Chapter 97 Getting Married
At the end of the month, He Yuzhu went to the factory and asked for a leave of absence from the factory manager Qiao Weimin. He Yushui was going to get married at noon today and asked for leave. He went to the cafeteria to inform a few people, and came to help in the evening. He Yuzhu will go to the courtyard.
He Yushui was wearing a military green wedding gown, with a small red flower pinned to his chest, and put on a military cap on his head. He sat on the kang and chatted with Lou Xiaoe. Originally, the wedding banquet was at noon, but many people couldn’t make it. changed to afternoon,
Ask Aunt Yi and her neighbors to help with washing vegetables, steaming steamed buns, borrowing tables and benches,
Tie up all the dowry things with a red cloth belt, and wait for the bride-to-be to have a meal and chat, and then you can go out. When it is almost eleven o'clock, the noisy crowd outside starts to boo, and the bride-to-be arrives.
Aunt Yi cooked the dishes for the two tables of reception. Today, the host doesn’t need to do anything, just be responsible for the reception.

After dinner, He Yuzhu put He Yushui on Liu Yuanhao's bicycle, and Liu Yuanhao's relatives and friends carried the dowry on their backs and followed the couple out.
He Yuzhu turned around and came back, tied Lou Yue to her body, and led He Aijun. Lou Xiao'e carried the fourth child on her back, and led the second and third child to send off their relatives, and followed the bridegroom to Liu's house.

He Yuzhu: "Be good to me today, or I will take care of you when you come back at night."

He Aijun: "Well, I'm very good."

He Yuzhu was afraid that he would go to someone's house and beat up other children, which was very embarrassing, as if He Yuzhu deliberately taught children to give others a bad impression.

He Yuzhu: "When I arrive at my uncle's house today, you will be by my side. Don't run around. I'll make you a kite when you come back."

He Aijun: "Okay Dad." His face was very happy. He Yuzhu didn't know why he wanted a kite in winter, and asked himself how many times a day he wanted it.

All the way to Liu's house, Aunt Liu was very proud when she saw the dowry. Her in-laws gave her family a lot of face, although his family gave them bicycles, watches, and cloth.

But all the dowry was brought here, and seeing the envious eyes of her relatives, she was very grateful. She already liked He Yushui, a college student, with a background as a farm worker, and they were serious and responsible in their work. They all belonged to the same factory.

She originally thought that He Yushui's sister-in-law didn't have a job because He Yuzhu's family had too many children, and He Yushui was going to have a baby. She gave up her job to Lou Xiao'e, but she didn't expect that Lou Xiao'e was a secretary of the Women's Federation.
When He Yushui and the others entered the main house, firecrackers sounded outside, and He Yuzhu took the children and followed the introducer, Sister Hu, into Liu's house. Seeing He Aijun and Aunt Liu, she walked over quickly, hugged her in her arms, and kissed her a few times. , the corners of He Yuzhu's eyes twitched, this kid looks cute, but his behavior is disgusting,

He Aijun: "Grandma Liu, hello." He kissed Aunt Liu

He Yuzhu finally felt relieved, today's performance was okay, Uncle Liu came out and hugged He Yubing, and called He Yuzhu and his wife to come in and sit down.

After arranging for He Yuzhu's family to sit down, Liu's family invited their relatives to sit down, set up two tables, and everyone chatted happily. Only those who are off work in the afternoon can come over for the banquet.

When the conversation was almost over, He Yuzhu left. His own family was still waiting to go back to greet him, and Liu's family didn't keep him. He Yushui returned home in three days before he could formally communicate with relatives. These are some simple and vulgar rules.

When He Yuzhu got home, he took out the bamboo strips he had prepared, made some needles and threads, took out the urea bag and cut them up, and made a kite for He Aijun. He took out some wool and tied it to the kite and gave it to him.

After get off work in the afternoon, everyone in the cafeteria rushed over to help, Peng Mei and his wife also arrived, Qiao Weimin, the factory manager, and half of the leaders of the third branch factory came. to help He Yuzhu,

Yan Bugui also helped He Yuzhu keep the bookkeeping. Yan Bugui was very grateful to He Yuzhu for looking up to him. In the past few years, no one has invited him to keep the books.

Now the two brothers Liu Erdan and Liu Hong are cooking. Liu Songgui is the manager in the kitchen of He Yuzhu's house, directing everyone in the cafeteria to be busy. When the dishes start to be served, the three brothers Yang Chengyi and the young people in the yard help to serve the dishes. Lou Xiao'e accompanied the leaders of the factory While eating and chatting, He Yuzhu went out with a wine glass and bottle to thank everyone.

At the end of the first round, He Yuzhu personally sent the leaders of the steel factory out of the gate.

He Yuzhu: "Thank you to Director Qiao, thank you to my brother-in-law, thank you for your support, let's have a drink together another day, and talk about my feelings, and I won't see you off today."

Everyone said that there is no need to send it, you go back and leave when you are busy.

In the second round, those who didn’t eat in the yard came to help from the cafeteria, and He Yuzhu sat at the table to toast to thank everyone,

Xu Damao and his family took more than half of the seats, and gave two yuan to six of them. This Jiazhang family is really thick-skinned, but He Yuzhu also knows that he can't care about the big day.

Liu Erdan and his wife sat at the same table with their children for the first time, but Jiye and Fangfang didn't know them,

Yi Zhonghai: "Jiye Fangfang, this is your godfather and godmother, who bring you something every time you celebrate the holidays, remember?"

They do remember that every festival, some things brought back by their father said they were given by their godfather and godmother, but they have never seen who it was.
Jiye Fangfang: "Hello godfather, hello godmother."

Liu Erdan and his wife: "Okay, okay, everything is okay." Wiping the tears from the corners of their eyes

The two of them chatted about the past at the table,
He Yuzhu held the wine glass again: "Thank you for coming to help, and thank you for coming to participate. I will do it first as a respect. Everyone eat and drink well."

Xu Damao: "Director He is refreshing."

He Yuzhu: "You eat first, and I have to take care of my fourth child. I will wait for 2 minutes to drink with everyone."

Liu Haizhong: "Director He, although you are busy, I will greet you here."

Seeing so many leaders, Liu Haizhong was very excited. He was quite eloquent at home, but when he really saw the leaders, he was careful to stutter.

Zhou Xue was taking the two children to chat with Lou Xiaoe on the kang, He Yuzhu was holding steamed buns and soup to coax the fourth child to eat, Lou Xiaoe didn't have time to hug him now, this guy is very clingy, he can't eat well without adults around.

Now Lou Yue's small face has opened up, big eyes, and white and tender skin. During this period of time, he will not say that he will throw his sister out.

Seeing the two people on the bed, He Yuzhu felt an unexplainable anger, and endured it again. The two brothers just tore the kite to pieces.

In the future, the toys of these two people are only suitable for playing with iron eggs, and that one will not be broken.

He Yuzhu fed the fourth child, went out to drink with everyone, and was helping to return some things back, and the rest will be returned tomorrow.

Liu Haizhong was in an excited mood today, he drank a few glasses of wine with the factory leader, and he became a little smug, commanding the young people in the yard to return things, his face was very excited.

He Yuzhu sent everyone in the cafeteria away a little drunk, and returned to the courtyard at the intersection. At this time, the things were almost returned. He Yuzhu took out the prepared cigarettes and distributed them to the young people who returned the things.

(End of this chapter)

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