Chapter 47
At noon, He Yuzhu was helping to prepare vegetables at the window
Uncle came to the window
Uncle: "Silly Zhu, get me three meat dishes and six steamed buns"

He Yuzhu knew that the uncle usually ate very frugally, so he should take it home.

He Yuzhu: "Grandpa, the children are too young, and they haven't eaten meat for a long time. If you let them eat it directly, I'm afraid their stomachs won't be able to bear it."

The uncle stopped ordering as soon as he heard the food, turned around and left the cafeteria.

Riding a bicycle to the courtyard.

Today is a big mom's day to show off

When she goes out in the morning with her child on her back, she greets everyone and introduces her two children.

I went all the way to the street office, changed my household registration, and went to the vegetable market. The old couple saved a lot of their own bills. Seeing that the child was too thin, I thought about buying some meat for them to supplement, and bought a pig for a dime. The big stick went back to make soup, and the supply and marketing agency bought three cans of malted milk, clothes, etc.

I couldn't carry anything in my hand, but fortunately, I met the three mothers in the yard who also came to the vegetable market.

The two walked and chatted all the way to the courtyard

The third mother is envious, not because she is envious of the first mother's children, her family has four children, but because there are so many things that the first mother was reluctant to buy before.

And the salary of my wife is simply not comparable to that of the uncle.

The two of them had just arrived at the gate of the courtyard when the elder brother arrived in a hurry.

Uncle: "Fortunately, we arrived"

The first mother: "Jiye's father, this is you"

The three mothers were speechless, the address has changed, alas!
The old man took Yi Fangfang from the old mother's hand: "Hey! Silly Zhu told me that this child hasn't eaten meat for a long time, and I'm afraid my stomach won't be able to bear it"

The three of them walked all the way to the yard, and the third mother helped to bring the things to their door.

The first mother took out some, and handed the candy she just bought to the third mother for a while to thank.

The three mothers happily went home to cook
Big Mom: "The old lady knows a lot, I'll ask"

Uncle: "Okay! Hurry up and go back, don't starve the child"

The big mom came to the old lady with a newly bought can of malted milk

The first mother: "Old lady, this idiot said that my two children have not eaten meat for a long time, and now they cannot eat meat. What should I do, the child is too thin now"

The old lady knew about this last night, and felt that the boy Shazhu had done such a beautiful thing, and it completely solved the problem of having no children and no hope in the hearts of the two of them.

The old lady: "You boil some bone soup for them to drink, and they can eat it in four or five days. Silly Zhu is right. If you eat it all at once, the child will have diarrhea for several days. Don't let them eat it all at once. Too full, my stomach can’t take it”

Big Mom: "Well, I'll go back and make it for them, and I'll send it to you when it's done."

The old lady: "Okay" and continued to doze off
The first mother was also happy when she came back and saw that her wife was holding the child and teasing her.

Big Mom: "The old lady knows a lot, me! Let's make soup for them"

After the meal was ready, watching the two children eating with such appetite was rattling, and the two elders were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths.

The aunt saw that the food was about the same, so she didn't let them eat any more

Uncle: "Fangfang's mother, what are you doing, it's a good thing that the child can eat"

The first mother hurriedly explained what the old lady said to her just now
The old man slapped his forehead and forgot about it. He also suffered from this kind of suffering when he was young. He hadn’t had enough food for a long time during his escape, and his stomach swelled up after eating too much.

Seeing that the child was crying without eating, the first mother took out two wooden toys to coax him.

Uncle: "You cook some meat at night, Shazhu and I will have a few drinks at night, and I will save the rest tomorrow and I will take it to meet my relatives"

Big Mom nodded.

In the evening, the uncle called He Yuzhu and He Yushui to his home for dinner, and asked the eldest mother to send a copy to the old lady, and chatted with He Yuzhu while drinking.

He Yushui fed the two children malted milk.

He Yuzhu's face twitched when he saw it. Most people can't drink this stuff a few times a year.

This is the rhythm of eating malted milk extract as a meal.But it’s okay to eat too much like milk powder.Now the quality of things is really good.

New clothes, broth, malted milk, toffee in hand.This is simply too extravagant.How many votes did the two elders save in their hands?

In the future, this courtyard will not be able to get the patronage of the uncle.

The first mother also took care of the two children first when she came back, and told Yushui to eat quickly.

He Yuzhu and He Yushui walked home together after eating.

He Yushui: "Fangfang is so funny, I ate her candy and she didn't even know it"

He Yuzhu turned his head and took a closer look at He Yushui.

He Yuzhu: "Excellent, grab candy from the children, a big mother must know that I can fight with you" He Yuzhu joked

He Yushui: "Hey! I couldn't hold back when I got it in my mouth, I was just teasing her."

He Yuzhu took out the non-staple food ticket and handed it over: "Here, I'll give you two for them tomorrow, don't be your sister and still be like that."

He Yushui jumped on He Yuzhu's back: "I knew my brother was the best, unlike Jiye who snatched the toys from Fangfang's hand"

He Yuzhu was speechless, what does such an older child know, maybe Sha Zhu beat He Yushui when he was young.He Yushui is just a careless person.

Early in the morning, the old man waited for Liu Lan at the gate of the factory with his things, and made an appointment to visit Liu Lan's hometown today.

Liu Lan also carried some food on her back. In the past, her elder brother helped her a lot, and those who lived frugally had to carry food to see her.

The two bought their tickets and rushed to Liujia Village together.

Liu Lan arrived at the door of the house with her things on her back. Before she got off work, her sister-in-law was cooking,

Seeing Liu Lan coming to the door with something on her back.

Aunt Liu's face darkened: "Auntie, your family can't make it through, don't live like this for two days, hurry up and carry it back." No matter what, Liu Lan put the things down.

The uncle laments that this relative is a good one!It's so simple.

Mrs. Liu saw the uncle: "Lanzi this is"

Liu Lan: "This is a comrade from the factory. You know what happened yesterday. This comrade thanked you for sending the food. Today's food is just a little bit of my heart. If you don't accept it, I won't recognize you as a sister-in-law. "

Sister-in-law Liu reluctantly accepted the food, who is having a hard time now, this sister Lan is too real.

Sister-in-law Liu: "I have to eat my meal and go back home, and my parents will get off work soon."

Liu Lan: "I'll talk about it later, I still have something to do, I'll come and see my parents later"

After speaking, Liu Lan and the uncle went to Liu Erdan's house together.

When we went to Liu Erdan's house, only Wang Ya and the two children were at home, and she was cooking.The two children didn't have to wear clothes on the bed, and now they are wrapped in quilts when they are cold.

The house has also been cleaned, unlike Liu Lan who came the day before yesterday, there is no place to set foot.

Liu Lan: "Second sister-in-law, I came to see you today, did the second brother go to work?"

Wang Ya: "After you left the day before yesterday, you were able to defecate normally. Yesterday, you got better, and you can eat food again. You went to work yesterday afternoon. What is it, Sister Lan?" Pointing at the uncle
Liu Lan: "This is the family that adopted the child, let's see if you can recognize your relatives"

 If there are typos or unreadable ones, you can comment, and the author will correct them immediately after seeing them.Thank you for the reward, thank you for the monthly pass, recommendation ticket and collection.Thank you viewers grandpa

(End of this chapter)

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