Chapter 30 Drama Performance
He Yuzhu: "Then have you ever thought about going to university?" He Yuzhu asked
He Yushui was stunned, she didn't seem to have thought about it.

I just want to graduate early to help He Yuzhu reduce some of the burden.

He Yushui: "No, I call the teacher, help contact the factory." He Yushui replied honestly

He Yuzhu: "Don't worry! I still have some money for you to go to college. Think about it! Your salary after graduation next year will be more than 20 yuan. A few days ago! I heard from Director Yang that the salary of college students has increased now. Quite a few, and once a person enters the factory, it costs 51 yuan.”

He Yuzhu slowly guided He Yushui, education is very important.

He Yuzhu: "Brother is still counting on you, as a college student worker, when your salary is high, it will be convenient for my brother to borrow money from you, isn't it?" He Yuzhu continued to seduce
He Yushui was lost in thought, this is true.After my salary is high, I can afford to take care of my brother.

He Yuzhu: "Then I will try my best to continue studying. If you fail the exam, you can't blame me."

After talking with He Yushui, he sent her back to her room to sleep.

If you don’t go to university now, you won’t have the chance to study in the future.

There are fewer college students now, and every one of them is a treasure in the factory.

early morning
He Yuzhu opened the door to wash up, when a gust of cool wind blew in and shivered.

When I go to the cafeteria today, I have to clean up Mahua, my new clothes.

To the cafeteria back kitchen.

He Yuzhu walked to his place and started a new job.

Master Liu: "Master He, the factory manager came to you yesterday, what's the matter?" Master Liu asked while chopping vegetables.

He Yuzhu: "Oh! It's okay, just invite me to his house to help cook a meal and entertain relatives and friends"

He Yuzhu: "This kid Mahua doesn't know how to run away. Why haven't you come to work yet?" He Yuzhu asked Master Liu
Master Liu: "That kid asked Director Zhang for leave yesterday, and went to the countryside with Liu Lan to give gifts!"

He Yuzhu thought to himself, counting your kid running fast.Otherwise hum!snort!

"However, the kid from Mahua asked for leave yesterday, but he was criticized by Director Zhang." At this time, the kneading master next to him said immediately.

He Yuzhu thought to himself, can't it!This MCA has been working for more than a year and has never asked for leave. How can I be criticized once?
Master Liu snorted, laughed and said, "I don't want to laugh if you don't talk about it, it makes me amused."

This made He Yuzhu unable to fix it, what happened.

At this time, Master Liu and Master Zhao began to imitate the conversation between Director Zhang and Ma Hua.

MCA: "Director Zhang, I would like to ask for a day off tomorrow"

Director Zhang didn't pay much attention, just about to agree, and then looked at Ma Hua carefully.

Director Zhang: "You can do it! Tell me! What kind of behavior are you doing?"

MCA: "I'm here to ask you for a day off"

Director Zhang: "You're still stubborn, I've seen it with my own eyes, and you still dare to talk about it"

MCA: "What are you talking about! I'm just asking you for a day off"

Director Zhang: "You're really good at it! You can hold a meeting tomorrow, and you can conduct a review in front of the whole factory."

Ma Hua: "Don't! Didn't I just secretly eat a steamed bun a few days ago? Can't I pay it right away?" Ma Hua burst into tears

Director Zhang: "Did I say steamed buns? I'm talking about this clothes, you kid can play tricks in front of me, wait for you, I'll call the security department right away, you can tell them!"

At this time, the colleagues became anxious. This is no joke, and they have to find the security department.Hastily chattered and helped Ma Hua explain.

In the end Director Zhang believed that He Yuzhu agreed to lend the clothes to Ma Hua.

Director Zhang: "Don't steal steamed buns from now on, I really don't know about you, what should I say about you?" Director Zhang, after all, He Yuzhu just gave him cigarettes, and it's too embarrassing to make someone else's apprentice for a steamed bun .

He Yuzhu watched the performance of more than 20 workers like a drama.I was too busy thinking about you guys. I have rehearsed several times, and the performance is vivid.

He Yuzhu was speechless..

Director Yang suddenly walked in

Factory Director Yang: "This year's performance in the factory will be up to you to perform on stage." Factory Director Yang laughed and said

Suddenly a group of people scattered like birds and beasts.

Being lazy at work was caught by the factory manager.Immediately began to get busy, no one dared to take a big breath
Factory Manager Yang walked up to He Yuzhu, patted He Yuzhu on the shoulder, and walked out of the kitchen with He Yuzhu.

Factory Manager Yang: "I'm sorry yesterday, I forgot you when I left. You can't be angry with me"

The factory manager came to apologize in person, does He Yuzhu dare to be angry, is he ashamed to be angry?Didn't they do it on purpose

He Yuzhu: "No, I have to thank the factory director for forgetting me and enjoying the treatment of a senior cadre." He Yuzhu joked

After saying a few unnutritious words, Director Yang left.He Yuzhu hurried back to work.

Master Liu: "Master He, isn't the factory manager angry?" Master Liu asked
He Yuzhu: "Praise you!" He Yuzhu joked

The back kitchen basically knew He Yuzhu, what did he mean by complimenting you, so hurry up.Isn't MCA being praised by He Yuzhu every day?
at noon

A worker: "Have you heard? Qin Huairu was injured and sent to the hospital. It may be an operation error."

Another: "Ah! Seriously?"

Worker B: "It's not too serious, but it's possible that I won't be able to come to work for a few days"

Worker A: "Then her family, which is not well-to-do, will make things worse?"

Worker B: "This comrade also has a bad life, and his husband just died, and this... alas"

He Yuzhu listened to a few words casually, but was not very interested.

He Yuzhu continued to cook.

Back to the compound after get off work at night
The third master: "Silly Zhu, the first master notified the general meeting of the whole courtyard. You put your things, come quickly." The third master said when He Yuzhu had just entered the gate of the courtyard.
Each family took their benches and came to the open space of the middle courtyard.

At this time, I saw Qin Huairu's feet with a plaster cast, and his family sitting next to the three uncles.

Grandpa: "There is only one purpose for today's meeting. Qin Huairu's family was already in difficulty, and this happened again. I learned about the situation from the workshop director. Some of the faults in operating the machine were due to my own reasons. The factory is only willing to compensate for the medicine. Fees, other factories don’t care, and they will go to work after the injury. So let everyone know, donate a little money for those who are able, and donate some food for those who don’t have money, so that her family can tide over this difficulty.” The old man announced that

The second uncle: "One side is in trouble and all parties support. If you help others today, they will remember you in the future!" The second uncle hurriedly showed his presence.

Who helped Qin Huairu think of He Yuzhu's speechless idea? The method is a bit high!
And who wouldn't say such high-sounding words?
The third master: "Come to me for donating money and food. I will register and write these down, and let these children know everyone's kindness when they grow up." The third master held a pen and put it on the table. ready

For a while, the courtyard fell silent.I don't even know how to donate!It's better not to donate.

(End of this chapter)

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