Chapter 16 Borrowing Books
As soon as He Yuzhu entered the gate.

Lou Xiaoe: "Hello, comrade, you need a library card to borrow books. Please go in to buy books, and come here after you have selected them."Lou Xiaoe introduced without raising her head
He Yuzhu: "Thank you, comrade."

Lou Xiaoe: "Serve the people".Lou Xiao'e continued to sort out the materials she hadn't finished writing, how much went into the warehouse and how much was sold
And in the afternoon, Sha Zhu invited her to watch a movie.

Therefore, it must be sorted out as soon as possible and handed over to other comrades.

He Yuzhu: "Help me get a library card."He Yuzhu laughed
He really plans to get a library card, even if he is educated, but he doesn't know anything about the current mainstream culture.

Lou Xiao'e looked up and was stunned: "Silly Zhu, I'm very busy now, don't make trouble."

He Yuzhu: "I really need to get a library card, after all, it will be convenient to come here in the future."

You can read books quietly in the bookstore, but there are not many stools.

If you don’t have a seat to read, just sit by the bookshelf and don’t block the aisle.

The books on the bookshelf are all borrowed. If the borrowed books are damaged, they will be compensated at half the price. If the damage is serious, they will be compensated at the original price.

All library cards require a deposit, which costs 3 cents and 5 yuan for a loan.

If you return the card, the deposit will be refunded to you.

The book buying staff will go to the warehouse to give you the new book.

Lou Xiaoe: "I still plan to come every day!" Lou Xiaoe blushed and said

He Yuzhu: "The only thing I have to do is I like to read books."

Lou Xiao'e laughed until she didn't know you, you didn't graduate from elementary school.

I have never come here to borrow a book, and I have never come here to buy a book.
It's really shameless to say that I like reading now.

Lou Xiaoe: "Give me a five-yuan work permit as a deposit."

Now you also need to register your ID card, otherwise the book will be damaged if the name is duplicated, and who will accompany it, such as Wang Gang and Liu Qiang.

The library card had just been issued, and the colleagues who were called by the director to change shifts also arrived.

You Zhengya: "Xiao'e, did you ask for leave today to see your partner again?" You Zhengya asked suddenly.

Lou Xiaoe: "No! I have something to do today, sister You, so you can do it!" Lou Xiaoe walked away from the workbench with a blushing face.

He didn't forget to give He Yuzhu a look.

He Yuzhu also hurried outside, otherwise this idiot would suffer if he was molested by his colleagues.

Walking out of the gate, the two pushed their bicycles side by side.

Lou Xiaoe: "Lead the way, I have never been to the Red Star Cinema."

He Yuzhu: "Okay." He Yuzhu said happily
Now there are many movies such as "Liu Sanjie", "Sanmao" and "[-]th Line", so I won't introduce them one by one.

But watching movies now is not what you want to watch, but what you can watch during this time period.

like going to a state run hotel

What do you want to eat, the service staff will not say anything, and you dare not say anything, otherwise there will be no boiled water.

These places are all iron rice bowls.

There is no mention of expulsion, even if you accidentally offend the local leaders, they will be fine as long as they write a self-criticism and get criticized.

After buying tickets, the two entered the cinema.

A large film cloth, rows of seats, everyone inside smells of smoke, and the smell of stinky feet almost made me spit it out.

There are no public places where smoking is prohibited at this time.There are dark lights and shady lights inside, and no one knows who has slipped their shoes.

Finding a vent, the two sat down to watch a movie.

I just observed Lou Xiao'e and found that she hasn't changed much.

It should be the habit of watching movies with colleagues often.

"The Sun Has Just Rised" is playing now.After looking at it for a while, I feel that the current electricity is not much different from that of later generations, except that the equipment and environment are different.

The movie mainly tells that the problems of electricity consumption such as water pumping, lighting, and noodle grinding in backward mountain villages have all been solved.

When people from the East and West villages heard the news, they came to Liuzhuang with gongs and drums at night, and people excitedly researched well drilling, canal repair, and production together.

Under the leadership of the party, combined with the urgent needs of the peasant masses, the climax of a large-scale rural people's commune has arrived.

A round of red sun rose from the horizon, radiating thousands of rays of light, and the fields were filled with joyful singing.

Lou Xiao'e looked excited when she left the cinema.

The call of the motherland had a huge influence on the people at that time.

So seeing these difficult problems being solved.

Lou Xiao'e is very happy to have lived in a wealthy family since she was a child, and she has no idea what it is like to be in a backward mountainous area.

Lou Xiaoe: "Silly Zhu, we are so happy to grow up under the banner of Huahuajiahong".

"Um".He Yuzhu nodded heavily.

Lou Xiaoe: "Let's go and I'll treat you to dinner."

He Yuzhu: "Let's go to my house and I'll make it for you! After all, I'm a man of great promise."

Lou Xiaoe: "You think beautifully, hum!" Lou Xiaoe blushed and rode away.

He Yuzhu hurriedly rode a bicycle to catch up.

It was found that the direction she was going was the courtyard house where she lived.

He Yuzhu: "Stop in front and go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy something. There is no food at home."He Yuzhu said to Lou Xiaoe
Lou Xiao'e rode towards the courtyard without stopping.

He Yuzhu locked the car and entered the supply and marketing cooperative. He bought two catties of meat and just used the meat tickets rewarded by the system.

Suddenly thought of what it would be like to sign in here.

"System check-in" He Yuzhu said psychologically
"Successful sign-in, reward two Chinese cabbages"

Hearing the voice in his head, He Yuzhu suffered from internal injuries, and now fifty cents is worthless.

Back to the courtyard

Lou Xiaoe's bicycle has been locked at the door and people have already entered.

Go to the door of the third grandpa

At this time, the third uncle was using his dung jar to scoop out the flowers to water the flowers.

The third master saw the meat in He Yuzhu's hand with a quick glance.

The third master: "Let's have a drink tonight! Silly Zhu

The wine you gave the third master that day hasn't been opened yet! "The third master said enviously.
According to the meat ticket issued by their teacher, he can only see so much meat once every six months.

Teachers are not overworked, not as much as workers.

He Yuzhu: "Okay! Third Master, I'll come and call you tonight."

The third master: "That's a deal!" The third master was afraid that He Yuzhu would go back on his word.

He Yuzhu: "But I won't be able to call you until late at night." He Yuzhu has eaten today and has to go to night school

The third master: "The lesbian who just went in is the one who came to you that day, is it your partner! Silly Zhu" asked the third master with a gossip

"Colleague!" He Yuzhu didn't answer too much
Back at the door of the house, Lou Xiaoe was standing at the door with a shy face!
He Yuzhu hurried forward to open the door and invite someone in.

Then go to the kitchen and start cooking.

Steam the buns first. (northern staple food pasta, don't ask why not stuffy rice)

When the meat becomes soft and discolored, a plate of fragrant braised pork is done.

You're done making egg drop soup.

Divide the old lady's share

He Yuzhu walked to the backyard!

When he came back, he saw a child on the table, so He Yuzhu didn't rush in.

He looked over at Jia's house.

I didn't care if I found the lock on the door.

Turn around and enter the room to greet Lou Xiao'e for dinner.

This silly moth is feeding Xiao Dang while eating.

After dinner, the two went out of the yard together.

Only then did I see Mrs. Jia Zhang come back with a stick and a flower on her back.

He Yuzhu: "See you tomorrow!"

Lou Xiaoe: "See you tomorrow!" Lou Xiaoe blushed again and left.

(End of this chapter)

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