The identity of my nine-star academician was exposed by Internet celebrities

Chapter 98 The Supreme Miracle in the History of Human Medicine!

Chapter 98 The Supreme Miracle in the History of Human Medicine!

This time, the scan speed and accuracy of the whole body cancer cell scan far exceeded their cognition limit!
To know.

It was only a few seconds since the old man was sent into the instrument, back and forth.

The resulting image, no matter from which angle you look at it, completely blows up the final analysis results obtained by a group of top medical experts using the world's most advanced tumor detection technology!
This, for them, is simply incredible!
In just a few seconds, all cancer cells in a human body were accurately detected!

Such technology, they dare not imagine in their dreams!

"Hey, what kind of cancer cell detection technology is this? Why haven't I even heard of it before?"

"Our World Intensive Care Research Organization spent 13 years and spent a total of 324 billion US dollars to develop the DNA methylation detection technology, which seems to be incomparable with this!"

"I must be hallucinating! It must be! Or Ye Xuan and Hua Guo are cheating!"

"Yes! Our medical community has long agreed that such advanced cancer detection technology will not appear within 30 years! Therefore, this must be the result of their long-term detection!"

"With my IQ, if you want to lie to me, there is no way!"


From the conversations of these medical experts, it is obvious.

While they were extremely shocked by the scene in front of them, they didn't want to believe that such technology really existed!

no way.

Who made the cancer cell detection technology developed by Ye Xuan too powerful.

That is a technological product far beyond this era!
Of course, this foreigner expert who has never seen the world will find it difficult to understand!

They only think that Ye Xuan is cheating!

All of this is just a show!

It was also when these foreign experts were communicating with each other continuously.

That huge instrument full of technological sense erupted with a light blue light that was several times stronger than before.

The buzzing of its engine is becoming more and more shocking!

It gives people the feeling that the inside of the instrument is experiencing an extremely terrifying energy burst and magnetic field transformation!

Also at the same instant.

On the light curtain, on the old man's [-]D full-body scan, the countless tiny dark red spots began to disappear one after another.

The densely packed dark red spots also began to get smaller and smaller...

Although this reduction is not fast.

It takes very careful observation to feel it.

However, as time went by, everyone present discovered this situation!

"He, his cancer cells and tumors, are disappearing fast?"

"Oh, My god! This is crazy! Crazier than making a sci-fi movie!"

"Ye Xuan can't really do it, can he? Could it be that he alone can surpass the painstaking research of all the medical experts in the world for decades?"


The pupils of those foreign experts immediately widened to roundness, and they felt that what happened in front of them was more exaggerated than a dream.

As for Yang Rongsheng and others, their heartbeats accelerated to the extreme.

It almost jumped out of the chest cavity!

At this moment, even people who don't understand technology can understand it.

The old man's cancer is being cured at an astonishing speed by this instrument!

"Academician Ye Xuan, it's... amazing!"

Yang Rongsheng and the others, who were so excited that they almost forgot to breathe, could not think of any words to describe their nine-star academician.

I just feel that Ye Xuan has surpassed the scope of human beings!

Even if Ye Xuan told them now that he was an alien.

They will all choose to believe without doubt!

after all.

It only took about a month to conquer cancer. They didn't think it was something that a normal earth person could accomplish!



That huge instrument is still operating in an astonishing way.

The roar like the howling of the wind can be heard throughout the base.

From these details, it can be seen completely.

How special and amazing the energy generated inside it is!
And under the dumbfounded eyes of those foreign experts and the scorching eyes of Yang Rongsheng and others.

After about 53 minutes.

On the [-]D full-body scan image on the light curtain, there is not a single spot of light, nor is there a single dark red spot!

The huge instrument also stopped working at the same moment.

Accompanied by a voice, the old man was slowly pushed out of the instrument.

The staff immediately stepped forward and helped the old man up from the extended bed.

"Old squad leader, how do you feel now?"

Minister Yang Rongsheng was the first to rush forward to inquire.

"I feel doesn't hurt at all!"

The old man said excitedly: "It really doesn't hurt at all! The lumps on my body should be gone too!!!!"

Just when the old man feels very good about himself.

Those foreign experts who were almost dumbfounded arranged for the old man immediately to conduct another full body check.

"What! The tumor marker index in the blood has dropped below the normal value?"

"This is impossible! CT shows that all the malignant tumors he had just now have disappeared!"

"The radionuclide scan results show that his whole body's radioactivity level is exactly the same as that of a normal person!"


After checking for a full half an hour, all the foreigner experts present were stunned by all this and froze in place.

As if he had just been struck by lightning, he didn't even move his eyeballs.

no way.

Who let their cognition have been completely subverted by Ye Xuan!

If you don't witness it with your own eyes.

Before that, even if they were killed, they would not believe that Ye Xuan had really conquered cancer!
Moreover, in such an incredible way, it took less than an hour to completely heal!

This is simply a miracle!

"Is this Ye Xuan from Huaguo really... an alien?"

After being dumbfounded for an unknown amount of time, one of the foreigner experts asked in a daze.

The way he looked at Ye Xuan also completely changed!

It gives people the feeling, as if they are looking at a god!
Omnipotent God!
Almost, he was about to kneel down to Ye Xuan directly!

"Based on this technology that completely cures cancer and the existence of Ye Xuan, Hua Guo, I am afraid, will become the world's number one medical power without any suspense in the future!"

"There is one thing that you may not know. Many studies have shown that this Ye Xuan should actually be from our country of Korea!"

"Tell me, I'm going to say something nice to Ye Xuan now, is it possible for him to accept me as a student?"


After such a communication.

The foreigner experts present began to issue announcements to the world through various methods and platforms——

Ye Xuan, really conquered cancer!

The treatment base in Huaguo can really cure cancer quickly!
This is definitely a miracle in the history of human medicine!

Oh no, it was a miracle!

(Author's words: 360° rolling in ice and snow, asking for a monthly pass, asking for a reward!)

(Recommend a friend's excellent masterpiece: "Human Guardian Envoy")
(End of this chapter)

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