Chapter 41
He Yuzhu left work happily and walked slowly towards the black market.The food is ready to sell, happy and flattered.

After paying a dime, He Yuzhu walked into the black market, and saw a familiar figure in a corner, selling several kinds of pastries, knowing that Liu Lan didn't chat with her, to see if there was anything she needed, and was looking for pineapples Shot food.

As soon as He Yuzhu came in, Liu Lan saw it. The familiar hood was so unique.But they pretend not to know each other.

He Yuzhu saw a gray-haired old man squatting on the ground with a turban covering his face, and there were some things that looked like small saplings on the ground.

I walked closer and checked it carefully, but I didn't know what it was.

He Yuzhu: "Old man, what are you selling?"

Old man: "Ginseng, Panax notoginseng, Polygonum multiflorum"

He Yuzhu looked at it carefully for a while, and this touched the blind spot of knowledge, and he didn't know it at all.

He Yuzhu: "How much?"

The old man got it from hunting in the mountains, and he knew that the seedlings were not worth much, so he came to try them.I didn't know it had been several hours, and all the prey I hunted were sold out, but no one even asked about these seedlings.

Old man: "You give me [-] cents for these together"

When He Yuzhu heard this thing was probably not fake!Forget it, buy it and try it out, just think of raising some plants to play in the space.

I gave [-] cents, packed up my things and put them in my arms.

I found pineapples along the way, bought two more cigarette tickets from him, and told him that the food was ready.

It was those two men who came out and followed He Yuzhu all the way to the food storage place, but He Yuzhu changed places.

The two of them were the same as usual, they first checked around and walked in slowly.

After checking it carefully, he handed the money to He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu hummed all the way back to the cafeteria.

Director Zhang is waiting for him

Director Zhang: "Xiao He, I have to trouble you to cook a few dishes at my place tonight. I have greeted you at the night school."

He Yuzhu nodded, "Okay! I'm going to work first."

Director Zhang: "You are busy first, what's the matter in the cafeteria, come to the office to find me"

He Yuzhu went to Director Zhang's house when he got off work. Today, Director Zhang specially asked him to go there.

After knocking on the door, Director Zhang's daughter-in-law Peng Mei opened the door.

Peng Mei: "Xiao He, come in and sit down. Lao Zhang told me today, but I'm going to trouble you."

He Yuzhu: "Sister-in-law, don't bother, then I'll go directly to the kitchen, I have everything."

Peng Mei: "I've bought everything, then I'll take you there"

He Yuzhu walked into the living room and saw that it's the rhythm of something big!
Although the living room is not big, it is full of people.

Logistics director Zhai Junhui, production director Qin Aidang, deputy factory director, office director Ye Qiu, deputy chief of the security department You Zhengya, canteen director Zhang Huaqiang, deputy director of the Women's Federation Wu Qun, political department director Yu Huaqun part-time deputy factory director, party branch Deputy Secretary Qiao Weimin Deputy Factory Director.

Except for a deputy factory director Li, factory director Yang, and the leaders of the third branch factory, they are basically all here.

Everyone was chatting about something smoky there.

He Yuzhu came to the kitchen and just cooked

Director Zhang's kitchen is much smaller than Lou's, but the sparrow is small and well-equipped.

Peng Mei took out the bought vegetables and picked them aside, chatting with He Yuzhu.

Peng Mei: "Xiao He, I heard from Lao Zhang that you are not married yet, it is not okay. Our women's federation has some good-natured lesbians. Tomorrow you come to the street to find me at the women's federation. I will introduce some to you. Hurry up." "

He Yuzhu: "Sister-in-law, I have a date. I will get married at the end of this year. I will invite you over to have fun." He Yuzhu said with a smile, and kept chopping vegetables in his hands.

Peng Mei: "That's true. Lao Zhang and I think there are several children in your grade."

The two chatted casually.

After the dishes were fried, Peng Mei helped to take them out.

Director Zhang: "You tell Xiao He to ask him to cook a dish and take it home to eat, and we won't keep him for dinner today."

Peng Mei knew that since her husband had called so many housekeepers to the house, there must be something to discuss, and He Yuzhu was not good at this table.

Peng Mei came to the kitchen and brought a bottle of loose wine to He Yuzhu, and said, "Xiao He is too much trouble for you today, the hospitality is not good, you cook a dish and take it back, don't be disgusted"

He Yuzhu nodded: "Then I would like to thank my sister-in-law and Director Zhang as well."

It's really a pig to drill into such a thing by yourself.Today's incident seems to be a struggle for power by the leaders of the factory, but there is too much involvement behind it, and it is not something that my little shrimp can handle.It's not just that Deputy Factory Manager Li has a backstage.

Director Zhang: "You all know Xiao He's craftsmanship, so I won't say more. Everyone is using their chopsticks. Xiao He, you have a drink and go."

He Yuzhu: "The leaders eat and drink well, I respect all the leaders"

After drinking a glass of wine, Peng Mei sent He Yuzhu to the gate and did not return home.

Director Zhang raised his glass and said: "Today, everyone has also seen Li Zhengqing coming aggressively. Everyone knows what he wants to do. How they want to fight is their business, but it cannot affect us all. I suggest that we advance and retreat together. Although I don’t interfere in his affairs, I still have to protect my one-acre three-point land.”

The lowest rank here is Deputy Section Chief You Zhengya. He was invited to dinner by Director Zhang with a dazed face today, but he was a little confused by what Director Zhang said. Li Zhengqing is his boss, and he has no way to challenge him. He couldn't understand Director Zhang's idea at all.

The others nodded and signaled Director Zhang to continue. Although there were three departments that were not slapped in the face today, Deputy Director Li's actions were too unkind.

Director Zhang put down his glass: "Section Chief Liu, you are going to be transferred to the main factory as the chief of the security department. We can propose Comrade You Zhengya to take over the vacant section chief. As long as he makes a wrong decision, all of us will vote against it. Now It is a democratic decision-making, not a dictatorship.”

Everyone understood in their hearts that this was a joint vertical and horizontal alliance, as long as it did not affect everyone, they would not intervene, and if there was a disturbance, they would raise their hands to veto it.But who is leading this?
The happiest one belonged to You Zhengya, he looked confused at first, but now he understands that he is the vanguard of everyone and is in charge of dealing with Deputy Director Li.If there is something to do, everyone will protect him together, and if there is nothing to do, everyone will take care of their own duties.

After the meal, Qiao Weimin, deputy secretary of the party branch and deputy factory director, was elected as the leader of everyone, and everyone advanced and retreated together.

When He Yuzhu returned to the courtyard, he saw Xu Damao was looking smug.

I don't know what fun this silly hat has.

Xu Damao: "Let me introduce you, this is my date, He Yuzhu, you are older than me, but until now you don't even have a date"

He Yuzhu wanted to look at Xu Damao like an idiot. I'm afraid this kid is not a fool.Ask yourself to cook and still dare to brag in front of yourself, not afraid of your own tricks?

He Yuzhu: "Envy, and Da Mao's IQ, I'm afraid I have to go to a hospital to have a look."

He Yuzhu went home directly after speaking
Xu Damao thought that He Yuzhu was really envious of him, and couldn't find anything to attack him, so he said that he had a low IQ.

(End of this chapter)

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