Chapter 299
Xiao Yao shook his head and said, "I'm going to invite you to be a manager, and the salary is [-]% of the shares. I know you have experience and ability in this field."

"Han Chunming agrees to this matter?" Xiaoguan knew that the two of them opened the restaurant together, and she also recruited herself to join the restaurant at the beginning, but she was unwilling to take risks.

"He must agree to this matter, besides, I have the final say over there now." Xiao Yao said bluntly
"I'll think about it, and I'll give you an answer tonight." Xiao Guan said

"This is my phone number, please remember it." Xiao Yao said

After Xiao Guan wrote down the phone number, Xiao Yao drove with Su Man to Xingyu Washington to see how Han Chunming looked.

Driving into the villa area, the scenery here is good, the greenery along the way is very distinctive, there is an artificial lake not far away, some old people are already fishing there, and children are playing on the activity square.

All the way to the last row of villas, there are only two villas, separated by a football field.

Xiao Yao took out the key and opened the door, Suman followed Xiao Yao into the gate of the villa, and there was a large courtyard in front of his eyes, all in retro style.

However, the construction of the villa is in a western style. After visiting the courtyard along the way, there is a swimming pool and a children's area next to it. Han Chunming has considered all aspects.

Walking into the villa, which was decorated according to the western royal retro style, Xiao Yao went to the next floor, and Han Chunming said he was pleasantly surprised.

Sure enough, as Xiao Yao expected, they were all antiques. All the antiques were placed in the wooden lattice, and next to it was the wine cabinet, where there were many old wines from the middle ages, most of which were Fenjiu and Moutai mixed with these red wines.

Xiao Yao and Su Man sat down in the living room

"How about living here in the future, I feel that this place is quieter than the Chinese-speaking community, and the artificial lake just meets Dad's hobbies."

Xiao Yao said
Su's father likes fishing more, but now he has no time to take care of the children. The air and the square here are more convenient, which is very suitable for a family to support the elderly.

"It's just that Lin Yu's kindergarten is far away here, so it might not be good."

Suman says
"Don't parents know how to drive? If we buy a commercial vehicle, the problem will be solved."

Xiao Yao said
"Too many houses is also a burden."

Suman said in distress

"It's fine to rent it out, anyway, you can still collect rent."

Xiao Yao said
Suman could only nod his head.

In the afternoon, Suman took the children to the villa. Let the children choose their own children's room first. Xiao Zhiyuan entered the villa and walked around a few times before nodding to express his satisfaction. There is a study room, a practice area, and a children's area. You can buy more Some favorite flowers and plants.

In the early morning of the next day, Han Chunming and Xiao Yaoguan Xiaoguan appeared in Jinghua Imperial Banquet Palace at the same time, and all the management personnel were in the hall ready for work.

Han Chunming and Xiao Yao appeared.

"Hello Dong Xiaodong." Everyone said in unison

"Let me introduce you. This is the new general manager Guan Xiaoguan. From now on, everything here will be managed by Guan Manager." Han Chunming introduced

After completing the work arrangements here, Xiao Yao got up and went to the University of Science and Technology, and led all the way to the principal's office under the leadership of the security guard.

"Hello Comrade Xiao Yao, I heard that you are coming to report. I have been waiting in the office every day for the past few days." Principal Wang said while looking at the job introduction letter that Xiao Yao took out,

The personnel relationship has already been transferred to the University of Science and Technology.

"Hello, Principal Wang, please take care of me in the future."

Xiao Yao smiled and stretched out his hand
"Comrade Xiao Yao, you will be responsible for the unreasonable lectures of the new class, and the school will start in a few days. If you need my help, just ask."

Principal Wang said with a smile

Xiao Yao knew it was a polite remark, so he didn't care
"After that, if there is anything I don't understand, I hope Principal Wang can correct me."

After the greetings, Xiao Yao, under the leadership of the principal's assistant, went to the Human Resources Department to go through the entry procedures and issue a work permit. The license plate is recorded in the Human Resources Department's system.

University teacher titles are the titles of teachers in universities, which are divided into four levels: assistant, lecturer, associate professor, and professor.

The main task of teaching assistants is to assist in teaching.

A lecturer is a university teacher who can independently offer one or more courses.

In principle, an associate professor not only has the ability to conduct courses, has a full understanding of the overall situation of the subject, presides over research projects by himself, but also can continuously open new courses in the form of academic seminars based on the latest research.

Professors are the main body in the university, and the leading work in the university is undertaken by professors.

Xiao Yao is in charge of teaching physics research, which is a professor-level qualification, and occasionally there are physics classes that Xiao Yao needs to teach.

Xiao Yao walked to class for the first time in a few days, looking at these young people who had just entered university.

The young student also looked at the young professor curiously.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Xiao Yao. I will be your professor of physics in the future. I will take you through some simple physics experiments, and at the same time, I will explain some physics problems to you from time to time."

Xiao Yao introduced himself. Just when he was about to start the lecture, a girl stood up and said, "Teacher, can we study physics so that we can find a job?"

Xiao Yao stopped what he was doing and turned his head to look at the other students in the classroom. This is a question that everyone is more concerned about. Now that the university does not include work assignments and the physics department is widely distributed, it is really normal to have doubts.

"It depends on the courses you choose to major in in the future." Xiao Yao said

"Then teacher, can you explain it to me in detail?" said the girl who just asked the question
"Physics is divided into high-energy physics, medium-energy physics, and small-energy physics. High-energy physics includes too many things, such as the Big Bang, which was the time when the energy density of the entire universe was the highest, so cosmology also belongs to high-energy physics.
Of course, the smaller the research scale, the higher the energy, because the uncertainty principle tells you that the smaller the scale, the smaller the uncertainty of the position, and the greater the uncertainty of the speed, which leads to an extremely high average value of energy.
So particle physics and string theory also belong to this category. It is more difficult to find a job in the research direction of these things, because it is more difficult to produce large results in this direction, because physics experiments at this energy level are too laborious and costly. estimate,

All of these require the support of super huge experimental projects and super laboratories. Of course, if you like this, you can choose this subject in the end. It doesn’t matter if you can’t find the job you want in the end. Mathematics knowledge can also be a good mathematician.

Physics with low energy is a relatively promising subject at present. What is low energy means that the temperature is close to absolute zero. In this case, the thermal interference of the physical system is less, and the effect of quantum mechanics will become very obvious.

For example, Bose-Einstein condensate is an obvious low-temperature system. The most important thing in this field is condensed matter. For example, the theory of superconductivity also belongs to this category.
Although low-temperature physics experiments are not easy to do, the cost in terms of investment is much lower than that of high-energy physics. Chip semiconductors are developed based on this direction. After learning this major, I think it is better than high-energy physics. It is easier to find a job in physics. For example, many companies are now hiring technology research and development, and you can also stay in school as a teacher.
Finally, let’s talk about medium-energy physics, that is, those with neither high nor low energy are called medium-energy physics, such as nuclear physics, plasma physics, and optics, which are more specific. For example, the principled things in nuclear physics are not. Too many, nuclear fusion, controllable nuclear fusion, cold nuclear fusion, the basic work is knowledge in this area, and it is easier to find a job. "

Xiao Yao answered the doubts in their hearts. As long as they learn each subject well, they can find the job they want, and it depends on how they choose.

(End of this chapter)

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