Chapter 62
As soon as He Yuzhu entered the house and finished cooking, the uncle came in.

Grandpa: "Silly Zhu, I'm going to Jiye's hometown to visit relatives tomorrow. I have a lot of things. You can go with the grandpa."

He Yuzhu shook his head: "The members of the investigation team will still be there tomorrow. If you don't go to work tomorrow, people will be suspicious and can't leave."

I just finished questioning you yesterday, and I dare not come to work today. You told me that you have no ghosts in your heart. Who would believe it? Then He Yuzhu was appointed to be taken back to the administrative affairs department of the main factory, waiting for questioning and investigation.

The uncle didn't know what was going on, he thought it was the same as before, he came to understand the workers' working conditions and daily life.

Grandpa: "What happened, tell Grandpa"

He Yuzhu: "It's okay, just investigate the canteen and the various departments of the factory normally."

What's the use of telling you, and besides, it's not a big deal. If something really happened, let alone telling you, it's useless to tell the factory manager. What if the investigation team comes to play with you?

Uncle: "Go, come to my place for a few drinks"

In He Yuzhu's heart, you still want to get me drunk. To put it bluntly, your drinking capacity is about three.

He Yuzhu got up and walked with the uncle to his house. If he didn't go, he would worry about what would happen.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw a young man fighting with two little devil kings on the kang.

Fangfang: "Sister, here's for you to eat, you have something for me to eat, so we can be best friends." Holding half a steamed bun that was about the same size in her hand, she thought it was her best thing,

He Yushui: "Sister, I really can't eat anymore"

Jiye: "Sister, I like you the most. From now on, I will give you half of the delicious food." He said, stuffing the meat in He Yushui's mouth
He Yushui is about to vomit, these two now, if they have any good things in their hands, they will run to find He Yushui

He Yuzhu, as soon as he took out the two candies, he immediately put them in He Yushui's mouth, and the other one went to feed the big mother
He Yushui looked at He Yuzhu, wanting him to come over to share the firepower

He Yuzhu pretended not to see, sat on the table with the uncle and started chatting

Uncle "Mother Fangfang, where did the old lady eat?"

The big mother "just sent it over"

The uncle nodded, and didn't talk about this topic.
When the wine is almost drunk, the amount of silly Zhu used to be the same, and the uncle starts to ask
Grandpa: "Silly Zhu, talk to Grandpa, why did the investigation team come today?"

He Yuzhu knew that you were dishonest.

He Yuzhu pretended to be drunk and said, "It's nothing, I just came to the cafeteria to investigate the sanitation, to see if our cooking is clean, and if we are perfunctory comrade workers."

The uncle asked a few more words, and He Yuzhu pretended to be drunk and chatted indiscriminately. The uncle saw that he was really drunk, and helped He Yuzhu to send him back.

early morning
The old man finished carrying the things he had prepared and went to catch the shuttle bus to the vicinity of Liujia Village.

When the uncle arrived at the nearby commune, he happened to meet Liu Degui, who was driving an ox cart to the commune to do some business, so he took him with him along the way, otherwise it would be too much to carry so many things and go so far.

Now everyone in the village knows that Liu Erdan's family has a relative in the city who found him some time ago and gave his family a lot of help.

The captain, who knew the details, didn't want to tell the matter to the outside world, because he felt a little ashamed, and gave away a child who couldn't live in his village.

So no two people in the village knew about this matter.

The captain and the uncle chatted all the way to Liujia Village.

Now there is not much work in the snowy land, and most of them are at home.

The uncle carried his things on his back and went into Liu Erdan's house. Seeing Liu Erdan's face rosy and the child bouncing on the bed, the uncle felt much better.

Liu Erdan: "Brother, what are you doing, just take a look, what will we do with you in the future?"

Wang Ya: "His uncle, Er Dan is right, we can't do this in the future, it treats us as outsiders."

Grandpa: "I just came to see my brothers and sisters, and I also bought something for my nephew. Don't think too much about it."

Uncle: "Okay, don't chat any more, you've been doing well recently, tell me what's going on, we're a family"

Wang Ya took the uncle's things and put them away, and ran to the kitchen to cook.

Liu Erdan: "The days are much better, thanks to your help, brother, I can eat enough, and I also made clothes for the children with the cloth tickets that I couldn't use before."

Uncle: "I'm your brother, I should help you. This time I brought you some food and bought a set of clothes for your nephew and niece. If you have any difficulties in the future, you should tell me."

Liu Erdan: "Brother, you can't help us all the time, you have to keep money for your retirement, and you have to take care of your two children. Life is not going to be easy. We still have land here, and you are in the city. But everything costs money.”

Uncle: "Brother, you know what's in your heart, you can rest assured."

Wang Ya brought up the fried dishes, but she didn't want to fry too much meat, she had to give the meat to her elder brother later, and bring it back to eat at home, since she didn't have much to sell at home.

Grandpa sees that the time is almost up, so I have to go back, otherwise there will be no bus to go home today

Liu Erdan took out about [-] catties of meat and asked the uncle to take it away
Liu Erdan: "Brother, take it home and eat it at home. We have to kill pigs for the New Year here. Don't worry, there is no shortage of meat at home now."

Saying this, I am afraid that the richest family of the captain will give Liu Erdan two big mouths, if you are not lacking, show me if you are not lacking.

This meat was a coincidence. A pig died of illness in the village, and another wild boar was killed on the mountain in the village.

Everyone divided the meat according to the centimeter. Liu Erdan used money to make up for the centimeter, and then paid for others to buy some more. Only then did he get together [-] catties of meat to make bacon, and he waited for the uncle to give it to him.

I still keep it at home, five catties like this
Uncle: "You keep it to replenish your body, we can easily buy meat in the city, and there is no shortage of meat to eat." The two bragged to each other, and now there is a shortage of meat everywhere.
Liu Erdan: "If you don't take this meat, I won't have your big brother in the future, let's stop dating"

The uncle had no choice but to rush back to the city with the meat.

When the uncle hurried back to the yard, everyone had already got off work in the afternoon.

Looking at the bacon in the hands of the uncle, the saliva almost flowed down, it was too shocking, almost 20 catties of meat at a time, who has seen it before.

The old man walked to the middle courtyard, and the people in the front yard still haven't closed their mouths, and the same is true in the middle courtyard. Everyone speculated about where it came from, and whether the old man had any connections to get the meat back.

Several families with a little money wanted to ask the uncle for a favor to bring back some meat so that the family could satisfy their hunger.

After the uncle came home

Big Mom: "His dad, this is you."

Uncle: "Oh, the bastard is too enthusiastic. If you don't accept it, you won't be able to get in."

The first mother: "He is a good relative, we are here, such a family, I will go and see with you after the new year"

Uncle: "Wait until the child no longer remembers, this is what Er Dan told me"

Big Mom: "It's New Year's Eve, let the old lady watch it for a day, let's go and come on the same day"

Uncle: "Okay, you will know when you go, the Erdan family must be enthusiastic"

Can you not be enthusiastic?All the meat is given to you, and now I can let you eat a bite of meat, that is a person who thinks highly of you, if I give you all of it, then needless to say, I will be closer than my relatives.

Unbeknownst to the uncle, the jerk had already seen the meat in his hand, and was very unhappy.

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(End of this chapter)

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