Chapter 66 Famous

Xu Damao knew that He Yuzhu didn't know where to go, he felt much better, and he no longer looked at Hong Jingqiu with a cold face.

He began to coax Hong Jingqiu with sweet words.

It's just that no one knows that once the couple fights, no matter how good they were before or how sweet they will be in the future, this rift will never be eliminated. Once it breaks out one day, this rift will be magnified without limit.

Qin Huairu watched the excitement with Jia Zhang last night with a stick, and watched it again this morning
After returning home, there was a smile on the corner of the mouth, which is really interesting!

This silly Zhu's method is much more clever, although the silly Zhu himself looks pale, but he is very angry, unlike Xu Damao and the couple who really look weak.

As long as he has anything to do with him, he will be filled with feces, stick once, Xu Damao twice, thinking she turned to look at Jia Zhang again, showing a strange smile,

Qin Huairu: "A month ago, you stole Sha Zhu's cornbread and gave it to Bang Jiao."

Jia Zhang was stunned at that time, but dared not deny it.

Qin Huairu: "Did you see that, as long as you have entanglements with him, silly Zhu, what's the end? Remind you once, next time you steal it, you'd better eat it yourself. If you let me know that you ate it for that child, you should Know what I will do." After finishing speaking, he looked at Jia Zhang with a strange smile.

Jia Zhang was trembling with fear from Qin Huairu.

He thought to himself, if He Yuzhu really drugged her, Banggen's body would not be able to withstand a few times of tossing, especially himself.

During this period of time, she didn't dare to teach Xiaodang to go to Shazhu for a living, let alone teach them who to steal. Thinking of Jia Zhang's heart trembling, don't provoke that broom star Shazhu in the future.

The uncle's house didn't go to join in the fun. After the business was over, the uncle went to He Yuzhu's house to visit He Yuzhu, and brought a bowl of soup in his hand.

Grandpa: "Silly Zhu, don't blame grandpa for not going to uphold justice for you. You have persuaded me not to mess with Hong Jingqiu. I don't dare to offend this kind of villain now. Jiye and Fangfang are still young and can't stand it." Hong Jingqiu made a fuss, alas! It looks like you won’t be able to go to work anymore, the uncle will ask you for leave, and I will resign the position of the uncle when I come back at noon.”

The old man really dare not fight with the villain for the first time now. He used to be really not afraid of offending anyone, as long as he has a clear conscience. Hong Jingqiu's method, he must have come to preach in the past, but now that he has a child, he is afraid.

There are two reasons for He Yuzhu to find a child for the uncle. One is to repay the uncle for taking care of the original owner and younger sister, and the other is to fear that the uncle will have no one to take care of him in the future.
Now he has retreated himself, what will he use to be moral to himself in the future, even if he doesn't shrink back in this matter, he will always shrink back when something happens, people are selfish, who is closer to the adopted son or the neighbor, you don't need to think about it.

Uncle: "You have a good rest, at noon your eldest mother will make you something light and bring it over"

After saying that, the uncle left

He Yushui also came in in a daze. Yesterday she had already rested, and today she has to go to cram school. The time is very tight, and the exam is about to come.

He Yushui: "Yesterday, there was a lot of noise in the courtyard, what happened?"

Since He Yuzhu told her not to care about the courtyard, He Yushui didn't want to go see it no matter what the excitement was, and didn't want her brother to be so attached to him as before.

Qin Huairu's family taught her to be good, she has to listen to her brother, her brother is the closest person, and everyone else is outsiders.

He Yuzhu: "Don't meddle in this matter, don't let anyone you meet know. Xu Damao and his wife tricked me into eating at his house, gave me laxatives, and ended up taking it himself. Don't look at him and his wife coldly when you go out. Remember, don’t meddle”

He Yushui was about to ask Hong Jingqiu for an explanation with an angry face, and was about to turn around and go out

He Yuzhu: "Can't you hear me? What am I talking about? After you are like this, how can you live independently in society?"

He Yushui: "Brother, I can't swallow this breath"

He Yuzhu: "You put everything on your face, when did you grow up!"

He Yuzhu is really worried about this silly boy,
He Yuzhu: "No matter what happens, you can endure it, so when you finally settle with others, they will not be prepared"

He Yushui: "Understood." He Yushui looked angry

He Yuzhu: "Smile and show me, don't be impulsive in the future, and don't tell anyone what happened to you, no matter good or bad, there are no purely good people in this world, and there are no bad people who put bad people on their faces. Be careful when things happen, it is impossible for my brother to live with you for the rest of my life, and you will eventually have to walk the rest of the way by yourself, and the chick will eventually fly to the sky, because that is where it will end up.”

The day of my marriage with Lou Xiao'e is getting closer and closer. Ever since what happened to He Yushui and Qin Huairu's family, this silly younger sister has finally become enlightened. Now that my sister is enlightened, of course I have to teach it.

He Yushui: "Brother, then I'm going to class." He Yushui still couldn't calm down

He Yuzhu can't teach He Yushui once, but he will teach him slowly in the future. Society is the best life school, and experience will tell you the right way to go.

The words of the old man can only give you advice.

Director Zhang: "Comrade He Yuzhu, I won't be able to come because of illness today, Master Liu, please make arrangements."

During the lunch break, Liu Haizhong, who was working in the factory, told the other workers how Xu Damao framed He Yuzhu yesterday in a very eloquent way.

Worker A: "No, Master Liu, is there no toilet? Go to the toilet"

Liu Haizhong: "Oh, don't mention it, I don't know why, the couple seems to be doing it on purpose."

Worker B: "I'm so grown up, I'm afraid it's impossible!"

Liu Haizhong: "We are in the same courtyard. If you don't believe me, you can come to our courtyard and ask about it."

Before the meal was finished, even the aunts who swept the floor knew about it, and they only said that these two couples had committed crimes.

in the afternoon
Xu Damao dragged his exhausted body to work in the Propaganda Department
Section Chief Sun: "The Xu Damao factory is run by your family? You come here whenever you want, and you don't even say hello or ask for leave if you don't want to. There is no organization and discipline. This is this morning. You signed the fine for absenteeism yourself. "He said and handed a list to Xu Damao.

Seeing the fine of five yuan, Xu Damao bowed his head and hurriedly signed his name.

Section Chief Sun said loudly: "I would like to inform everyone that if there is another unexcused absenteeism in the future, you will be fined [-] yuan. This is a typical example of unorganized, undisciplined, free and undisciplined, and you have to write a self-criticism of more than [-] words. , It was the first time for Xu Damao to be handed over to me, and this is also the last time, and he will write a review in the future."

Section Chief Sun gave Xu Damao a hard look, he didn't take himself seriously, it was too arrogant.

Xu Damao was criticized by other workers.

Xu Damao wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to say it. The news about pulling out his trouser pockets was going to spread, and he would become famous in the factory in the future.
But the colleagues already knew about it, and while everyone scolded him, they looked at him expectantly, as if sympathizing with the mentally handicapped.

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(End of this chapter)

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