Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 105 Chapter 105: Then I'm at ease

Chapter 105 Chapter 105: Then I'm at ease
All night.

The next day, only a few fishing boats passed by in the nearby waters.

But not close to the small island area, Shen Xi and others took turns diving.

It looked like he was looking for something in a shallow reef, but it was just Shen Xi doing it on purpose.

At dusk, three ships finally appeared.

But it didn't get close, just stopped and watched from a distance.

This night was still calm, and it was another morning, Shen Xi stood on a reef, watching a salvage ship approaching.

It finally came, Shen Xi looked at this huge salvage ship and liked it very much.

Yes, this boat is beautiful, well-equipped, and easy to drive. It is said that two people can fully control it, and the degree of automation is very high.

I looked at the other two ships in the distance, and they were far inferior to this one.

Mayfair, this is the British treasure hunting team, even the ship is named after this.

Looking at the flags of the two ships in the distance, one can roughly guess that one belongs to the Golden Lily Treasure Hunting Team, and the other should be from the Australian Treasure Hunting Company.

Shen Xi looked at the Mayfair, which docked at the old pier.

Han Feng and others were also scattered around, watching calmly.

Soon, more than a dozen foreigners got off the boat and came towards Shen Xi and the others.

On the surface, none of them had guns, but Shen Xi knew that these people were all carrying pistols, and there were snipers on board.

And on the side of the ship, there was a foreign woman watching.

Shen Xi smiled and greeted her.

The leader of the opponent is a young man in his 30s, tall and handsome.

"Hello, hello."

Shen Xi said with a smile, and the British youth also laughed, "Hello, hello, we are Mayfair Treasure Discovery Company, and my name is Polly."

Shen Xi stretched out his hand, Polly also stretched out his hand, and they held each other.

"My name is Shen Xi. I'm very happy that Mr. Polly is here. Welcome!"

Seeing Shen Xi's attitude, the dozen or so people brought by Polly laughed and relaxed.

The atmosphere changes subtly and rapidly.

From the tense moment just now, the conversation is very happy now.

After Shen Xi and Polly let go of their hands, they began to walk side by side and chatted.

"Mr. Shen, I know you have new clues, so we want to cooperate with you, you see, we have very advanced equipment, and there are excavators on board.

Whether it is sea or land, it will be easier to cooperate with us..."

Polly was also very straightforward, explaining why he came here, and bragging about the benefits of cooperation, while Shen Xi smiled and nodded in agreement.

Sun Xiu'e and the others laughed secretly.

There is no problem with Shen Xi's English communication. After Polly finished speaking, Shen Xi pointed to the two ships in the distance.

"Polly, when you say us, do you include them?"

Polly nodded, "There is a saying in China that there is strength in numbers. RB Golden Lily and Australia Rand are world-renowned treasure hunting organizations."

Shen Xi laughed, "You're right, then call them all, let's have dinner today to celebrate our cooperation."

Polly shook his head when he heard the words, and pretended to apologize: "They want to invite Mr. Shen to talk at sea."

After Shen Xi heard this, she was secretly happy, but on the surface she pretended to be hesitant.

He even looked at Polly with scrutiny.

Seeing this, Polly explained: "We are very sincere, Mr. Shen, I hope we can cooperate, otherwise it will be troublesome, and I don't like trouble."

There is already a strong threat in these words, Polly does not believe that Shen Xi will not understand.

Faced with so many powerful forces, these Chinese people will inevitably give in.

As long as they cooperate, whether they can be found or not, these Chinese people are all dead.

"Okay, I don't like trouble either, so we don't need to waste time, just go and talk to them."

Shen Xi seemed to be threatened, and said with an awkward smile.

Polly was fine with that.

"Then Mr. Shen, please get on board."

Polly asked Shen Xi to board the Mayfair, Shen Xi seemed to be struggling, and finally seemed to be cruel, "Okay."

Then he nodded to Sun Xiu'e, Han Feng and others, "You guard this place well, watch it, and wait for me to come back."

Everyone was a little worried, but now they could only trust Shen Xi.

Polly grinned triumphantly, and glanced at Shen Xi's men with contempt.

Next, Shen Xi walked side by side with Polly towards the Mayfair.

"Mr. Polly, please invite me to take a good look at your ship. I plan to build one like this in the future."

"Haha, since Mr. Shen is interested, I am deeply honored."

"I heard that your ship is highly automated, and can be operated by one or two people?"

"Yes, I spent a lot of energy on the modification."

"I can rest assured that……"

"What? What are you worried about?"

"Oh, I mean, your ship is powerful, I can rest assured to cooperate with you..."

A group of people boarded the ship again, and the Mayfair set sail, slowly left, and headed towards the other two ships in the distance.

"Brother Shen is so courageous by himself."

Wu Qing was a little worried, but also said admiringly.

Sun Xiu'e looked at the Fei'er which was gradually going away, her eyes were full of worry.

Han Feng smiled, "It's okay, if the boss doesn't tell the clues, these people won't do anything. Even if they tell, they will wait for verification before they will harm the boss."

Tan Wei said: "I'm afraid that the boss has no clues, just to mess with these people."

Cheng Hu grinned, "If there is no clue, nothing will happen."

At this time, Sun Xiu'e said: "I'm not worried about the gringo attacking, I'm worried that Brother Shen will attack first, so many people, can he handle it?"


Hearing what Sun Xiu'e said, everyone was stunned.


They thought that the gringo wouldn't do anything if he couldn't see, but they didn't expect Shen Xi to do it first.

Not to mention, it is really possible, Shen Xi was just waiting for a rabbit before, why?
Isn't it just to kill these followers?
But can he do it alone in the face of so many gringos?
This is not the night attack at the beginning, it is broad daylight, Shenxi wouldn't be so confident if he thought about it?
But now it's too late, Han Feng and others want to help, but there is nothing they can do.

The speed of the Mayfair was very fast, and it was almost in front of the two ships.

Soon, the three salvage ships came together.

Cheng Hu took out the binoculars to see the situation clearly.

But at this moment, he saw someone running quickly on the Mayfair, and there seemed to be faint gunshots.

"It's not good, the boss has made a move, he is really impatient..."

In fact, Cheng Hu didn't need to shout, the others had already heard the gunshots.

They all looked nervously, full of worry.

aboard the Mayfair.

Shen Xi and other three ships approached, and the Mayfair dropped anchor, and took the lead in launching the attack.

After knocking Polly flying with one punch, he stretched out his body with all his strength, and began the fiercest beheading.

No guns are used, just fists and kicks.

More than a dozen burly men lay down on the ground within a few breaths.

Then he rushed into the cab and dealt with the two people inside who were driving the boat.

A few more people came out from the cabin outside, and shot when they saw Shen Xi.

Seeing these people shooting, Shen Xi felt very distressed, this is his boat, don't fucking destroy it.

Immediately, it became more and more swift, and in a short period of time, the force on the Mayfair was completely eliminated.

All this happened in a blink of an eye, and the other two ships, whose situation was unknown, hadn't reacted yet.

But Shen Xi had already accelerated, and then made a leap, flying a distance of five or six meters like Spiderman, and arrived on Golden Lily's boat.

At this moment, gunshots rang out...

(End of this chapter)

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