Chapter 95

In a blink of an eye, it was almost the end of the year. Lou Xiaoe gave birth to a daughter in the hospital and named her Lou Yue. She was convinced that Lou Xiaoe named the child He Yuzhu. She dreamed that the cabinet was full of food, so she named the fourth child the cabinet. Named Moon, He Yuzhu removed the word Liang, and called it Louyue, which sounds better. The son’s name was random, originally called Lou Guizi, but He Yuzhu changed it to Mancang.

The Women's Federation gave Lou Xiao'e a one-month vacation, and she went to work after a rest.

Qin Huairu is now living in Xu Damao's house with her children. The children are called Xu Damao's father. Except for the fact that the surname has not been changed, the two daughters are named Xu. Xu Damao negotiated with Jia Zhang for three yuan a month.

He Yuzhu wrapped Lou Xiao'e in a quilt, and walked home with his back on his back. He Yushui followed behind with the tightly wrapped little guy.

Just got home and put Lou Xiaoe on the kang,
He Aidang: "Dad, my brother kicked me and grabbed my quilt."

He Yuzhu: "Be honest with me, I don't want to hit anyone today. If I dare to make trouble with your mother this month, you can kneel in the snow together."

He Aijun stared at the second child without saying a word, the fourth child ran to He Yuzhu to hug him, he was almost two years old, this guy was very clingy, He Yuzhu hugged the fourth child and stared at the two of them,

He Yuzhu: "I'm not going to sleep on the kang, I'm waiting for Lao Tzu to take care of you."

He Yushui put Lou Yue next to Lou Xiao'e, and went back to the room to see if He Yubing was asleep. Tomorrow, her colleague came to make an engagement. The two had been dating for more than half a year.
The two were unwilling to go to the kang, and even whispered and quarreled.

At this time, Yang Chengyi knocked on the door and came in, holding an old hen

Yang Chengyi: "Uncle, I exchanged this with someone today, thank you for taking care of me in the factory."

Since He Yuzhu helped him find him in the factory three years ago, this kid often came to see He Yuzhu with his things.

He Yuzhu: "How is the wine selling, you have to be careful."

Yang Chengyi: "Don't worry, Uncle, I have counted, here are some candies for my younger brothers and sisters to eat."

He Yuzhu: "Take this flour back home and make dumplings for dinner. Uncle won't give it to you. You can't go away."

Yang Chengyi: "It's okay, then I'll go back first."

In a few minutes, Aunt Yi came in with chicken soup,

Aunt Yi: "Xiao'e, have you eaten? I simmered this chicken soup all afternoon, so I added some salt. It's a good thing for confinement."

He Yuzhu: "Auntie, let Xiao'e eat it and put it here. Take this fish back and give it to Jiye and Fangfang. I bought two."

Aunt Yi: "Then I'll go back first, and I have to take care of the two little ones to sleep."

He Yuzhu still has to cook some eggs, and I will send them to colleagues who are familiar with me at work tomorrow. Aunt Yi is so kind. Every time Xiao'e is in confinement, she will help take care of her for more than a month. Every day, she will wait for He Yuzhu to get off work before going home.

He Yuzhu felt that he would get better in the future, so he had to help them, otherwise the kindness would not be repaid.

I saw Xu Damao when I went home today. I didn’t know that I brought back two old hens when I went to the movie. Their family’s life is not bad now. With the salary of the two, Xu Damao still receives gifts after a while. Big ears.

Every time He Yuzhu's family gave birth to a child, Xu Damao would get drunk and lie on the bed crying silently, Qin Huairu tried to persuade him again.

The next day, He Yuzhu asked for leave, and waited for Liu's family to come to make an engagement and cook a table of food. He Yushui also asked for leave to stay at home. Come to the door, now He Yuzhu's room is divided into two, in which Lou Xiao'e is resting, and several children are playing in the backyard,

Sister Hu: "Comrade He, it's a new atmosphere now. There are no broken rules like before. I came here today to make a kiss with you."

