Chapter 75

twelfth lunar month 29 morning

This morning, the logistics department brought in pork for the Spring Festival. Today, the cafeteria only cooks braised pork. The problem of eating at noon and afternoon is solved by the workers at home.

This morning the Propaganda Department informed all workers and cadres that no meals will be served in the cafeteria at noon and afternoon, and they will go to the logistics department tomorrow morning to pick up things.

At noon, everyone brought a food box, went to the cafeteria to get the meat, and then went home for the Spring Festival. There will be no meat this year.

Everyone in the cafeteria is busy making meat. After the meat is ready, put it in a wooden bowl. A bowl weighs half a catty. Come over tomorrow morning and send it out.

Temporary workers are responsible for loading the meat, and others are responsible for cutting the meat and breaking down the size of the meat pieces. The flesh and bones have to be packed and brought back to the logistics department to freeze and cook soup next year.

Today, three large pots were set up, one of which was set up temporarily, and the three large pots were started at the same time, otherwise we would be too busy.

Half a catty of cooked meat was sent out, and all the workers became excited. Half a catty of raw meat was made with a lot of discounts, and it was best if it could be cooked.

The cafeteria is bustling with activity.

There is no break at noon.

Lou Xiaoe returned to the courtyard after get off work by herself

Lou Xiaoe went to invite the old lady to her home for the holiday tomorrow night.

Lou Xiaoe: "Grandma, you can't go to another place for the holiday tomorrow night. I told you in advance, don't promise Uncle Yi to go to his house."

The old lady: "Silly Zhu, you told me two days ago that I promised to go to your place, you silly boy."

Lou Xiaoe: "Tomorrow afternoon, I will come and carry you on my back."

The old lady: "Okay, grandma knows you are filial."

The old lady: "Yu Shui, girl, is she still busy making clothes? It's very cold."

Lou Xiao'e: "She said she wanted to earn her own tuition, but she didn't listen to her persuasion. Shazhu bought her a small stove and put it next to her sewing machine to keep it cool. I will carry you over to my grandma and talk to her."

Lou Xiaoe went to He Yushui's room with the old lady on her back, and cooked for the old lady by herself.

Tonight, I still have to cook with He Yuzhu for the festive meal tomorrow night, and I will make it when I get back from get off work tomorrow, so it will be too late.

noon time
He Yuzhu took the time to take the fish he bought from the black market with him, and gave one to each of his acquaintances.

Three or four months have passed since the fish in the space, and the seven fish have bred a large group of fish in the space pond. It seems that these fish will not grow very big, at most a pound, and only seven fish weigh a pound, and the other fish are still very small. Check it out in the first half of the year. If it doesn't work, just eat fried fish and eat it.

He Yuzhu walked into Director Zhang's office and handed him a two-jin fish with a smile.

If someone asks He Yuzhu, just say that he smashed a hole in the ice to catch it. Anyway, he gave it away and didn't sell it, so nothing will happen.

Send Peng Mei, Director Yang, Ye Qiu, and He Yuzhu back to the cafeteria to send Liu Lan, Ma Hua, and Liu Songgui off.

These people have helped themselves to some extent, and they pretended to be sick and brought gifts to see themselves, all of which were human relations.

If you only want to take advantage, then this relationship will not last long.

I have been busy until all the workers are off work, and the cafeteria is still working overtime. Thousands of copies of things will be finished before tomorrow. Come and play for a while in the morning. It will be much easier when I start sending them. 24 people will send them together. It's time to get off work.

Finally, I was so busy that I got off work. It was already past eight o'clock, and the sky was completely dark.

Everyone in the cafeteria let out a long sigh of relief.

When Liu Lan came home from get off work, she saw her sister-in-law, who had already made a meal for her at her house, took care of the children and put them to bed.

Liu Lan: "Sister-in-law, why did you come here today?"

Sister-in-law Liu: "I didn't have time today, and I was busy until noon to catch up with the car to drive into the city. Dad asked me to come and collect your brother's salary, and asked him if he would go home for the New Year tomorrow."

