Chapter 50 Apologize
After leaving, he hurried to the direction of the bookstore.

I have to admit that this lesbian's fighting power is very strong at any time, especially when there are more than a dozen lesbians at a table, each of them can't say a word at all.

When I came to the door of the bookstore, Lou Xiao'e was still off work.He Yuzhu went in and read a book by the bookshelf for a while.

Lou Xiaoe is off work

He Yuzhu followed Lou Xiao'e to Lou's house.

Lou Xiao'e: "My parents, I'm not angry anymore, I've coaxed them all, don't talk nonsense again, and apologize to them later, I'm saying something nice."

He Yuzhu: "Got it, thank you for your help, I will definitely complete the task."

When they came to the gate, Lou Xiaoe took out the key to open the door and the two walked in.
living room
Lou's mother: "Zhuzi, here you come, sit down quickly"

At this time, Father Lou came down from upstairs.

Lou Xiaoe went to the kitchen to serve the dishes.

After the people sat down, He Yuzhu stood up and bowed: "Mom and Dad, I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing." There is no way to explain it to Lou Xiao'e, and I can't explain it. If you don't follow her words, a woman, you just yell at her.She understands the truth, but she wants to talk to you about other things.

Lou's father and Lou's mother: "Okay, we are all a family, let's sit down and eat quickly"

Seeing her parents accepting it, Lou Xiaoe hurriedly said: "Mom and Dad, I won't dare to talk nonsense in the future, you can't be angry with him"

Lou's father and Lou's mother nodded to signal him to eat quickly. They have to go to work after a while, and this place is not close to the rolling mill.

After dinner, Lou Xiaoe sent He Yuzhu out
Lou Xiaoe: "You, go catch the tram now, I'm afraid you'll be late, go back by bike." He gave the car to He Yuzhu again.Since she met He Yuzhu, she hadn't ridden this bike a few times. Fortunately, she was close to her work place.

He Yuzhu: "This year, I will buy you a new one, so you won't have to worry about it in the future."

Lou Xiao'e blushed and waved her hand: "Be careful," she said and walked towards the Xinhua Bookstore.

In the evening, when I got off work and returned to the courtyard, I saw chickens flying around again.

The second uncle Liu Zhonghai was beating his two young sons, shaking like a dog on the ground, and he didn't want to stop.

The neighbors next to him were all trying to persuade him, and He Yuzhu also listened to the general idea.

Because Liu Guangtian, Liu Guangfu, and the two brothers stole eggs from the elder brother Liu Guangqi.

I can't persuade myself about this, let alone talk about it.

When the third master received the news in the front yard, he rushed to watch the excitement, and by the way, he pretended to be a good guy, and his own house was a mess.

The old man should come to persuade me about this matter, but it's strange that most of the people in the yard came again, but there was no figure of the old man and the mother.

Third Grandpa: "Second Grandpa, calm down, you can't go on like this, don't maim the child"

The second uncle is already tired

The second uncle: "In the future, let's see if you still have rules." After finishing speaking, he chatted with the third uncle

The third uncle: "It's all gone, let's go, I will persuade the second uncle well"

The second uncle knew that the third uncle was here to watch the fun, but he didn't have any psychological burden to beat his own child. It's only natural for me to beat my son.

Seeing that his father had stopped beating him, Liu Guangtian stood up and was about to go into the house to eat steamed buns. Liu Guangfu was still pretending to be dead on the ground, fearing that he would be beaten again.

The two brothers were used to being beaten for a long time.Obviously the third child is smarter.

The second uncle slapped Liu Guangtian on the face instantly with a big ear post, he was slapped hard on the ground, and his face was swollen.

The second uncle: "I am so angry when I look at you, you little bastard, you just need to be hungry tonight." Then he turned and went back to the house and closed the door

Seeing that the second uncle ignored him, the third master walked towards He Yuzhu again.

The third master: "Oh, pitiful, such a barbaric education old man is not ashamed to be with him, we still need culture and education to be educated."

He Yuzhu: "Oh, it's still good for the third master to educate. I'll go back first, and you will be busy first."

The third master was very satisfied that He Yuzhu agreed with his words.

After He Yuzhu finished speaking, he turned around and went back to the room, not wanting to continue standing here to be offensive, and his eyes were straightened without looking at the two people on the ground.

well!Now the weather is so cold, it feels like it will snow soon, don't catch a cold lying on the ground.

Unkind parents and unfilial children can tell who is right and who is wrong.

The fat meat of the second uncle came from eating and drinking in the cafeteria. He ate three meat dishes and six steamed buns every day. A bowl of boiled water, and occasionally a bowl of soup.The two sons have lived under this shadow for a long time, and the ending of the second uncle can be imagined.

He Yuzhu was thinking that he would have to find someone to set up a kang tomorrow. This bed is really unbearable in winter. I don't know how the original owner resisted.He Yushui also quickly offered one, and the small stove had to be moved into the house.

Although burning kang is expensive firewood, it is warm.Besides, it is not expensive. A load of good firewood can burn for ten days for 18 cents, and two firewoods for [-] yuan can burn through a winter and early spring without saving.

He Yuzhu was moving the stove into the house when He Yushui came back from the backyard knitting a sweater.

He Yuzhu really didn't know what to say about her. In the past two days, when it was meal time, he took steamed buns, two candies, and a plate of shredded potatoes to the uncle's house.People's stewed bone soup is to supplement calcium for children, I don't know why she is going to join in the fun.

When I came back, I also said that the broth was delicious, which did not save my IQ.

The key point is that the aunt is also weird, as long as she knows that He Yushui is at home, she will immediately call over to accompany her.

It should be that no one is watching the children and worry about going out to wash clothes and buy vegetables.

He Yuzhu: "You, move your bed aside, tomorrow I'll find someone to make a kang to keep you warm in winter,"

He Yushui: "Okay, I'll clean it up tomorrow morning"

He Yuzhu: "What are you chewing on?"

He Yushui: "Maltose" replied without thinking.

He Yuzhu was speechless, cheating to eat and drink, even the children were admirable.

Sugar is so expensive now that a piece of it is even more expensive than meat. Families with ordinary wages seldom buy it, and the old man should be able to afford it if he buys a few kilograms a month.

He Yuzhu ignored her, fearing that he would be surprised by something unimaginable again. After moving the stove, he came out and saw the two brothers of the Liu family squatting together in a corner.

He Yuzhu: "Guangtian, Guangfu, help me straighten this place, and I'll heat up two buns for you to eat."

The two brothers hurried up to help, straightened the things that needed to be straightened, and swept the floor aside.

He Yuzhu didn't fool them either, and handed them six steamed buns and a plate of cabbage.

Teenagers are really good at bangs, and they don't save any face for them.

The two brothers squatted on the ground next to the stove with the buns in their hands, and began to eat naturally.It seems that I am used to being pushed aside while eating at home.

He Yuzhu doesn't know what to say, people and family affairs are not his own, this kind of outsider can intervene, even if you can take care of it once, can you take care of it for a lifetime?

It will be fine when you grow up, and you can live a better life by supporting yourself.

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(End of this chapter)

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