Chapter 4 The Lou Family
In the early morning, He Yuzhu entered the space as usual, and was delighted to see the waist-high corn stalks in green

Wandering to the door of the pigsty I built, watching the little piglets eating the impromptu cooked pig food last night

He Yuzhu: "Eat, eat more, fat ones look good and taste good"

After putting the fish in the pond, exit the space

"System Sign-In" He Yuzhu
"Successful sign-in, cooking skills improved by [-]%"

Going out to wash up with a basin, I met Qin Huairu.

He Yuzhu: "Morning, sister-in-law"

Qin Huairu: "Morning! Silly Zhu"

Get on your bike and come to the factory.

The workers gradually entered the factory and went to their respective workstations
Start a day of intense and fulfilling labor.

He Yuzhu walked into the cafeteria, preparing noodles and steaming buns.

After being annoyed by the heartless Lou Xiaoe last night for more than half an hour

After asking He Yuzhu to live in the courtyard attached to the rolling mill
I called Director Yang to inquire, and found out that He Yuzhu was working in the cafeteria.

Ask him to help make an appointment with He Yuzhu, and go to his house to help cook a meal.

Director Ye: "Master He, Master He"

At this time, Director Ye of the office walked into the cafeteria all the way: "After get off work today, you and Xu Damao will go to Director Lou's house, and you will cook for Director Lou's house, and Xu Damao will show a movie and perform well."


Everyone in the cafeteria cast envious glances at He Yuzhu.

"Has Master He's craftsmanship been passed down to the level of the factory manager? In the future, if he is asked to help handle the spoon, will he have to add [-] cents!" Everyone thought in their hearts.

In the past, Master He charged one yuan for helping out with weddings and funerals, but now it will be one yuan and five dollars.

He Yuzhu works in a steel rolling mill, and it only costs 23.5 yuan a month, which is pretty good if someone asks him to give him a piece.

And I heard that Director Nalou's house is said to be as magnificent as a crystal palace.

No matter how many people want to go, there is no chance to open their eyes.

This is the dispute of the ten-year movement that started after the large gap between the rich and the poor led to the dissatisfaction of the workers and peasants, but now the signs are small.

Now that He Yuzhu has the opportunity to feast his eyes, everyone is counting on him to share their knowledge when he comes back.

Director Ye: "After get off work, do you have any kitchen utensils and ingredients to bring?"

Director Ye said slowly: "Prepare two or three hours in advance, don't lose things and forget things at that time, which will have a bad influence."

He Yuzhu: "There is no need to bring anything there"

He Yuzhu: "I'll just go there"

Ma Hua: "Master, you are really good, you have gained a good reputation"

Maya sincerely admires

He heard from his father that the top chef can cook a good meal without picking ingredients or kitchen utensils.

This is also when Ma Hua came in to work as a temporary worker, and when he heard that He Yuzhu wanted to take in his disciples, he bowed down.

Once a chef has a reputation, he will not be hungry.Of course we are talking about a good chef.

Director Ye patted He Yuzhu on the shoulder, and motioned to go out of the cafeteria with him to order something.

Director Ye: "For today's meal, Master He, you have to show your housekeeping skills. Although Director Lou has begun to ignore the specific affairs of the factory, he can still talk to the top, and with our factory manager, he has been talking to him all the time. Maintain a good relationship."

He Yuzhu: "Don't worry, I will take out this meal, I am full of energy." He Yuzhu thought in his heart, serving his future daughter-in-law, how can he behave well.

Director Ye: "With your words, of course it would be the best."

After hearing this, Director Ye had a good time and approved of He Yuzhu's attitude.

I just don’t know if you can still be so enthusiastic when you see the Lou family when the sports come.

Florists have a lot of traditions, that is, to solve problems at the dinner table. Having a table of delicious meals and fine wine can play a big role in solving problems.

With this good craftsmanship, I am not afraid of my old mother-in-law, and I will not be too difficult when the time comes.

After all, if he can let his daughter marry Xu Damao, it will also give him a chance, because it is very simple. He Yuzhu has three generations of farm laborers, and he has skills, stable income, and can't starve his daughter.

After the wind direction is good, all their property will be given to their daughter, and they are not afraid that their daughter will suffer in the future, except for special periods of course.

Back in the cafeteria, everyone respected He Yuzhu, all of them looked surprised and envious, because cooking with rich people would definitely eat meat, and there would be a lot of rewards, at least two yuan, everyone thought.

I heard that Director Lou has a good relationship with Director Yang. If Director Lou asked Master He to come to cook every day in the future, and recommend Master He, wouldn't the salary be increased.

However, Master He, it is said that the salary has been raised to 34.5 now, and if it is raised again, it will not be 45.5.

No, I have to introduce my relatives who are not married to Master He when I go home. There is no disadvantage for a relative with a high salary.

Master He's luck is too enviable.

He Yuzhu was well aware of these principles, and it was [-]% recommended by Lou Xiao'e to be able to cook at Director Lou's house today, so he was not overwhelmed by flattery, but took it calmly.

Director Sun of the Propaganda Department also notified Xu Damao.

After all, when Father Lou celebrates his birthday, many relatives and friends will come to celebrate his birthday and help him celebrate.

Showing movies is definitely indispensable, and Xu Damao of the rolling mill is good at showing. I heard that he learned it from his father.Nowadays, whoever has a skill does not keep a hand, unless he has a son, he has no door, and the son-in-law has to step aside.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, He Yuzhu started to go out. After all, the driver of Lou's family had already arrived.

Just when the two were about to walk out of the factory, Xu Damao trotted behind with the projector on his shoulders.

Xu Damao: "Comrade, please wait for me a moment."

I thought to myself, where does the uncle show the movie? It's not that others help me carry the projector tools, and I have two empty hands.

Fortunately, I met the second master now, but I didn't plan to wait for myself.

He licked his face and said to the driver: "The section chief has spoken today, and asked me to follow Comrade and go to Director Lou's house to show a movie. Please, Comrade, please take me with you."

Xu Damao didn't say what was in his heart. First, this

He wanted to take this opportunity to perform well in front of the factory leaders.

The second is to show off in front of Lou Xiaoe.

After all, his job as a projectionist is also decent, and there is a lot of oil and water, plus his clever mouth.Lou Xiao'e must be taken down.

He Yuzhu knew Xu Damao's careful thinking, if there were no buddies to interfere in the past, you would definitely be able to succeed, but now!

Waste of time, I heard about the publicity department medical examination a few days ago.In this large factory with thousands of people, you have a physical examination by the publicity department, and He Yuzhu already knows what's going on in his heart.

The driver opened the trunk and got into the car, and He Yuzhu also got into the car.

No plan to help Xu Damao.

Drivers are very popular these days and are hired everywhere.

It is impossible to curry favor with Xu Damao.

As for He Yuzhu, the florist in the 21st century, this kind of antique movie is not good, even if you want to watch it, you can go to the Red Star Cinema to buy tickets, and you are still a rival, you will not kill your grandson.

Seeing that there was no one to help, Xu Damao put his things away silently, and got into the car silently, without saying a word all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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