Chapter 82 My battle begins!

among them.

There is a photo, which is an oil painting that Wang Wei drew by himself when he was a child.

It's called "Long Wish".

on the screen.

A Chinese pilot, driving a carrier-based aircraft, took off from a domestically produced aircraft carrier!

Soar to the blue sky!

Anyone can see it.

In the era when the great powers were watching.

How much Wang Wei hopes that his motherland can have an aircraft carrier that truly belongs to him!
This is exactly the long-cherished wish of this sea and sky guard!

Now, all this has become a reality!
God knows how many people want to tell Wang Wei this news!
Tell him that we don't have to swallow it like we did back then!
Tell him that our country of Hua already has the strength to look at the world head-on!
And except for flowers and photos.

In front of Wang Wei's tomb, there are also models of various models.

Among them, there is the model of Huaguo's first domestically produced aircraft carrier, the model of the [-]-ton destroyer independently developed by Huaguo, and the model of the "Jiaolong" nuclear submarine.
There is also the world's leading Kyushu Stealth.

Fighters are arrayed and ships are all over the place!
All of these seem to be saying to Wang Wei:

Our hero, in the future, will never let you fight alone again!
of course.

In front of the Yiguan tomb, there are letters one after another sent to Wang Wei by caring people from all over the motherland.

These letters are piled up around the entire tombstone.

What was written in these letters, though no one knows.

However, everyone is willing to believe that there must be a sentence in the letter——

81192, the motherland is strong, we will pick you up!

8 am.

HZ City.

A young man in his prime, wearing a blue.white.color.military.uniform, slowly stepped into the cemetery.

He is Wang Wei's son!

But today, the descendants of this hero just want to come and tell their father in person:
Dad, like you, I am also a man. People. Sea. Army!

ZJ city.

A white-haired old man who looked to be in his 60s and was not well-off, took a green leather train and finally arrived at Wang Wei's cemetery on this day.

Despite the entire 38-hour journey, his seat was only a hard seat, and it was almost impossible to get a good night's sleep.

However, he who had just stepped into the cemetery at this moment did not seem to have any sleepiness.

And his thoughts, at this moment, flew back to 20 years ago.

That year.

Together with 10,000+ people, he supported the fishing boat and searched for Wang Wei's remains in the vast sea.


A full fourteen days passed and nothing was found...

These 20 years.

Every year on this day, the old man would come here in person to say "I'm sorry" to his hero, Wang Wei.

JX City.

A one-armed middle-aged man with a serious temperament and serious temperament in his daily life, took his daughter and set off by car at dawn to Wang Wei's cemetery.

While in the car, his daughter asked curiously:

"Dad, why are you crying?"

In the daughter's mind, his father is the strongest person in the world.

Even if his right arm was cut off by gangsters once during the execution of a mission, he never shed a single tear.

But today, this well-behaved daughter was surprised to find that her father's eyes had been red since the morning.

When he was about to arrive at the cemetery, he couldn't hold back his tears.

"Dad just hasn't seen a comrade-in-arms for too long, and misses him..."

The one-armed middle-aged man stretched out his only left arm, and fondled his daughter's head lovingly.


The tears in the corners of my eyes couldn't stop anymore.

the same time.

In the Nhai of Huaguo, all the ships have lowered their flags to half-mast.

In a burst of sea flute sounds like nine days of mourning.

Everyone on the ship began to mourn in silence.


With the silence ended.

Everyone turned towards the direction where the ball of fire above the sky was, and saluted solemnly!

Not many people know about it.

On this day, Ye Xuan also came to the cemetery of the "Sea and Air Guard" Wang Wei who died 20 years ago.

of course.

By his side, there is a Zhanlong army guarding him all the time.

Make sure that Ye Xuan will not be harmed no matter where he is!

And in order not to cause too much sensation.

Ye Xuan did not come to Wang Wei's tomb in person, but chose to watch silently.

Then ask a member of the Zhanlong Army to send a bouquet of flowers to Wang Wei's tomb for him.

The spring breeze in the morning is slightly cold and icy.

The blow made Ye Xuan's complexion even paler and haggard.

It also caused Ye Xuan to cough heavily continuously, and his body became weaker and weaker.

Looking at Ye Xuan's current physical condition.

Several members of the Zhanlong Army Group present showed absolute worry and...sadness on their expressions.

"Academician Ye Xuan."

An elite member of the Zhanlong Army finally couldn't stand it anymore, and persuaded him very seriously:

"I'm not very good at talking, but you can't fight like this anymore, if you keep fighting like this, sooner or later you will..."

The word "died young", this elite member, was unable to say it after all.

But Ye Xuan shook his head, and replied solemnly: "It's okay, I can hold on!"

Just then.

Ye Xuan received a text message from Dean Zhou Hong.

The content of the message is very simple - the underground project of Daxing Mountain has been fully constructed according to the details of the drawings!

this moment.

A long-lost smile appeared on Ye Xuan's pale face.

follow closely.

In his expression, there was a strong expectation and he said:
"Take me back to Dahang Mountain immediately!"

"My battle begins!"

Every member of the Zhanlong Army can only obey orders.

And when the members of the Battle Dragon Legion pushed Ye Xuan's wheelchair and turned to leave.

Some people who came to worship Wang Wei vaguely recognized Ye Xuan through the silhouette and back:
"Look over there, it seems to be Academician Ye Xuan!"

Swish swish!
In an instant, countless eyes fell on Ye Xuan who was gradually going away.

Many people were in tears on the spot.


They are all too clear about how bad Ye Xuan's body is now.

"Foreign media are reporting that our Academician Ye Xuan's chance of overcoming cancer is less than 0.1%!"

A college student who came with a model of the Canglong fighter looked at Ye Xuan's back and said with great certainty:
"Hehe, they don't even know how powerful our Academician Ye Xuan is!"

"just wait!"

"Those people will one day understand that the abilities of our Huaguo nine-star academicians are beyond their imagination!"

(Author's words: 360° rolling in the ice and snow, begging for a monthly ticket, begging for a reward!)
(End of this chapter)

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