Chapter 57 Who is it?
Early next morning

Liu Lan brought his elder brother to the factory, and just like Liu Songmin did yesterday, he took out the recruitment slip and registered before letting him in.

He Yuzhu walked into the back kitchen of the cafeteria and saw that both of them had arrived.

Liu Lan stepped forward and introduced: "This is my elder brother Liu Hong, and this is Master He, the head of our kitchen team." He was given a bottle of wine and a pack of cigarettes just like yesterday.

He Yuzhu thought to himself, in the future, your Liu family will revolt in this cafeteria!There are seven of them surnamed Liu.

He Yuzhu took the things: "Liu Hong, Liu Songmin, you two come with me"

He Yuzhu took the two of them to the personnel department to make a report, and they would issue a temporary work certificate by the way.Yesterday, I came alone, too lazy to run twice.

After completing the temporary work and work certificates, Liu Songmin was asked to go back to the cafeteria by himself first, and took Liu Hong to the finance department to transfer food relations.Take what Liu Lan gave to me, and what Liu Songmin gave yesterday, and give it to the chief financial officer.After transferring the food relationship to Liu Hong, he returned to the cafeteria.

He Yuzhu held a morning meeting for them at the cafeteria.

He Yuzhu: "The four of them will be transferred to the guest house of the third branch of the Red Star Rolling Mill in a month. Your task is to teach them as soon as possible."

He Yuzhu: "Liu Hong followed me to learn how to chop vegetables, the two of them learned how to steam steamed buns and Wowotou, and Liu Songmin learned how to stir-fry vegetables"

Although Liu Songmin knows how to cook, it is called training for one month.

A few more people is a lot faster, and there are four more people who get off work, and the cleaning staff can get off work at least half an hour earlier.

Director Zhang found He Yuzhu when he was about to leave work.

Director Zhang: "There is a reception this afternoon, and the purchaser Xiao Wang has asked for leave. At noon, you take two people to the logistics department to get the things back. I will go to the farm to purchase pork in the afternoon, and I have no time to go to the logistics department."

He Yuzhu was speechless, Director Zhang, you really don't think of yourself as a human being, you tell yourself to do everything, and the donkeys in the production team dare not do it like this.In the past, you were the one who found someone for the job recruitment certificate. Didn’t you go to the temporary job office for the certificate?I have done it myself, and now I have to deal with the logistics department.

After Director Zhang finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

Helplessly, He Yuzhu led his staff to the logistics department. After collecting the oil, salt, sauce, and vinegar, which were purchased from the main factory, he took the logistics department's rickshaw to the cafeteria.

Food, pork, and vegetables have to be purchased by the canteen of the third branch factory.

He Yuzhu took the lead in pulling the cart, thinking in his heart that a donkey would be faster than pulling it by himself.

At this time, everyone in the cafeteria left, and the three of them continued to move things into the warehouse, and had to return the car. There was no need to rest today, and they endured it for sewing air tickets and model workers.

When He Yuzhu returned the car to the logistics department, they all started to go to work.

He Yuzhu asked Liu Songmin to follow him to chop vegetables for the next reception, and also asked him to fry two dishes to taste by himself.
Where is the food in the guest house?I understand everything, as long as you can eat it, the taste is generally not too bad.

But if you can do it well, you still have to do it well, to give people a better image.

The taste is okay, there is still a lot to improve.

He Yuzhu gave some casual pointers.

After get off work, He Yuzhu hurried back home, he was exhausted today.

I saw that the third master had caught a few fish from where he didn't know, and was playing with them in the yard.

The third master: "Stupid! The cafeteria still accepts fish, today the third master is lucky to hang two."

He Yuzhu: "I don't know, I'm not in charge of purchasing, the third master got it there."

The third master said in a low voice: "I went to tune today if there is no class, then the fish will be cheaper for you, the third master."

He Yuzhu: "Recently I don't want to eat fish, and my uncle's family may ask you to sell it."

There are a lot of small fish in my own space, and there are also a lot of big fish, but I don’t like fish so much, so I didn’t get them.

A mother may buy it and stew fish soup for her children to drink.

The third master saw He Yuzhu's idea for him, so he carried two fish and walked to the first master's house.

The third uncle came to the backyard and knocked, and the first uncle went in with a fish

The third grandpa: "Mommy caught two fish today. I often read in books that eating fish is good for children's health, and children who eat fish are smart"

Big Mom: "Is this true? Then I bought it, you have to give me a little cheaper"

He didn't even know about it himself, he was just blowing nonsense.

After the two bargained for a price, four catties of fish were given to Da Ma for two and four dollars.

Just as he was walking back happily, he saw the second uncle beating the child at home, and the third uncle was amused again.Piff educates children with sticks.

The third uncle said at the door: "Second uncle, please take it easy, don't be full, waste your energy and get hungry again"

Hearing this, Second Uncle Liu Haizhong was so overwhelmed that he lost his breath.The strength in his hands increased a little more.

This is what the third master wants, and it's no big deal to watch the excitement.

Accidentally hit Liu Guangfu on the head with a stick and knocked him out.His head started to bleed.

Seeing it from the side, Liu Guangtian was so frightened that he was beating his younger brother to death.

In the future, he was the only one in the family who was beaten, and it was inevitable that the rabbit would die and the fox would be sad.He continued to lie on the ground and did not dare to get up, nor did he dare to look at his father, for fear that he would also be beaten to death.

The second uncle shouted: "You son of a bitch dare to pretend to be dead," and took a few more sticks.

At this time, the third uncle yelled loudly: "The second uncle beat someone to death, everyone come and persuade him! This kind of thing can't happen in our civilized courtyard."

The second uncle was taken aback by the sound, and stood on the spot in a daze.

The second aunt hurried to the child to check.

Within a minute, the people in the yard gathered around the door of the second uncle's house.Discussions erupted one after another.

He Yuzhu heard the voice and walked slowly into the crowd.

Stick was trembling like a dog in fright. He saw that Liu Guangfu just stole some meat and a steamed bun, and was almost beaten to death.Fortunately, I have never stolen anything.

After the uncle arrived with Jiye in his arms,

Uncle: "What are you still doing in a daze in Liu Haizhong? Hurry up and take the child to the hospital. If someone dies, don't say you are his father, even his grandfather will have to be shot."

The second uncle and the second aunt hurried to the hospital with the child on their backs.

The third uncle started talking badly about the second uncle in the yard again. After watching the crowd for a while, He Yuzhu also went home.This is not a beating to death, he bleeds a little, his face is rosy and his breathing is normal, obviously he couldn't bear it and pretended to be fainted.

If something serious happened, the man's face would immediately turn pale as soon as he fell down.There is no obvious ups and downs in the chest.That means it's too late to go to the hospital.

Regarding the matter of the third master, someone instigated him behind his back to attack the uncle in the yard, but He Yuzhu didn't know who instigated it. The third master was not like this before, at least he would go up to persuade the fight.

It seems that a master has appeared in the yard, but it is not clear which master's method it is. Today's incident is a coincidence, but it also indirectly shows that it is not peaceful.

I have to talk to the old lady, she has experienced a lot, and see if I can analyze some signs.

He Yuzhu took the cooked dishes to the backyard.

He Yuzhu: "Grandma, I'm here to see you"

The old lady: "Okay, okay, my grandson is here!"

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(End of this chapter)

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