Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 10 010: Poor Parents in the World

Chapter 10 010: Poor Parents in the World
Good things don't go out, bad things pass thousands of miles.

Shen Xi broke up before getting married, the wedding was cancelled, and because of medical accidents, he was dismissed from the job, and soon passed back to his hometown.

The Shen family, who were also preparing for the wedding banquet, lost all joy in an instant.

Originally, the hometown and the magic city held banquets separately, and relatives and friends in the hometown also sent wedding invitations, and they were already preparing.

The son had a successful career and married a daughter-in-law in Shanghai, and Shen's mother, Wu Fangdi, would say to everyone that she couldn't do it, and was happy every day, but this time, she was completely depressed.

After thinking about it, Wu Fangdi couldn't sleep that night, so she took out her mobile phone to call her son, but no one answered.

Sure enough, something went wrong.

Wu Fangdi was uneasy and worried.

But at this moment, the phone rang, and it was my daughter calling. Why is my daughter calling at this time?

Wu Fangdi felt more and more uneasy, so she quickly connected.

"Mom, it's not good. I heard people say that my brother jumped off a building in Shanghai a few days ago..."

Bang, Wu Fangdi only felt her head explode, like a bolt from the blue.

Wu Fangdi was completely stunned, and couldn't react for a long time. Even though her daughter called on the phone, she didn't respond.

Father Shen, Shen Qingshan saw his wife's face, and knew something was wrong, so he quickly got up and slapped his back hard.


Finally, Wu Fangdi came over in one breath, and burst into tears with a cry.

"My son..."

Hearing his wife's cry, Shen Qingshan's face changed drastically, his body swayed, could it be his son...?
At this time, Shen Miao on the other side of the phone realized that he didn't speak clearly, and quickly shouted: "Mom, don't cry, brother is fine, it's just a slight injury..."

Fortunately, Wu Fangdi's cell phone was still in her ear, and she stopped crying instantly after hearing what her daughter said.

"Really? Are you okay?"

"Well, I'm fine, I seem to have been discharged from the hospital, it was a high school classmate of my brother who said it in the WeChat group..."

"Then you call your sister and ask your brother-in-law to drive over immediately. Your father and I are going to Shanghai, and ask your sister to book a plane ticket for us."

"To pick you up at this time?"

"Yes, at this time, if I don't see your brother, I won't live in peace. I have to go to Shanghai to see him..."

"Okay then! I'll call my sister..."

"Let Hu Bing be quick, I'll pack my luggage right away."

"Oh, hang up..."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Fangdi got up and got out of bed, and really started to pack her luggage.

Shen Qingshan only asked at this time: "Is Xiaoxi all right?"

Wu Fangdi glared at her wife, "Is it all right? My son jumped off the building, is it all right? Fortunately, he is all right, otherwise I wouldn't be alive..."

Shen Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, as long as he is fine.

What kind of daughter-in-law in the city, suffer!

Those big city girls are so easy to marry?
The girls in this big mountain in my hometown are not watery, they are good-looking, and they are simple, much better than the people in the city.

Of course, these thoughts cannot be expressed. The wife only wants her son to marry a man from the city, so that she can look good.

Three aunts and six wives, in front of relatives and friends, she is so embarrassing.


Shen Xi didn't know, his family already knew about his affairs in Shanghai.

Originally, he didn't want to tell his family what happened during this period, so as not to worry his parents, including the cancellation of the wedding, he was also trying to figure out how to fool him.

When he thought of his parents' disappointment, hanging on the vicissitudes of life, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

After getting out of the lost state, he returned to the living room in an instant, and it was still the same position where he entered the front station before, exactly.

Bringing out a few things made his merit points completely zero.

However, he brought a little soil and stream water, which seemed to be of no merit, so he was relieved.

Jingshenlan must be cultivated as soon as possible. Fortunately, a lot of flowerpots and humus soil have been prepared before, and they only need to be mixed with the brought out soil before planting.

The first step is to remove the foreign fruit, find a paper towel, wrap it layer by layer, and put it in the fresh-keeping layer of the refrigerator.

