Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 114: Chapter 114: Take a ruthless hand

Chapter 114: Chapter 114: Take a ruthless hand
I looked and looked carefully.

But Shen Xi is still at a loss for Gu Tu.

Call it a treasure map!

There is no clear direction, but it is possible that the secret lies in these unrecognizable words.

Unable to understand, Shen Xi carefully put away the ancient animal skin picture.

Then he began to think about the Buddha statue, the Sanskrit behind the Buddha statue, Shen Xi only knew that it was Sanskrit, but he didn't know the same.

Forget it, let's put it aside for the time being, and find someone to look at it when we have time.

Afterwards, Shen Xi stored the Buddha statue and the ancient animal skin picture separately.

Continue to clean up the sunken treasures.

And the four little milk dogs were full of food and drink, and even slept. At this time, they began to run over and play around Shenxi.

Shen Xi teased some little guys from time to time, but it felt very comfortable.

And at this moment, with a bang, a big pheasant fell from the sky, followed by another one.

At the same time, the monkey-eating eagle's show-off call came from the sky.

Shen Xi whistled to the sky, telling the Monkey Eagle that he knew.

Early the next morning, Shen Xi came out of the lost state, washed up and went downstairs.

Had breakfast with Zhu Changchuan and Xiaonizi.

He quietly boiled water and made tea on the porch.

Rolls-Royce Phantom Custom Edition, has arrived.

Du Yueqing told him last night that he would send it over in the morning.

He is waiting for the bus.

Although Shen Xi no longer cares about these superficial things, but as a man, he likes cars in his bones.

He is also planning to get a RV, a Mercedes-Benz Nomadison 8*8 off-road RV.

Not much money, only 800 million.

In the future, it will be very convenient to take Gu Youxuan with me when I have time to go outdoors.

Of course, this is just a plan.

The Rolls-Royce Phantom is here, black and poised.

After seeing off the staff, Shen Xi started to get familiar with the car, and then drove away.

First, I went to the Jinyuyuan jewelry store and picked out some top-quality gold inlaid jade, including bracelets, necklaces, pendants, bracelets and so on.

There are ones for men and some for women.

These things are affordable and worth seeing.

Not too expensive, just right.

Otherwise, if it is too high, people will not dare to accept it, and if it is too low, they will not be sincere.

As a colleague, now that you are developed, you can't say nothing.

What's more, a press conference will be held in two days to announce the shocking treasure harvest.

When we arrived at the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, the car stopped, attracting countless eyes.

When Shen Xi got off the car, the medical staff who recognized Shen Xi came over to say hello.

After exchanging lively greetings, Shen Xi began to distribute small gifts.

Finally let my colleagues understand what it means to be inhumane.

Entering the hospital, he met Liu Xiaodan and Meng Yu. Shen Xi handed over the jewelry box that Xu Laifu had sent to them, and asked them to distribute it to colleagues in the hospital.

Afterwards, Shen Xi said again in the hospital group.

Whoever doesn't accept it will lose face and look down on Shen Xi.

Shen Xi enjoys this feeling of spending money like water, it feels so good.

Going to the Dean's office, Shen Xi saw Dean Lin looking at him with a smile.

It seems that Dean Lin has already learned about the situation from the group.

"You boy, I have some money to burn."

"Teacher, this is for you, thank you for taking care of me for so many years."

Shen Xi took out a Yishou rattan pendant, and sincerely gave it to him.

"Hey! I thought it was those vulgar things, this one is good, this one is good."

Dean Lin was going to refuse, but he thought it was a picture posted in the group, those gold inlaid jade or something.

But when he saw that it was a piece of wood carving, his eyes lit up immediately.

Reaching out to take it, I immediately felt the difference, and looked at Shen Xi thoughtfully.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a pot of orchid grass placed by Shen Xi's feet, and asked, "Is this also for me?"

"Yes, this bluegrass is very rare, and it has the magical effect of calming the mind and sleeping."

After finishing speaking, Shen Xi picked up the Shenshen Orchid and helped to arrange it.

