Chapter 81

get off work at noon
He Yuzhu, Lou Xiaoe and Liu Lan walked together

He Yuzhu: "Liu Lan, why did the Ke family divorced?"

Liu Lan: "This matter has to start after the Mahua family got engaged."

After Liu Lan's explanation, He Yuzhu understood a general idea

On the second day after Mahua's family got engaged, cousin Ke Yujuan rushed back to her hometown with a college student from Jin City.
An Zixin, a 25-year-old college student, is a senior technician at the Jin City Agricultural Machinery Factory. He fell in love with Ke Yujuan's cousin, Ke Yuhong. However, He Yuhong is married and has a child. He told him that there is a cousin in her hometown who looks eight times like her and is prettier than her. Unmarried, An Zixin paid 30 yuan for an introduction fee, and promised that as long as he got married, he would give up his mother's work place to his daughter-in-law, and give a bride price of 100 yuan, one foot of cloth, and no dowry.

The parents of the Ke family saw that their eyes were wide open, but they were also worried that their daughter would marry the wrong person, so they agreed to go to Jin City with their cousin. up.

He Yuzhu understands that people look at better ones, and this is not his fault. People go to high places, and water flows to low places. It is human nature, and it is Ma Hua who is to blame. There is no such fate
Liu Lan: "My introducer feels sorry for that boy Ma Hua. My uncle's family is too dishonorable. Seeing this boy taciturn every day, I feel uncomfortable."

He Yuzhu: "They haven't met twice, so it shouldn't be because they have feelings for each other, but because they feel ashamed and because they don't have the ability to do that."

He Yuzhu really guessed right, the two met only once, it would be too fake to say that they have feelings, at most it is Ma Hua, who wants to eat swan meat, but is depressed when he doesn't eat it, and feels that he is not capable, and the girls he likes run away with him Yes, the neighbors talked about him behind his back.

He Yuzhu: "Then go and do your work, Xiao'e and I will go home first."

After Liu Lan left, He Yuzhu carried Lou Xiaoe home
Going back to the courtyard and looking at Yan Pugui, with that lonely expression and bleak figure, he didn't feel sympathetic. After a while, the old lamp healed up and his scars forgot to hurt. The last time he was greedy for petty gain, Hong Jingqiu cleaned him up once. You deserve it if you don't restrain yourself this time.

He Yuzhu also greeted hypocritically, and followed Lou Xiaoe home,

It is better to offend a gentleman than to offend a villain, there is some truth in this
arrived home

Lou Xiaoe: "You said you were going out to help the kitchen in the afternoon, did the cafeteria let you get off work early?"

He Yuzhu: "Just don't follow the cleaning, and it won't affect the operation of the cafeteria. You should eat less in the cafeteria in the afternoon, and I will bring you back meat and vegetables in the evening."

Lou Xiaoe: "Okay, remember to come back early."

work at noon
He Yuzhu went to Director Zhang's office

He Yuzhu: "Director, the number of workers has nearly doubled now, and our cafeteria still has the same number of people. I think we can recruit ten more and open a few windows. Although the workshop comes out to eat in batches, the cafeteria is still too busy. .”

Director Zhang: "This morning, the meeting has already discussed this issue, and the workshop director also responded. The canteen is too slow to serve food. Factory Manager Yang and the others have already reported this problem to the higher-ups. When the main factory officially issues documents, it can be opened in the factory. There is one line, this time the application to the above is a line of twelve people, if you have a recommendation, please prepare it quickly, and the results will be officially released on the third day after the document is issued."

Now it’s easy to switch from rural to non-agricultural, as long as you have a formal job, and there is no limit to recruiting temporary workers in rural areas. After 1966, you don’t have to think about the problem of going to the city. There is nothing to do if the family relationship is good, unless you can wait. In 1970, he entered the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University.

He Yuzhu really doesn't have anyone to recommend right now, so leave this question to Liu Lan to see if she has any. Yang Chengyi is too young to be 14 years old, and he needs to be at least [-] years old to be a temporary worker
He Yuzhu: "I don't have any temporary workers to recommend."

Director Zhang: "You take the recruitment slip to the canteen and ask them if they are diligent and quick to recruit. The other eight have already been booked by relatives of other directors. My younger brother and sister are also coming in. This is the recruitment slip. Recruit people as soon as possible. "

He Yuzhu just turned around
Director Zhang: "Hurry up and take two people to the logistics department, bring back the big iron pot, set up the pot, and ask the cleaning staff to come over and clean up the canteen next to it. The cooking will start in that one tomorrow. No matter how much you make, I can help you share some."

The cafeteria next to it used to be a warehouse. Later, the new cafeteria was expanded and abandoned. Now even if it needs to be used, it has to wait to build a shed. It doesn’t rain now. It’s like eating in the hall of the cafeteria.

He Yuzhu found Liu Lan

He Yuzhu: "This is the job offer. There are three places. If no one is selected, I will give it to someone else in the cafeteria. I will tell the director that no one will be selected. If there is one, you will bring it here quickly, and you will start work tomorrow afternoon."

Liu Lan wanted to go back and discuss with his father to see if her sister-in-law could come over. Her parents probably wouldn't come. She knew that these old people's homeland was hard to leave, and at most she had time to come and see them. Can't get in

He Yuzhu felt that he had become a donkey again, and was watched by his wife pulling a rickshaw, and greeted He Yuzhu with a smile not far away.

By the time He Yuzhu pulled the big iron pot outside the cafeteria, the cleaning lady had already cleaned the inside almost completely.
The three of them carried a large iron pot and put it on the stove. This is an old stove. Although it has not been used for two or three years, it is no different from the one used in the canteen now.

He Yuzhu called Lou Xiaoe to clean up with the cafeteria staff until after get off work. He and Ma Hua were going to help the cook at the house of director Yang and his comrade-in-arms, and his wife would help him clean up.

He Yuzhu asked Ma Hua to ride his own car and carry himself to the place where he helped the cook. Factory Manager Yang also borrowed a bicycle and led the way.
He Yuzhu: "Boy, I also heard about you. It's no big deal. Work hard, and you won't fail to marry a wife in the future."

Ma Hua: "Master, I didn't think about that, I just felt that my father and the others were ashamed to be involved with me."

He Yuzhu: "In the future, marry someone who can live a good life and see who can gossip about you."

MCA speechless
He Yuzhu: "How about it, after considering it, master will help you find one."

He Yuzhu didn't even know where to find him, but he had a sister in the Women's Federation, so he was afraid that no lesbian would introduce him?

Ma Hua: "Master, you didn't lie to me?"

MCA now wants to find a wife to go back and show to the neighbors that no one wants me
He Yuzhu: "Tomorrow I will go to see my sister, you also know Director Peng."

Ma Hua's tone was not so bleak anymore, and the two chatted all the way to their destination
Follow the factory director Yang all the way to the main kitchen, now all the ingredients are ready, just waiting for the chef to serve the dishes, the guests will be full soon

Director Yang: "Do well, let's have a drink later."

He Yuzhu: "Director Yang, put your heart in your stomach."

Ma Hua and He Yuzhu started to cook, and they were busy until [-] o'clock in the evening. The guests dispersed. The host gave three yuan. He Yuzhu and Ma Hua ate a la carte, drank a glass of wedding wine, packed the dishes and went home
(End of this chapter)

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