)

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