He Yuzhu: "Then please trouble Big Sister Hu, I like this Xiaohao, and Yushui also agrees."

Father Liu: "Then they will be in-laws."

He Yuzhu: "Hello, uncle and aunt."

Sister Hu: "The Liu family entrusted me to come and meet my relatives. Today is also an engagement. A gift of 100 yuan, a foot of cotton cloth, a watch, and a bicycle. You choose a date so that the two young people can get married."

He Yuzhu: "The good thing is sooner rather than later, it will be done by the end of this month."

The two families had a meal together, He Yushui sent them out, turned around and came back
He Yuzhu: "This is what I think about you. You take all the things and money sent by your in-laws, buy a new sewing machine, and add a radio to you. Get all three turns and one ring, and happily send them away. You go out, do you think it's okay?"

He Yushui: "I listen to brother."

He Yushui has been working for almost a year, and her salary is more than 50 yuan, which has been handed in to her sister-in-law. No tickets are used, except that He Yuzhu takes her to the department store to buy shoes during the holidays, which is basically very economical.

Now the ticket at home is enough for a radio and a sewing machine. Since people gave me a face, I can’t do nothing here. He Yuzhu gave He Yushui the cloth ticket industry ticket, and took out the 600 yuan that Lou Xiaoe had saved for her. she,
He Yuzhu: "Tomorrow you go pick out the things and have someone deliver them to you. You are buying two four-piece suits and buying yourself a new set of clothes and shoes."

He Yushui: "Brother." Hugging He Yuzhu and crying softly
He Yuzhu: "Why are you crying on such a happy day? The Liu family has such a good life. Both parents are workers, and you two are also college student workers. Your monthly salary is almost 200 yuan. Why are you still crying? He Yubing is not as delicate as you."

He Yushui: "I just think that you and my sister-in-law are too kind to me, and I can't bear you."

He Yuzhu: "You're married to Tianya Haijiao. It's only a few steps away, and it takes 10 minutes to ride a bicycle. If you want to come over, come and have a look. He Aijun has long wanted to occupy your room. Don't cry, it's not good to cry. "

Lou Xiaosi on the kang: "Shy and crying." He made a face
He Yushui was amused by his expression, and ran over to hug him

At this moment
He Yubing: "Dad, don't worry about it, He Aijun throws snow at me." A picture of me getting angry, the kind that can't be coaxed well.

He Yuzhu: "He's back, I'll take care of him."

After He Yuzhu finished speaking, she went to pick up the candy from Liu's family on the table, threw one into her mouth and went out again.

He Yuzhu brought the unseasoned soup to the side of the kang in the back room, and served Lou Xiaoe for dinner.

Now Lou Yue is still like a monkey, her face is ugly, her brothers and sisters don't like her, they think she is ugly, especially Lou Xiaosi, who keeps calling her mother, so throw Lou Yue out quickly, because his mother has been lying in bed all day. On the kang, I never hugged him.

He Yushui took Lou Xiaosi into her room and put her on the kang, and then started making cotton shoes. Now he has no cotton shoes, so he was not allowed to go out to play.After the leftovers were heated up and dinner was ready, He Aijun came back and saw He Yuzhu glaring at him, so he quickly hid behind He Yushui and asked his aunt to protect him, and when he grew up, he would protect his aunt.

He Yuzhu: "You are capable enough to bully your sister. You should immediately kneel down on the kang and explain clearly what you did wrong. I won't beat you. I will hide for a minute. I will kick you and throw you out."

He immediately knelt on the kang behind He Yushui, saying that he would not bully his sister in the future.

He Yushui: "Brother, tell me how many tables should we set up here."

He Yuzhu: "Invite all the friends you know from the factory, and invite everyone in the yard to have fun. It just so happens that your sister-in-law is also confinement."

(End of this chapter)

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