Liu Lan: "They have a holiday tomorrow, and they don't go to work until the third grade of junior high school. I don't know what the guest house will give out during the Chinese New Year."

Mrs. Liu: "Half a catty of meat, a catty of melon seeds, by the way, Lanzi, I brought you a chicken caught on the mountain in my hometown, and the dog eggs were caught on the mountain. Parents are reluctant to eat it. Let me bring it here for my nephew. Replenish your body, you hurry to eat, then tomorrow I will go back with your brother, and I have to go back to my mother's house on the first day of the new year, my parents tell you not to go back, take care of the children at home, don't waste the fare money."

Goudan Liu's eldest son.

Liu Lan: "I don't have time to visit my parents. You take these things back to their elders. This one dollar is my aunt. It's a lucky money for the children." Liu Lan put it in the box and got it ready flour, about two catties.

Mrs. Liu: "Hurry up and finish your meal and rest early. I will come over every month in the future. I will go back and have a look when I have time. We should help each other when we have difficulties. We are a family."

After so many years, sister-in-law Liu came to Liu Lan's house for the second time. If He Yuzhu hadn't changed Liu Lan's life trajectory, it is estimated that Liu Lan and sister-in-law Liu would not be in contact with each other. There is no sister-in-law who would only like the autumn wind for a long time. Only then can the family relationship be maintained.

Her elder brother and parents would help her, but she couldn't hold back her daughter-in-law's dissatisfaction, and she would become unfamiliar with it for a long time. Later, Liu Lan was bullied by Deputy Factory Manager Li, and there was nowhere to find help, so she could only grit her teeth and obey.

Not now, she has a lot of food in the cellar, and she will not go to the black market to sell pastries in the future, and the money she earns during this period will be good, and the food bought in the black market can last for a long time, not to mention that she often goes to Black market, keep doing business.

After Liu Lan finished washing, she went to bed on the kang. Sister-in-law Liu is still helping her make steamed buns and vegetables for tomorrow, and she will do it when she comes back from get off work tomorrow, so she won't be in a hurry.

Liu Hong and his daughter-in-law carried the things distributed by the factory on their backs. They bought New Year's goods at the supply and marketing agency in the city a few days ago. This caused a sensation when they first entered Liujia Village.

Wealth does not return to the hometown, like walking at night in brocade, and now it is described as Liu Hong, who is wearing the overalls that Liu Lan paid for him.

There are a lot of things that the family can’t afford. Now I see others buying them back. I feel envious in my heart, but I say compliments. Now that Liu Dequan’s family has food and wages, if I ask to borrow some money in the future also good.

Some people came to ask Liu De if the whole city was still recruiting workers.

For the first time in most of his life, Liu Dequan smiled so happily, his son and daughter became mature, and he grew a lot of face.

Only Liu Erdan's family didn't envy him. Yi Zhonghai came again before the Chinese New Year and brought him ten yuan. His family returned a catty of meat and dry goods from the mountains.

In this small day in this village, he directly caught up with the captain's house.

He Yuzhu returns to the courtyard
Lou Xiaoe: "Someone came to borrow money today, but I didn't borrow it. I said that you are in charge of the money."

He Yuzhu frowned. The most difficult life in this yard is Yang Chunfa's family. Last year, before the Chinese New Year, Yi Zhonghai would help his family and lend him some money. Didn't he help this year?
After Yang Chunfa's wife died, three children were left at home, and their parents also sacrificed to heaven. When his wife was alive, she was lazy and didn't like to work, so she has always been a temporary worker. If he is not wanted in the factory, it depends on his father. On the surface, he didn't dare to leave.

Since his wife, parents, and two years ago passed away one after another, he has changed a lot. He is down-to-earth and willing to work hard, but there are three and a half children in his family. He is the only one in his family who earns, and the salary is completely unbearable.

He Yuzhu has always had a plan, but he has no time alone.

(End of this chapter)

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