The identity of my nine-star academician was exposed by Internet celebrities

Chapter 87 He's Still Breathing, He Can Be Saved!

Chapter 87 He's Still Breathing, He Can Be Saved!

And this face lasted for a while.

at last.

The No.1 of the Stars and Stripes, couldn't hold back his emotions anymore, and completely exploded!

As if he had gone crazy to the extreme, with spit flying out, he began to growl:
"Didn't you tell me, one by one, that the probability of Ye Xuan's success is less than 0.1%!!!"

"Then what is this now!!!"

"Our country of the Stars and Stripes, this time, the face is almost gone!!!"

The roar was so violent that it instantly spread throughout the White Palace.

As for the Oval Office.

Everyone, including the secretary Moss, wanted to say something:
Mr. President, even if Huaguo has such a super-large particle collider, it doesn't mean that they can really conquer cancer!

However, thinking about the series of encounters they had been slapped in the face by Ye Xuan during this period of time.

They can only choose to collectively silence.


Now, they really cast a serious psychological shadow on Ye Xuan!
in their hearts.

Ye Xuan is almost equivalent to the natural enemy of their entire Star-Spangled Banner country!
Oh no, it should be said that it is the nemesis!

The nemesis who doesn't speak any reason!
Every time the word "Ye Xuan" appeared, it would always be a disaster to greet the Star-Spangled Banner...

That Secretary Moss couldn't help but start muttering in his heart:
"This Ye Xuan, wouldn't be sent by God to torture our Star-Spangled Banner country?"

"Why! Why did such a genius appear?"

"Didn't it mean that God is from our Stars and Stripes?"

Annie show live.

When the hundreds of professors present saw the ultra-high-definition videos played at the press conference of the Huaguo Academy of Sciences.

Without exception, everyone's expressions began to change wildly.

Green for a while, red for a while.

That expression is simply not too exciting!

And the smiles on their faces, who were still talking freely, had already completely frozen.

All that's left is obvious embarrassment and...stiffness!
The degree of stiffness.

Almost like a lump of stone!
Especially the professor who had sworn before that if it was true, he would kneel down and kowtow to call Grandpa when he saw Ye Xuan in the future, he was completely stupid at the moment.

His face was blushing, and he couldn't hold back a word for a long time.

As for the sexy hostess, seeing that the situation was not right, she had to panic and immediately announced that the program would switch to the commercial segment.

And there is no doubt about it.

This episode of the show has been completely unrecorded!
Hundreds of professors on the field, their faces were all swollen by Ye Xuan, how can this continue!

"Is this Ye Xuan really a human from our earth???"

The Annie show producer who was planning to celebrate with champagne tonight, was holding his head at this moment, and his eyes were filled with breakdown.


The scene of the press conference of Huaguo Academy of Sciences.

When a section of video is finished playing.

In such a large venue, I can't tell how many fried pots there are.

All kinds of exclamations are endless:
"Hua Guo, did you really do it? Are they really the same species as us?"

"Oh, my God! The nine-star academician Ye Xuan of Huaguo, isn't he a bit too amazing?"

"Academician Ye Xuan is awesome! Academician Ye Xuan is invincible!"

"I haven't read much, can someone out there explain what these videos represent?"

"Anyway, 'Fuck' is right! Whatever it means!"

"Wow, shit, shit! Huaguo is awesome!"

Under the scene of complete sensation.

Zhou Hong, the dean of the Huaguo Academy of Sciences, raised his hands and then gently pressed them down, signaling for everyone to be quiet and calm.


He said happily:

"Have you finished watching the video? Then I will report to everyone now."

"Actually, when we hold this press conference, we are going to announce two things."

"The first thing is - under the leadership of Academician Ye Xuan, with the joint efforts of our countless construction personnel, the first super-large particle collider in human history was completed at 12:34 yesterday. It was successfully completed and all commissioning work was completed on schedule.”

"According to Academician Ye Xuan's suggestion, we will name this ultra-large particle collider 'Pangu'!"

"It means to open up the world and enter a new era!"

The voice fell.

Countless Chinese people who were watching the live broadcast excitedly began to comment:
"Academician Ye Xuan is awesome! Even a name like that!"

"This name is simply perfect!"

"From today onwards, the highest technology of human beings is our Pangu of China!!!"

"The arrival of Pangu means that the Eastern Dragon has fully awakened! Hahaha... Some people probably have already started to tremble!"


Amid waves of applause on the Internet.

Dean Zhou Hong continued to say:

"The second thing is that our Academician Ye Xuan has solved the real mystery of cancer through the experiment of the super-large particle collider in the video!"

"Relevant research materials will be released successively on the official website of the Academy of Sciences."

"Many people will definitely be wondering why we choose to make it public."

"First, I want to tell those so-called experts and scholars who have frequently smeared us recently that the sum of all your waste materials is not enough for us, Academician Ye Xuan, to fight alone."

"Secondly, Academician Ye Xuan said that if you study those data for ten lifetimes, you will not produce any results."

"So when the time comes, you can just watch it, download it, and study it. We welcome you to waste resources and time."

"Finally, let me say something again."

"Currently, our Academician Ye Xuan is trying his best to conquer cancer based on the results obtained!"

"No matter what you think, I am very willing to believe that Academician Ye Xuan will definitely succeed!"

Wait until Dean Zhou Hong finished speaking.

The whole huge venue completely "exploded".

The hearts of all Chinese media reporters were excited to an unparalleled level.

The viewers in the major live broadcast rooms on the entire network were completely overwhelmed.

The barrage, like an endless wave, swallowed up the sky and the sun, almost drowning everyone's mobile phone or computer screen.

Seeing everyone, the heart is excited to the extreme!

As for Sakura Country, the key observation ward.

Minami Ito, who has been pinned by his colleagues to watch the live broadcast of the press conference.

At this moment, it seemed to be stimulated by the great spirit.

The two eyeballs suddenly protruded, and the pair of eyes were even more rounded, looking as scary as possible.

at the same time.

After his body trembled for a while, the corners of his mouth began to froth frantically.

The ECG monitoring instrument on the side flashed red lights, and the most dangerous alarm sounded...


"Ito-kun, if you persist, maybe that Ye Xuan will fail in a few days!"

"Doctor, come and take a look! Our Ito-kun is still breathing, and he is still alive!"


Several enthusiastic colleagues screamed in the ward.

(Author's words: 360° rolling in ice and snow, asking for a monthly pass, asking for a reward!)

(End of this chapter)

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