Chapter 55

The next morning there was light snow in the sky

He Yuzhu strolled towards the steel factory.

The uncle was also next to He Yuzhu, and the two chatted all the way
Uncle: "Silly Zhu, do you still have cotton tickets? I also want to make some New Year clothes for the two children."

He Yuzhu thought wrong!Even if it's the end of the year, the uncle is a seventh-level fitter, and he can make enough cloth tickets, and he can make two sets for the child.

Every year, per person, one person will receive three feet twice in summer and three feet in Chinese New Year.

Workers are a little better than three feet, and they are rewarded during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

In the past, the third master had saved a lot, so how could he borrow cloth tickets from himself.

He Yuzhu: "No, I promised to give rainwater, you can ask her when you go back"

Uncle: "It's not for Fangfang and Jiye. Their elder brother and younger brother are also my godsons. The last time I went to see a scene, I panicked and thought about sending two sets of clothes there before the Chinese New Year." "

He Yuzhu: "I heard that Director Zhang's distribution ticket has been useless for the past two years. Where can you ask?"

Last time, Director Zhang mentioned that the child is now working by himself, and the couple are leading the example of saving money. Except for a slightly better set of clothes, the rest are patched.So the cloth tickets of the two are useless.

Uncle: "Look, let me buy something to replace it."

He Yuzhu: "I don't know about that, wait a minute, I'll ask you at work"

He Yuzhu didn't dare to take the uncle to the black market, otherwise he would immediately teach himself to poach the corner of socialism.

Uncle: "That silly Zhu, I will be waiting for your good news"

The two separated and walked to their respective workshops.

Now Mahua knows how to fry a big pot of vegetables, and another big pot, Master Liu.He Yuzhu was arranged by Director Zhang to supervise the cooking of the workers, and he would help wherever he was busy.

Entering the cafeteria, seeing that everyone had already started to work, He Yuzhu took a teacup to fetch hot water.

Walked to Director Zhang's office, knocked on the door, and heard calls from inside
He Yuzhu pushed the door and entered.

Director Zhang: "Xiao He, you came just in time, I have something to tell you"

He Yuzhu: "Director, tell me"

Director Zhang: "There was a meeting in the factory recently, and the idea was to open a guest house in the third branch of the factory, but it has not been decided. I have always opposed it whether our canteen is in charge of the food in the guest house. The canteen in the factory delivers meals to the guest house. Not to mention the trouble, the food was cold when it was delivered, which is not good for the comrades from the local area, so my opinion is that since the guest house is opened, a new group of staff, chefs and staff, and the director of the guest house should be arranged. "

He Yuzhu: "Director, I'm not Director Yang, I can't get in the way of this matter at all."

Director Zhang: "I mean, hurry up and train the canteen team. In a few days, you will recruit a group of people to the canteen for training for a month, and then send them to the guest house. You can check who is suitable. The guest house has light tasks, just do some simple things. The food is fine. And the deputy factory manager Li has been transferred to the hostel as the director.”

He Yuzhu: "Then wait for people to come in. I'm training them well. By the way, the uncle in our courtyard wants to exchange some cloth tickets with you. I don't know what to exchange for it."

Director Zhang: "Your sister and I don't need anything now, just come here! Here is the note for recruiting. You can find suitable chefs here. If you can work quickly, you can recruit them and work for a month to see how they perform. It's best to find people from the city, otherwise the food relationship will not be easy to turn around."

He Yuzhu understood, what kind of food is most lacking now, just bring the food.These leaders always make you guess when they speak, and you can comprehend several meanings in a sentence by yourself, so you really let you exchange for nothing.

He Yuzhu: "Then I'll go to the cafeteria and see if the two new temporary workers can cook well. The hostel is short of people, and see if they can be trained to do some simple work on the steamer."

The two new arrivals a few days ago were arranged by the directors of other departments, and I don't know what the relationship is, but what Director Zhang said was that the temporary workers in the cafeteria used to do whatever they did, and let them go if they caused trouble.

As soon as Director Zhang heard about it, he asked them to go to the guest house.

Director Zhang: "Well, look at that cooking skill is better, and send it to the guest house."

He Yuzhu came to the cafeteria and sat on a chair, thinking carefully that it would be better to send that to the guest house.Everyone is familiar with these workers, and they are a little bit reluctant. Everyone works honestly.

He Yuzhu: "Master Liu, do you know any chefs who can fry small pot dishes?"

Upon hearing this, Master Liu hurriedly replied: "My brother's cooking skills are as good as mine, but there is no quota for him to enter the cafeteria."

He Yuzhu asked him to find a chef, it was impossible to cook for himself.

It's even more embarrassing to have a banquet, and the master and apprentice will go together.

He Yuzhu: "Call me in the afternoon. This month's salary is the same as that of a temporary worker. Next month, I will be transferred to work in a guest house. This is a note from Director Zhang."

If you don't have a note, you can't enter the factory. Now You Zhengya manages the security department and keeps strict inspections on outsiders. Except for showing movies, you can bring your family members in to watch. At other times, no matter whether you are looking for someone or doing something, you can't enter without a note. .

Ask the leadership security department to call for you and ask if they see you. If you are looking for ordinary workers, then you can stand at the door and wait for get off work.

Master Liu happily took the note, and carefully installed it. It is not easy to find a job now. He also knows the guest house, where it is very easy, just fry a few simple dishes.

He Yuzhu was thinking about who to give the other note to, if not, he would give it to Liu Lan. He did him a great favor by sending two children to the uncle, and solved the pension problem for him. This also indirectly helped him. Get better, this means to send some good things to the finance department, and they will help you transfer.

He Yuzhu also had to remind Liu Lan that deputy director Li is an LSP and don't arrange for lesbians to enter.

He Yuzhu: "Liu Lan, I have a recruitment notice here. See if there is anyone in your family who is suitable. Bring it to the factory as a temporary worker for a month. Send it to the guest house and become a regular worker."

Liu Lan: "Master He, I want my elder brother to come over, can you see if it's okay?" Her sister-in-law has to cook at home and take care of her parents

He Yuzhu: "Well, you can arrange gay men. I heard that the director of the hostel is Li Zhengqing, isn't he a good person?"

Liu Lan: "Is it far away, can the accommodation problem be solved?" She also has a house at home. If it is too far away, her brother will have to work harder.

He Yuzhu: "It's next to our steel factory. The hostel in our third branch factory will have a dormitory arrangement for four people."

Liu Lan: "Then I will ask for leave and go back today, tell them about it, and bring someone over to work tomorrow morning."

He Yuzhu: "Okay, you go and get it"

Now if the canteen workers ask for leave, they can ask He Yuzhu, and if He Yuzhu asks for leave, they can ask Director Zhang.

He Yuzhu: "Master Liu, arrange for the two new temporary workers to steam steamed buns and steamed buns. This month, I will teach them how to cut vegetables, and other comrades will come and learn from them."

After He Yuzhu finished speaking, he helped to clean up the house, and started cooking at noon, and the cafeteria should be kept clean and tidy.

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(End of this chapter)

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