Chapter 25 The Sack
Director Ye returned to the factory at noon and came to the back kitchen of the cafeteria.

Director Ye: "Master He, come here."

Seeing that it was Director Ye, He Yuzhu put down his work and walked out Director Ye
The matchmaker will accompany both parties.

Director Ye: "Xiao He! It's done. Bring some gifts tomorrow. Let's go to Lou's house together."

He Yuzhu: "That's more, please trouble Director Ye." He Yuzhu said embarrassedly.

Psychology has actually blossomed.

Director Ye: "It's your own comrades who help each other, this is also your fate"

I was thinking in my heart, you kid can do it!It's all up to you.

Director Ye: "Work hard and take a leave of absence for Director Zhang before leaving work." Director Ye returned to the office after speaking.

It's not good to ask for leave!It was just criticized two days ago.well!In order to marry a wife for myself, I have to go even if it is difficult.

Ma Hua: "Master, seeing you are so happy, is there anything good?"

He Yuzhu: "You are a gossip kid, don't inquire about anything, and finish the work quickly."

Ma Hua didn't take it seriously, thinking that the master was praising himself again.

Ma Hua: "Master Liu Lan said that she will bring her cousin to me in a few days." Ma Hua said happily
You kid is really, you can't hide a word from your heart!He Yuzhu shook his head and didn't answer the question.

Otherwise, this kid will have to brag with himself for a day, if he doesn't answer, then he will find someone else to brag about after a few words.

Ma Hua: "Sister Liu Lan is so kind. She said that her cousin is going to be eighteen this year and wants to marry in the city. It happened just in time for me to ask. What a coincidence."
He Yuzhucai is still talking to himself after arguing.

He Yuzhu didn't participate in the rest of the cooking, so he hurried to find Director Zhang.

Director Zhang was walking out with a food box.

Director Zhang: "Xiao He, what's the matter?" Director Zhang also smoked cigarettes and drank wine, and called Xiao He when we met

He Yuzhu: "Director Zhang, I'm going to get engaged tomorrow, and I want to ask you for a day off"

Director Zhang: "This is a good thing. Only by solving lifelong events can we work with more peace of mind." Director Zhang said with a smile when he heard He Yuzhu's words

He Yuzhu: "Thank you Director Zhang, you can have a few drinks when the time comes"

After the two greeted each other for a while,

He Yuzhu walked to the host of the night school, took a few days off with the teacher, and went to the storage room to buy a few big bags.

Walked slowly all the way home.

As soon as He Yushui got home, he saw several sacks in He Yuzhu's hands.

He Yushui: "Brother, what are you doing with this sack?"There is nothing to install at home, He Yushui is puzzled
He Yuzhu: "Isn't it because there are so few cloth tickets, I'll bring them back to make clothes for you, in case you are cold?" He Yuzhu joked

Gunny sacks are a good thing, if you don’t give them money, they won’t give them to you.

Can make clothes and hold things

He Yushui: "Really, then I'll take it to my aunt to help me change it."

There are a lot of people changing clothes with sacks now.

He Yuzhu: "Just kidding, I prepared it for you a long time ago. Here is a six-foot cotton ticket, and I still have ten yuan. I tore the cloth. I am buying some cotton to make a jacket to wear. The remaining cloth, I also make a pair of clothes." cotton shoes"

He Yushui: "Brother, you are so kind, thank you brother." He Yuzhu happily took the cloth ticket and money
At this time, Qin Huairu said by the pool, "Silly Zhu, can you share your sack with two for sister-in-law?"

He Yuzhu: "Unfortunately, sister-in-law, just enough, next time"

Qin Huairu also wanted to share one of them and change clothes for Xiaodang, but upon hearing this, she knew it was useless

Jiazhang's eyes are green, this silly Zhu is not a thing, this cotton ticket is given to a loser, what kind of clothes, why not give it to her family?Muttering something in a low voice.

He Yuzhu took the stairs and went up to the roof to collect his tortillas, only to find that a few were missing.

After coming down, he didn't make a sound.Except for Jia Zhang, who can do this kind of thing, no one else can do it.

Fry the cake with oil and give it to He Yushui

He Yushui: "Brother, this is too delicious, just like the crispy pancakes bought by the supply and marketing cooperative." He Yushui said happily
He Yushui: "Brother, I'll take this to the old lady to taste." He Yushui said and walked the two fried pancakes to the backyard

He Yuzhu: "The old lady can't eat it. You can take this unfried one, soak it in boiling water, and give it to her old man to eat."

Don't add to the confusion, there are not many teeth left, and if you make you so frantic, they will all be gone
After He Yushui left with two cakes,
He Yuzhu looked deeply at Qin Huairu's house, since you still want to steal it, I will let you eat your fill after tomorrow.

We can collect the food tonight and put it in bags
Take out the food tomorrow and hide it near the black market.

Signing in these days is too boring, and the best reward is a roast duck.well!This is probably not a fake system.

At dawn, He Yuzhu was ready to go out.

All the way to the vicinity of the black market, I checked around and found a small forest that was the most suitable.Take out six bags of grain, five bags of two hundred catties, and one bag of one hundred catties.After covering with hay.

He Yuzhu went to the black market
He Yuzhu found a problem, no matter how early or late he came, he could always see Pineapple.

This should be a coincidence, otherwise this guy spends at least 14 hours a day on the black market.

Along the way, Pineapple whispered: "The things are ready, you can ask someone to come and take them away"

Pineapple didn't speak, got up and walked deep into the alley.

After a while, there were two more people beside him, and they came out with him.

When he arrived in front of He Yuzhu, he said, "Just take him with you. You can give them my share, and they will give it to me."

Then Pineapple continued to squat on the ground and bought his ticket.

He Yuzhu walked forward, and the two followed not far behind.

All the way to the place where the food is hidden in the grove.

The two of them deliberately turned around a few times before walking in.

One of the older students opened every bag, checked it several times, and then nodded to the other: "It's the best stick rice."

The young man took out the money, counted out 99 and handed it to He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu handed him another nine yuan and said, "This one is for Pineapple. You have to return the bag to me. I will go to Pineapple and get my bag in the future."

The two nodded without saying a word

He Yuzhu walked out of the grove first, and had to go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy some gifts.

Ten days, ninety, and one month are all two hundred and seventy, which is enough.The salary is higher than that of Director Yang.

I bought some non-staple food at the supply and marketing cooperative, and I don't have tickets for other things now.

I don't have so many votes at my level, I don't want to attract too much attention

When you come to the gate of the factory, wait for Director Ye to arrive and go to Lou's house

When the uncle came to the gate of the factory, he saw He Yuzhu and said, "Silly Zhu, if you don't go to work, who are you waiting for here?"

He Yuzhu: "Master, I'm waiting for Director Ye to find him something."

Uncle: "Then I will go in first"

After all the people had entered the factory, Director Ye came late

Director Ye: "Xiao He! I was delayed at home for a while, you have been waiting for a long time." Director Ye said a little embarrassedly
He Yuzhu: "It didn't take long without me"

Director Ye: "Don't delay, let's set off now!"

Director Ye went in and drove the official car out. After He Yuzhu got into the car, the two rushed to Lou's house all the way.
(End of this chapter)

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