Chapter 9 Chicken Soup
Another busy day has begun!

"System Sign-In" He Yuzhu
"If you sign in successfully, you will be rewarded with [-] cents."

This system is too tight.

In the past, it was one piece, but now it is all fifty cents!

Enter the space to put the pig.

After the chicks are fed
Started to rush to the factory.

He Yushui has already given the bike to him, so he is not afraid of meeting Qin Huairu.

He Yuzhu: "Morning, sister-in-law"

Qin Huairu replied "Morning!" while still washing up

Today, there was a reception in the factory, and a chicken was killed and half of it was eaten.

The happy He Yuzhu, Liu Lan, and Ma Hua shared the leftovers and hurried home.

When He Yuzhu came back slowly, it was already getting dark!
His room is not very big for now, but the current condition is also very good.

Cooking is basically a temporary shed at the door
He turned on the small coal stove, boiled hot water, and then went to re-boil the chicken first.

The condiments at home are far less abundant than in the canteen kitchen, so I don’t feel burdened to take a little snack every day.

Others can also eat leftover chicken.

Under the current conditions, it is already a luxury for ordinary people to eat meat.

It didn't take long to use the special spices for stewing chicken, and the aroma of the chicken soup had already drifted far away.

He Yuzhu looked at the small clock, which was bought with twelve industrial tickets.

It's past seven o'clock

I filled a large bowl and sent it to the deaf old lady.

Speaking of deaf old ladies

He Yuzhu admired it from the bottom of his heart!

This old lady has the highest prestige in the courtyard

A character whose husband used to climb snow-capped mountains and cross grasslands

The son also aided the DPRK and sacrificed a lot of heroes.

And see people and things have always been transparent.

Although I often pretend to be confused.

But for the kind-hearted juniors, I really like it!
He Yuzhu was very popular with the deaf old lady before.

The kind-hearted original owner has been called innumerably by the people in the courtyard.

Only the old lady treats He Yuzhu like a family member!So if you have something delicious, you have to send a copy.

Jia Zhang: "What does it taste like?" Jia Zhang is eating at home
Stick stem also suddenly raised his head to look out the window, and sniffed vigorously.

He is the age of the greedy mouth and the sharpest nose.

Qin Huairu was still too early to be paid, and it was after the last time I saw Qin Huairu sitting in a limousine.

Jiazhang also planned to save some future opportunities, and collected the compensation from the factory and the wages saved by his son before, and the family began to eat corn bread with difficulty.

On the one hand, Qin Huairu will be tied to death.

On the one hand, it is convenient for her to use the money, so she dare not bet that Qin Huairu's salary will be handed over to her.

Divide a little bit of Sophora japonica rations, and prepare rice soup for the sticks, which tastes a little sweet.

But as soon as he heard what grandma said, Stick put down his chopsticks immediately, and sucked in the smell in the air vigorously.

The rice paste is for Sophora japonica, Qin Huairu has no time to breastfeed at work.

Jia Zhang's: "Chicken soup, it's chicken soup"

Mrs. Jia Zhang patted the table and said with resentment: "It belongs to Shazhu's house next door, that's his house. The smell of cooking can waft over.
Okay, our family is drinking light radish soup and eating corn buns,

He is lucky to eat and drink spicy food alone at home,

Is he still human? Anyway, Weiguo also helped him,

Don't you know how to be filial and filial to me, and the three children are so young, they are just at the age when they need nourishment, how can he eat a thousand dollars alone? "

Jiazhang suddenly felt that the steamed buns in his hand were no longer fragrant.

There is still half of the corn bread left on the stick and I don't want to eat it.

He ran out and looked at He Yuzhu's door, and then at Qin Huairu, but he didn't get any answer.

Stick stem looked at his grandma again!

Jia Zhang: "Bang, do you want to eat chicken?" Jia Zhang asked with a smile on his face.

The stick nodded.

Jia Zhang: "Xiao Dang, do you want to drink chicken soup?" Jia Zhang asked temptingly

Xiao Dang: "I think." At this time Xiao Dang also nodded.

Jia Zhang said: "Then you two go to eat together, and when you come back, you can't come back with food."

He Yuzhu in the backyard
He Yuzhu: "Old lady, I'll bring you some broth to make up for it."

Old lady: "Call grandma, how many times have you said that child?"

He Yuzhu "Understood, please drink more, grandma."

Chatted with the deaf old lady for a while, and then served two old hens in the backyard, said hello to the old lady, and then went home.

When I returned to my room, the pot on the table was gone.

Originally, He Yuzhu wanted to use the half pot of chicken soup left over for dinner, but now he didn't even have the pot.

He Yuzhu smiled again, the tutor of the family next door is really interesting.

When he came back just now, he was still thinking that the children in her family are still young, and he feels sorry for the children. It is understandable to come here to share some food with him. After all, what he has watched is a TV series, and this is life.

Stick is still young and has no ideas of its own.

But Jia Zhang and Qin Huai are like two adults, don't they understand at all?
But now?Even the pot was taken away for me!

half an hour ago.

Bang Gon brought Xiao Dang to He Yuzhu's house and saw the chicken soup on the table.

Just scoop a little for myself, then scoop a little for Xiaodang and go back.

back home.

Stick: "Grandma, uncle is not here" said Stick

Saw chicken soup in two kids bowls.

Jia Zhang said, "Since Silly Zhu is not here, bring back the chicken soup and let's eat together."

The stick follows suit.

Jia Zhang got some chicken soup to drink and was very happy.

She praised Stickong: "You have to fight for good things yourself. If you don't fight for it, how can it be yours?"

She didn't think that this was a naked act of theft, but she was proud of it.

"That silly Zhu is now a bachelor and a chef in the cafeteria. He eats well and wears warm clothes. It's normal for us to eat him.
Our family has had such a hard time, and he still stewed chicken soup and couldn't share it at all. He really has no conscience. Isn't it delicious? "

Granny Zhang first published a set of fallacies.

A child who is less than six years old, his face is full of innocence!do not understand anything.

Qin Huairu looked at this scene and didn't know what to say.And she didn't educate sticks, which is wrong behavior.

Qin Huairu: "After eating, send the pot back to others."

Stick: "Silly Zhu, return the pot to you." Stick said when he came to the door.

He Yuzhu took the pot over and gave Stickong a cold look.

I was thinking about what method to use, that is, the method of not beating children or the elderly, to get rid of this bad breath.

[Seeing friends here, the author doesn’t know the Virgin Mary, doesn’t know the harem, and we read books from the perspective of God, the protagonist doesn’t have the perspective of God, take some things slowly]

Now bullying orphans, widows, old and young for no reason will be criticized.

An ignorant child beats him with something to eat, the whole yard, the steel factory, what do you think of you.

Remember that things don't happen to others, and they can accuse you on the moral high ground.

Last time, under the instigation of his grandma, Bang Geng took two steamed buns with thin noodles, and Sha Zhu didn't say anything in the yard. She thought it should be the same this time.

Thinking of a perfect solution, He Yuzhu ate two steamed buns and locked the door.

After entering the space and finishing everything, I went to sleep.

early morning
Out of the courtyard, rushed to the black market.

(End of this chapter)

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