Chapter 89 Unprecedented Strict Order

"I, I will definitely... can!"

As the blood streaked out of Ye Xuan's eyes, it became more and more dense.

His entire body and voice began to tremble uncontrollably.

It seems that there is a possibility at any time that it will not be able to support it!
And his originally pale and haggard face, at this moment, directly became bloodless.

Even, his whole body seemed to have been drained of countless "energy" by the brain, and there were layers of strange dry lines.

At this very moment.

Ye Xuan seemed to have entered an extremely special state.

What appeared in his sight was no longer the normal three-dimensional space-time.

Rather, a special space full of wandering particles in all directions, and filled with infinite data!
These particles and data are constantly rotating and changing, making Ye Xuan's current brain domain instantly enter a state of extreme load.

It can be said.

At this moment, all the activated neurons in Ye Xuan's brain were put into the "battle" state under Ye Xuan's desperate consciousness!
in some sense.

Ye Xuan is already crazy!

Regardless of the consumption of the body, he forcibly used his brain power to a state that exceeded the limit by several times!
Just to finally find the way to conquer cancer!
No one can imagine, in such a state, what kind of level Ye Xuan's physical pain has reached.

"Ah ah ah..."

Even though his willpower is outrageously strong.

But he still couldn't help it, and kept groaning in deep pain.

The pain was so intense that the veins all over his body burst out violently.

The pain was so severe that he almost had to crush his teeth to pieces.

at last.

In this state, it lasted for an unknown amount of time.

On Ye Xuan's extremely pale face, a bitter smile finally appeared:
"So...that's what it is!"


Seemingly having found the final solution, he immediately began to write vigorously while maintaining the last trace of strength in his body with his superhuman willpower in an extremely weak condition.

Swish swish!
Swish swish!

I don't know how long it took to write, when Ye Xuan finally completed the blueprint in his hand.

A line of bright red blood oozes uncontrollably from the corner of his mouth.

Then along the skin, little by little, it dripped continuously on the drawing.

And Ye Xuan's consciousness, at the same time, fell into a deep sleep that seemed irreversible at an extremely fast speed.

no doubt.

Under the astonishing consumption just now, Ye Xuan has already overdrawn everything in himself.

He can't take it anymore!


Fortunately, at the moment before Ye Xuan completely fell into a coma.

He touched a button at hand.

Afterwards, he fell from the wheelchair, carrying the bloody blueprint, and fell heavily to the ground...

And that button is the only way to open the door of the master control center!


After shutting down the master control center for 57 hours, it finally opened again!

Yang Rongsheng and the others, who had been guarding the door all the time, felt a sudden jump in their hearts at this moment.


They, who didn't see Ye Xuan's figure for the first time, were all extremely anxious, and even panicked, rushed in at the fastest speed in their lives.

after a few seconds.

When Ye Xuan fell unconscious on the ground, the picture of holding the bloody blueprint tightly in his hand came into their eyes.

Each of their eyes instantly turned red!


"Academician Ye Xuan, you, you must be fine!!!"

"I don't care what method you use, Academician Ye Xuan must not cause any problems at all! Save me at all costs!"


Amid bursts of roars full of crying, a group of accompanying doctors immediately surrounded him and gave Ye Xuan emergency treatment.

And only a few minutes later.

All airlines, airports, and related functional departments in Huaguo received a strict order from the National Defense Department at the same time:

Next, at Yanjing Airport, all flights were cancelled.

All airspace from Dahang Mountain to Yanjing, from Yanjing Airport to Xiehe Hospital is prohibited.

There is only one requirement——

Make sure that Academician Ye Xuan can be sent to Xiehe Hospital for emergency treatment as quickly as possible!

During this period, even if the president of another country comes to visit by plane, he must give way!
Anyone who dares to violate this order.

The Canglong fighter plane will bombard and kill them directly.

Even if it will provoke a war between the two countries, I will not hesitate!


The Huaguo Medical Association also issued an unprecedented special decree:
All medical experts with five stars or above, no matter where they are, must rush to Yanjing Xiehe Hospital for a joint consultation as quickly as possible.

If there is any hesitation or negative treatment, no matter what status you have in the medical field, all honors will be revoked immediately, and your doctor's qualification certificate will be revoked.

Yanjing Xiehe Hospital, even at the first time...

that's it.

With this series of strict orders, which are shocking to the extreme just by looking at them, they appear in people's field of vision.

It was almost as if a shocking earthquake had occurred in the entire country of Hua!
The whole network is also completely fried in an instant!

"Could it be Academician Ye Xuan... something happened?????"

Thinking of this, countless people's hearts became extremely tense.

And with half an hour later.

Nine official media confirmed this.

I don't know how many people in the country are stunned.

Pairs of eyes also became red and moist...


Visible to the naked eye, there are countless posts and videos praying for Ye Xuan on the entire network of Huaguo.

There are quite a few old people, regardless of whether they are useful or not, they flocked to the nearby temples, lit incense and made offerings, and sought the blessings of Buddha and Bodhisattva for Ye Xuan.

As a result, many shopkeepers who make a living selling scented candles are completely confused: what's going on today?It's not an auspicious day either!

Xiehe Hospital.

That building is in a key medical hospital under the strict protection of the entire Zhanlong army + a strengthened brigade.

Several young nurses were gathering together, talking in low voices.

"Xiao Yu, how is the situation with Academician Ye Xuan?"

A short-haired nurse asked with great concern.

The nurse with the ponytail who was asked shook her head, and then said with tears in her eyes:
"The situation seems to be far from ideal."

"I just heard from Sister Yang that the dozens of experts were in the operating room, looking at the various data displayed on the instruments, their hands were shaking, and their foreheads and backs were full of sweat!"

"Also, you didn't see it."

"Now the corridor outside the operating room can't be crowded!"

"Our big one, and...they are all here and have been standing there!"

"A lot of people are crying. I just passed by there, and I almost couldn't hold back..."

(Author's words: 360° rolling in ice and snow, asking for a monthly pass, asking for a reward!)

(End of this chapter)

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