Chapter 44

Father Lou: "Son, from what you said, I think you are very politically minded. Just say that your mother and I are not angry with you"

He Yuzhu: "I want you to go to the street office with Xiao'e, sever all ties and issue a certificate"

There was no other sound in the living room except the radio, and it was instantly quiet.The family of three stared blankly at He Yuzhu.

Lou Xiaoe took the lead to break the calm: "Parents, don't blame him, others call him silly, don't worry about what he said"

Lou's father and Lou's mother are both smart people. Quiet is not this sentence, but the meaning of this sentence.

Lou's mother: "Xiao'e, send Zhuzi as a gift, and take back the gift Mom prepared for Zhuzi."

He Yuzhu got up and walked out.

Lou Xiaoe took gifts in the kitchen and followed

The two walked out the door

Lou Xiao'e: "You, you are really stupid, whoever married their daughter, you talk to their parents about this, I will coax my parents tomorrow, and I will find a chance for you to come and apologize, my parents are very nice"

He Yuzhu smirked: "Hey, blame me for being too nervous. I don't have a good mouth. It's great that you don't get angry with me. I will apologize to my parents in the future."

Lou Xiaoe: "Be careful on the road, come to the bookstore tomorrow to chat"

He Yuzhu got on his bicycle and took a gift and rode to the courtyard.

Lou Xiaoe returned to the living room

Lou Xiaoe: "Mom and Dad, you can't be angry with a fool, okay?"

Lou's mother: "Your dad and I are not angry, we are just too surprised, this is really a fool, okay, go back to sleep"

Father Lou: "In the future! You are married, you have to teach Zhuzi how to speak, don't let him offend others"

Lou Xiao'e: "Well, I know you are the best. When I meet him at the bookstore tomorrow, I will ask him to apologize to you."

Father Lou: "Well, good! Go to bed early"

The three tacitly did not want to tell her the truth.

Lou's father and Lou's mother returned to the room together
Father Lou: "This is the result of the decision made by the higher authorities, otherwise what would a chef hear?"

Lou's mother: "What are you going to do?"

Father Lou: "Since Zhuzi wants to do this, then follow his will. They will break off the relationship when they are about to get married."

Lou's mother: "I still don't understand it. I don't want anything. It means that we don't even have a wedding on our side, so let Xiao'e go."

Father Lou: "Isn't Xiao'e going to bring Zhuzi to apologize in a few days? We'll discuss it then."

Lou's mother smiled, the child really can't understand anything, that's fine, but she doesn't know how sad she will be when she finds out that the relationship is severed.

He Yuzhu rode to the courtyard
Pushing the cart into the courtyard, the courtyard was very quiet and there was no light, so they probably didn't come back.

When He Yuzhu walked to the door of his room, there were bursts of happy discussions in the front yard.

He Yuzhu returned to the room, took out the gift and divided it into three parts, then walked to the backyard.

After thinking about it, he turned around and locked the door first.

Walking to the door of the old lady's room, she saw that there was still light and opened the door to enter.

He Yuzhu: "Grandma, happy Mid-Autumn Festival, here are the cakes for you, have you eaten today?"

The old lady said, "Oh, grandma has eaten it, and I made it myself today. Your aunt wants to make something for me, and I have also been sent to the factory to watch a movie."

The old lady is really considerate of others in everything. Today everyone is going to the factory to have a good time. If the big mother is left alone, she will really have an idea.

Except for the most lively festival of the Chinese New Year, the loneliness of the old lady at home alone cannot be experienced by others.

He Yuzhu chatted with the old lady when the uncle and mother came in.

Uncle: "Old lady, have you eaten? I have prepared some pastries for you." He said and put the package on the table
Big Mom: "Silly Zhu, you came back really early, you came back before the movie was over."

He Yuzhu: "I didn't go to help people cook today"

Uncle: "Silly Zhu, you cook two dishes, I'll call for Yushui, let's have a festival together today"

He Yuzhu: "Good!"

The big mother went home to pick up the food, and the big grandfather went to call He Yushui

The old lady: "These two! How will you live in the future?"

This is to point He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu didn't know what to do, he was not the original owner but the uncle was really kind to the original owner.

He Yuzhu didn't reply to the old lady's words, so he couldn't answer them.Who can tell clearly what will happen in the future, the father and mother are in their [-]s and [-]s now, and there is still time to raise a child.

Tomorrow I will go to work and ask Liu Lan to ask if there is any family in her hometown who can’t survive, and ask her to take a walk in her hometown, pick up a child, and provide for the old man when she grows up, and don’t let the child break the relationship with her hometown. Help those who should help, anyway, the uncle helps everyone.

If this matter is accomplished, I will help the original owner repay the kindness of the uncle, and help him find a queen.

When everyone arrived at the old lady, He Yuzhu was asked to start cooking.

Big Mom: "Silly Zhu, you are 24, hurry up"

Uncle: "You have to hurry up, tomorrow I will help you go to the comrades of the Women's Federation to ask."

He Yuzhu: "When Yushui graduates from high school, I will look for it. It's only been a year. It's not a year away."

He Yushui's eyes were red when he heard this: "Brother, you are so kind"

As soon as I heard it, I knew that I was afraid of finding a sister-in-law to live in the rain.What if the daughter-in-law refuses to take money for Yushui to read this.

The uncle: "Don't worry about these things, the rainwater tuition fee will be paid by the uncle."

He Yuzhu: "It's okay, it doesn't cost much, and it's only a year, I can wait"

The old lady knew about He Yuzhu and said: "It's a big holiday, don't talk about these food."

Once the old lady spoke, everyone stopped worrying about this issue.

have eaten

He Yuzhu called He Yushui to the room, gave her the gift prepared for her, and asked her to give the gift to the uncle.

early morning
After He Yuzhu was ready, he walked to the steel factory. Yesterday was busy and he had to go to work today.

All the workers along the way had smiles on their faces. It seemed that yesterday they played three movies in a row and watched them comfortably.

When I came to the cafeteria, I saw that someone had already started working.

Director Zhang came to the cafeteria: "Xiao He, we have a treat today, you cook two good dishes at noon"

He Yuzhu: "Good job! Director"

He Yuzhu called: "Mahua, you prepare the lunch dishes in advance, don't forget before lunch."

Walking to Liu Lan: "I want to ask you for a favor"

Liu Lan nodded: "Master He, tell me"

He Yuzhu: "My neighbor has no children. I want you to visit my hometown to see if there are any families who can't survive. Pick up a child and don't let the child break the relationship with the family. It is to prepare for the elderly and let them There is hope in life”

Liu Lan: "This is really a coincidence. When I went back a few days ago, I saw that one family was really struggling. I even took out one piece of my happy money and gave it to the other party. But I really don't know if they are willing or not. ,"

He Yuzhu: "Then I'll leave this to you. You go back and tell the family that I will give you some food so that the child does not starve to death. After discussing it, you come back and tell me that you can give the other party some maintenance. "

 Thank you, the audience, for your reward, I am very happy.This is the first time I received a thank you from Leng Ye is my tip

(End of this chapter)

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