Chapter 93 National Celebration
"Could this be the so-called... mind power?"

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan's heart couldn't help but thump.

no doubt.

He has clearly realized what the second "power" he activated after his brain development reached 35%!

Through a special invisible energy released by the brain, it directly affects the movement laws of objective things!
Super perception, teleportation, unlimited communication (humanoid WIFI)...

Even, it can activate the so-called mind reading technique!
To know.

Brain waves, in essence, are actually a kind of electromagnetic waves.

Although it is very, very "weak".

But as long as Ye Xuan is willing, he can still sense it.

Then rely on your own eyes to complete the instant analysis!

of course.

Ye Xuan also knew very clearly that in his current weak state, it would be extremely difficult to use his "mind power".

For example, if you forcibly use a mind reading technique on a person, he may vomit blood every minute!

"When I recover, I must find a chance to experience the power of thought."

Just when Ye Xuan was looking forward to it in his heart.

The large group of nurses had already started the most detailed physical examination on him.

It was because I was afraid that the winner of the Supreme Medal of the Republic who had just woken up would have any sequelae!
After checking for half an hour in a daze, all kinds of precision instruments were operated without ending.

That is to say, Ye Xuan is too weak to speak, let alone do any movements.


He will definitely say the last sentence: "Sisters, please forgive me..."


The most confidential place.

The old man who personally put on Ye Xuan the Supreme Medal of the Republic just received a call from Xiehe Hospital.

After ending the call.

On his face, there was an extremely rare and obvious look of joy.

A pair of wise eyes are shining brightly!
It seems that some great fortune of the country has come!

In short.

Anyone can see how excited the old man is at this moment!
Such an excitement.

He didn't even witness the launch of the Canglong Fighter with his own eyes back then!

"From now on, I will never let Academician Ye Xuan suffer any more grievances and... danger!"

The old man with a hanging heart finally settled, got up directly the next moment, and was about to leave his office immediately.

"X total XX!"

That Secretary Qin couldn't help being curious immediately: "The visiting representative of Yue State is waiting for you to come and meet him!"

Hear this.

The old man said without turning his head:
"Even if the president of the Yue Kingdom is here to visit, I still want to visit Academician Ye Xuan first!"

To the east of Dahang Mountain, ten miles away.

On a large engineering base that is about to be completed.

Minister Yang Rongsheng and Dean Zhou Hong got the news that Ye Xuan just woke up almost at the same time.

"Dean Zhou, have you seen it?"

Looking at the information and photos from the phone, Yang Rongsheng was so excited that his voice began to tremble:
"Academician Ye Xuan, he's awake!!!!!!"

And this moment.

Dean Zhou Hong, who had read the content of the message several times, almost burst into tears.

Nobody knows.

In the past few days, the dean of the Academy of Sciences has felt so sad and uncomfortable!

Every time I think of a nine-star academician like Ye Xuan, at his prime and prime of life, his body will be devastated to the point of being unbearable, and he will end up in an extremely miserable end.

His heart was so painful that it was almost bleeding!

So now.

When Dean Zhou Hong learned that Ye Xuan miraculously woke up.

He couldn't describe how excited he was in his heart!

It was almost unbearable to cry with joy on the spot!
"Let's go! Now we're going back to Yanjing!"

Clenching his fists tightly, Dean Zhou Hong said with tears in his eyes:

"Then tell Academician Ye Xuan that we are infinitely close to completing the design he paid for with his life!"


The news of Ye Xuan waking up.

Almost like a shocking hurricane, it swept across the entire Hua Kingdom in less than a few minutes.

on TV.

All the channels urgently broadcast this news that surpassed the earthquake level.

On the screen, the hosts were all using the most exciting voices, announcing to the people of the country:

"Our academician Ye Xuan is back!!!!!!"

Almost at the same time, many websites with certain popularity and traffic have changed their official website content to an extremely simple and exciting line:

【Finally waiting for you to wake up, my national soldier】

And at the same time, all the Internet platforms began to push the news of [Ye Xuan's awakening] to all users crazily.

Also set up the most eye-catching homepage topic entrance.

So that everyone can know at a glance that the explosive news that Ye Xuan has awakened!

Broadcasting, newspapers, self-media, major commercial activities...

All of this, without exception.

Everything, because of Ye Xuan's awakening, has temporarily changed countless prepared contents.

The Huaguo stock market rose sharply across the board.

Oh no, it's not a big rise, it's a crazy rise!
Look around.

The market chart that was originally fluctuating up and down has almost completed a straight line up.

Any stocks that are a little bit normal will have a daily limit!

Anyone can imagine it.

The news of Ye Xuan's awakening came out, how exciting it brought to the people of the country!

It's like a shot in the arm!


In a university classroom.

A student who was sitting in the last row, who was quietly brushing Douyin, learned the news of Ye Xuan's awakening through the Yangshi News account.

I couldn't help the excitement in my heart on the spot, slapped the table, jumped up from the seat and shouted:
"Academician Ye Xuan is awake!!!!!!"

Look at his look.

It's a hundred times more exciting than my favorite football star completing the lore!
How can there be any classroom discipline!
And heard this voice.

All the students in the classroom, including the teacher, were dumbfounded.

Even the student himself was dumbfounded.

Because he had already realized that what he did just now would definitely make the teacher on the podium furious and be thrown out of the classroom.

It is also very possible that you don't even need to take the final exam, and you will fail directly.


To the student's great surprise.

After the teacher was stunned for a moment, his reaction was not to be a critic.

Instead, he immediately turned on his phone and read the news.


When the teacher confirmed the news of Ye Xuan's awakening.

He has always been known for his sternness. He was nicknamed "Thunder Tiger" by his students, and he showed an extremely rare knowing smile on his face.


He said happily: "To be honest, your teacher and I are also a fan of Academician Ye Xuan!"

"Since today is a good day for the whole country to celebrate, then this lesson will end here!"

"That classmate just now, your performance is very good. In the final exam, the teacher will give you 10 extra points!"

"You guys, don't you have any objections?"

(Author's words: 360° rolling in ice and snow, asking for a monthly pass, asking for a reward!)

(End of this chapter)

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