Dean Lin was very happy, he read correctly, Shen Xi is a good boy.

"If you are interested, come, sit down and talk."

I chatted a lot with Dean Lin until noon, and the two went to the hospital cafeteria to have a few drinks.

After lunch, Shen Xi left.

But Dean Lin found another job for him.

An old classmate of Dean Lin has a son who has been in the army. A few days ago, due to a mission, he injured his lumbar spine and became paralyzed in his lower limbs.

Ask Shen Xi if there is any way, since even cancer can be cured, maybe there is a way in this regard.

But Dean Lin didn't force him, he just asked, if it's okay, it's fine if it's not.

Regarding this, Shen Xi did not hide it, saying that there is no way for the time being, he has to study it carefully, and when he finds a way, he will notify Dean Lin.

After all, this involves the nervous system, and Shen Xi doesn't know what method to use.

It seems that at this stage, the panacea he discovered does not treat the central nervous system.

Although I also thought of the blood gold dog's corpse, but the explanation I read at the beginning seemed to treat male infertility.

Waiting to go back and take out the corpse, take a good look at it!
Maybe the bone marrow of the blood gold dog's spine may be effective in this regard.

Coming out of the hospital, Shen Xi went directly to the Gu family.

After arriving, he pretended to take out two big pheasants from the trunk.

Gu Youxuan looked at it puzzled, "Is this bought?"

Shen Xi laughed, "I went to the nearby mountain to catch it last night."

"Okay! You go hunting without me."

Gu Youxuan just wanted to follow Shenxi to climb mountains and go hiking or something, so she held Shenxi's arm and pouted.

Gu Baixun came over with a smile, took a pheasant and looked at it, and said with a smile: "Silly girl, Shen Xi lied to you, it was obviously caught by birds of prey such as eagles and eagles."

As expected of an old man, he has nothing to say about his vision and experience.

Shen Xi gave Gu Baixun a thumbs up, "The old man is still amazing, I bought this."

Miraculously, Gu Youxuan actually laughed happily.

She doesn't care that Shen Xi teases her, but only cares that Shen Xi doesn't take her when hunting.

Shen Xi reached out and hugged Gu Youxuan's shoulder, "Well, I decided to take you to Hangzhou Xishan Manor in two days, how about it?"

I also felt that this girl has been bored at home for so many years, so Shen Xi decided to take the time to go out with Gu Youxuan for a few days.

But wait until after the press conference and the Haze Stone auction.

"Ah, I'm so happy."

Gu Youxuan was extremely excited.

Gu Baixun was speechless, during this period of time she had recovered from her heart disease, and it wasn't that she was not allowed to go out to play, it was because she was unwilling to go out and had to go with Shen Xi.

The old man shook his head speechlessly, and handed over the pheasant to the servants to deal with.

Hearing Shen Xi talking about Xishan Manor, he said: "Why don't you call Lao Du over at night, and let's have a few drinks together."

Shen Xi naturally has no objection.

Walking towards the inner courtyard, Gu Baixun suddenly said: "By the way, Zhao Yuanwu will be fighting against that Bakuleng at the Modu Stadium tomorrow, aren't you going to see it?"

Shen Xi was taken aback, "Ah! Tomorrow? Well, that's fine, I'll go and have a look tomorrow."

Gu Youxuan quickly said, "I'll go too."

Shen Xi nodded, "Okay, let's go together."

At this time, Gu Baixun said again: "This time it's not just Bakulen, there are also several foreign martial arts masters, including fighting, boxing, and karate, these people are menacing!
It is obvious that he has evil intentions, and he wants to use Zhao Yuanwu, a clown, to step on Chinese martial arts! "

Shen Xi listened, and also agreed with the old man's words. This time, it's not just a live broadcast, maybe it will be a global live broadcast.

These foreigners always want to step on the Chinese nation, in all aspects, from all walks of life.

As long as you have the opportunity, you will not let it go.

What the hell, it seems that this time he has to show some color and be ruthless.

(End of this chapter)

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