I don't know if it will work like this.

He also has no experience at all.

It can only be done in the usual way.

Next, toss the small brook fish, put ten small fish in a plastic basin, put them in water, and see if it works, if not, put them in the refrigerator and freeze them.

Afterwards, the cultivation of Jingshenlan began non-stop.

Twenty plants, twenty flowerpots, fortunately, the balcony is so big that it can be placed under.

After the cultivation is completed, the water brought out is sprayed and watered. At this time, it is already two o'clock in the morning.

I hurried to take a shower and prepared to rest, but when I saw the mobile phone on the coffee table, I picked it up and looked at it.

Mom made three phone calls?

Looking at the call time, Shen Xi vaguely guessed that his mother must have heard something.

According to what he knew about his mother, she would definitely be there by tomorrow at the latest.

But come on!
Now I have a house to live in, so it is convenient to come here.

I just happened to help my mother check her body. I don't know if my father will come with me. It would be best if I come together, so we can have a checkup.

Let them have fun in the metropolis too and have fun.

Possessing magic and money, she is full of confidence, Shen Xi sincerely hopes that both parents will come to Shanghai.

It just so happens that the merit points are all used up now, and it may not be possible to enter the Lost Realm during this period of time, and there is no need to worry about being inconvenient for someone at home.

The task now is to accumulate merit points and start cultivation, which is the right path.

However, considering that his parents came from Sichuan for the first time, he was still a little worried.

So I opened WeChat and left messages for my sister and sister.

See who has time, come with your parents.

Early the next morning, as expected, both sisters and sisters replied to the news, saying that their parents had already boarded the plane and asked him to prepare to pick them up, but the two sisters were too busy to spend time with their parents.

Seeing this, the sleepy Shen Xi immediately got up to take a shower.

When I entered the bathroom, I saw all the river fish in the plastic basin were wiped out, and they all turned their bellies.

Take it out quickly, wrap it in a plastic bag, and put it in the refrigerator to freeze.

It seems that this living thing is not so easy to feed.

Before going out, Shen Xi went to the balcony and looked at Jing Shenlan, she looked pretty good and showed no signs of wilting.

Put a pot in the bedroom at night and try to see the effect.

There is also the matter of earning merit points. You must find a way to contact An Yufei as soon as possible, and you can't leave the strange fruit for a long time. If it breaks, it will be too wasteful.

Those with four points of merit will be so distressed that they will die.

After leaving the door, on the way to the airport, Shen Xi was still thinking about how to contact An Yufei. In fact, the contact is very simple, the key is how to operate.

How to make the other party believe him?

It is estimated that even if it is free, it is impossible for the other party to accept it rashly.

If the doctor's license has not been revoked and he is still the chief physician of the hospital, it will be much more convenient. At least the patients' trust in him will be very high.

It seems that I can only go to the hospital once, and look at it flickeringly.

When we arrived at the airport, it was almost nine o'clock, and the flight from Sichuan was about to arrive. Thinking of seeing his parents soon, Shen Xi was also a little excited.

Poor parents in the world!

When he was living smoothly, his parents didn't even want to call, they just didn't want to disturb him, and didn't want his girlfriend, including the woman's parents, to look down on him.

But as soon as he heard that something happened to him and something went wrong, his parents immediately traveled thousands of miles and came here overnight.

Thinking of this, the corners of Shen Xi's eyes were moist, and he was filled with guilt.

For so many years, his parents have supported him silently and never complained. They didn't have enough money to buy a house. In two days, they scraped together 100 million yuan and called him.

It is estimated that the old bottom of the family has been turned over, even so, the parents did not complain, and even asked him if he was enough.

In this world, only parents can make such selfless dedication.

And what about him?
At the age of 35, I still need the support of my parents, and it is still a drag on them.

In this fucking era, getting married and buying a house will take generations of hardships.

Now that he has had a miraculous encounter, he must try his best to keep his parents healthy and live a long life.

(End of this chapter)

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