Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 102 Chapter 102: Night Dive

Chapter 102 Chapter 102: Night Dive
Shen Xi didn't let the fishing boat go north immediately.

Instead, it is heading north of Lubang Island, which looks like it is heading directly to the South China Sea.

On the way, Shen Xi actually asked the crew to lower their nets and start fishing.

Get some fresh seafood, you can enjoy life if you have nothing to do.

In fact, he had never seen fishing in the sea and wanted to see it.

At the same time, enjoy the thrill of fishing.

The wind and waves are not big today, but the fishing boat still has a lot of ups and downs. After all, it is a fishing boat.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Shenxi slowed down the fishing boat and sailed slowly around the waters near Lubang Island.

Looking for a suitable place to attract the follower.

After a few rounds, it was getting late, but there was still no sign of a boat nearby.

Shen Xi thought about it and couldn't help smiling.

It seems that no one is a fool, obviously waiting.

If he didn't stop for a day or two, it was impossible for the other party to show up.

Then go north.

Immediately called Han Feng and asked him to tell the boss of the ship to sail north along the coast of Luzon Island for [-] nautical miles.

In the evening, the waves gradually increased, and the fishing boat heaved even more violently.

Everyone was in the cabin, cooking a large pot of seafood, mainly shrimp and crab.

Cheng Hu took out a bottle of Black Fang and poured a glass for Shen Xi first.

The price of tobacco and alcohol in the Philippines is very low, mainly due to low taxes and even tax exemptions.

Therefore, a bottle of black whiskey is several times lower than the domestic price.

Eat and drink, and when you are full, it will be completely dark.

Shen Xi and the others also got acquainted with the crew, talking and laughing on the surface.

The night lights were turned on on the fishing boat, and Shen Xi entered a separate small cabin. After locking it, with a thought, he took out a small milk dog and a milk bottle.

After feeding the four puppies, Shen Xi left the cabin.

Sun Xiu'e and Wu Qing had already rested, while Han Feng, Cheng Hu, and Tan Wei were staring at the cab, the engine room, and the deck.

The crew had nothing to do, they gathered in the cabin to smoke and fart.

Everything looks normal.

Shen Xi stood on the back deck, looking at the sea, wanting to see if there were lights.

But at this moment, the northwest position of the illusory map suddenly lit up.

Lavender, light red, and light blue light spots converge a little.

The brightness is not low, hidden treasure?
Shen Xi was overjoyed, took out a sea chart, and compared it.

No, why in this position?

There are no islands nearby, just a vast sea.

Although puzzled, he entered the cockpit.

Seeing Shen Xi coming in, Han Feng quickly asked, "What?"

Shen Xi said to Han Feng: "Come here."

Immediately spread the chart on the table, and Han Feng approached.

Shen Xi pointed to a point on the chart, and said: "Tell the boss of the ship, sail the ship to this position, and drop anchor."

Han Feng nodded, although he didn't understand why, he didn't ask, "Okay."

Immediately turned around, went to the boss of the boat, the two chattered, and Han Feng pointed to the radar chart.

But Shen Xi couldn't understand Filipino, so he sat down.

After Han Feng finished explaining, the boss of the boat started to turn.

In the illusory map, Shen Xi can clearly feel the direction change.

The fishing boat headed directly towards the spot of light.

Han Feng came over, holding a pack of cigarettes in his hand, and sat down beside Shen Xi.

He took out a cigarette and lit it. In the smoke, the scar on his face looked hideous.

"Boss, you want to see if anyone is following?"

Han Feng exhaled a puff of smoke and asked.

Shen Xi nodded, stretched out his hand and took out a cigar from his pocket, took out the cigar cutter, fiddled with it, and lit it.

This is the Philippine Luzon smoke, a very famous cigar.

Shen Xi bought some of the best ones and prepared to take them back to China as gifts, including the best black cubes, he also reserved some.

A small gift of human affection can win people's hearts.

He doesn't smoke, but he doesn't rule out puffing.

After lighting it, Shen Xi took a puff and then spat it out, tasting the smell of tobacco in his mouth.

At this time, Han Feng said again: "If it is really being targeted, I worry that our firepower is not enough."

Shen Xi smiled, "It's not a naval battle, the opponent is at most shoulder-mounted, what are you afraid of!
Besides, if you don't get early if you don't have a profit, if you don't see a rabbit and don't scatter an eagle, no matter what country you are, everyone has the same virtue.

If you don't see the hidden treasure, you won't do it easily.

This is important and can be used to advantage. "

Han Feng also smiled when he heard the words, "Their boats are professional. The Mayfair treasure hunting company in the UK has a very advanced treasure hunting and salvage ship."

"If people from Mayfair's Treasure Exploration Company come, it's not a good time to grab the boat."

Shen Xi smiled lightly, but Han Feng had nothing to say.

Regarding Shen Xi's strong confidence, he didn't know what to say.

I really want to say that the sea is no better than land, no matter how strong a person is, sometimes it is difficult to play.

"Boss, do you really know where the hidden treasure is?"

Thinking of what Shen Xi said just now, Han Feng asked curiously.

Shen Xi glanced at him and said: "It's just some speculation, go and see if there are any, who knows, treasure hunting is not just trying everywhere."

Han Feng didn't ask any more questions. In fact, for so many years, several routes of the Japanese army were explored by countless people, but nothing was found.

Now that Shen Xi also wants to start from this aspect, it is difficult for him to say anything.

Straighten the position, Han Feng is very clear about this.

Of course, Shen Xi would not do such stupid things as being approachable and being close to each other.

Prestige is very mysterious and must be established.

That's why he got a big cigar in his mouth, just to give people the feeling of a boss.

Don't underestimate these subtleties, they have great effect invisibly.

Just as everyone can cooperate under the interests, everyone can betray under the interests.

Don't test people's hearts.

Shen Xi doesn't understand many things, but after working as a doctor for so many years, she understands human nature.

Time flies, the fishing boat has arrived at the spot of light, and then stops and anchors.

At this time, the crew all came out, wanting to see why the ship stopped.

Sun Xiu'e and Wu Qing also came to the deck.

"It's nothing, I'll rest here tonight, and we'll talk about it tomorrow morning."

Shen Xi shouted to everyone, and the crew went back to the cabin to sleep.

"Keep an eye on people, don't let people play tricks."

Afterwards, Shen Xi whispered something to Han Feng and the others.

Several people understood, knowing that Shen Xi was suspicious, and there was a problem among the crew.

Tan Wei and Wu Qing went to the cabin and stared at the crew.

Han Feng guarded the cockpit, staring at the radar.

Cheng Hu and Sun Xiu'e followed Shen Xi and took out the diving equipment.

Now that it was above the light spot, Shen Xi naturally took advantage of the darkness to go into the water to check what it was.

Several colors of light spots, gathered together, look like hidden treasures.

Among them are cultural relics, precious metals, and gems, which can be seen from the color.

Putting on the diving equipment and holding the underwater searchlight, Shen Xi said to Sun Xiu'e and Cheng Hu: "If there is any situation, please pull the rope to inform me, and I will pull the rope and you will start to collect the rope."

The two nodded upon hearing the words, Sun Xiu'e looked worried, and Cheng Hu did the same, hesitant to speak several times.

Diving at night is very dangerous.

What's more, Shen Xi doesn't seem to have dived in the water.

"Don't worry, I'll try it first."

Shen Xi is a bold person with high skills, of course, he will not be blindly arrogant, the key is to rely on something.

One is the consciousness, and the other is the realm of loss.

(Thanks, World www, Tom Mouse, two book friends for their support!)

(End of this chapter)

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