Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 119 Chapter 119: Murder

Chapter 119 Chapter 119: Murder

In the container temporary office, everyone is there.

When Han Feng and the others saw Zhao Ximing, they were still a little apprehensive.

A policeman and a gangster, unexpectedly gathered together, also made them feel awkward.

Only Sun Xiu'e is not afraid, because she has no criminal record.

Wu Qing is also a little bit better, the past is not a big deal.

Of course, Shen Xi is also happy to see the results, it's good if they don't get along, his staff doesn't need to be in harmony with the police.

After sitting down, Sun Xiu'e and Wu Qing started to make tea.

Shen Xi and Zhao Ximing whispered, mainly because Zhao Ximing conveyed some meanings above, Shen Xi nodded from time to time, and said a few opinions from time to time.

After finishing speaking, Shen Xi did not avoid Zhao Ximing, and said to Sun Xiu'e: "Call Bai Dongping and tell me that I need his palm for something."

Sun Xiu'e responded, took out her mobile phone, and went outside to make a call.

Shen Xi actually has Bai Dongping's phone number, but he knows that Bai Dongping is afraid of him, so it's not easy to come.

Especially now that he is close to the authorities, Bai Dongping is not blind.

Bai Dongping was known as Lord Bai, and his reputation on the road was not something he boasted. He was also one of the best in the field of digging holes.

If Shen Xi wants to solve the mystery of Buddha statues and ancient pictures, he needs the help of this kind of person.

Even Bai Dongping can't see through it, but he has a wide network and can find people who understand.

Only by looking for someone in this field can Shen Xi feel relieved. On the contrary, he doesn't trust those archaeological experts on the surface.

If Bai Dongping can be subdued, things in this area will be very convenient in the future.

Especially the Chuanguo Yuxi, Shen Xi also wanted to find out about Bai Dongping.

People have human nature, but ghosts have their own ways.

Of course, even if you can't subdue it, you can cooperate.

Even taking it overseas to dig a hole is not impossible.

Just when Sun Xiu'e left and Shen Xi was about to chat with Han Feng and the others, his cell phone rang again.

The call was from an unfamiliar number, and Shen Xi answered it.


After connecting, Shen Xi greeted first.

"Mr. Shen, I'm sorry to bother you again."

Upon hearing the voice, Shen Xi immediately remembered that it was Hong Baoshan.

This guy's phone number really keeps changing. He remembered the last number.

But he also instantly understood the meaning of Hong Baoshan's call.

I guess I got the news and couldn't sit still.

Shen Xi thought that Hong Baoshan would call him after the press conference.

"Hey, it's Boss Hong, don't bother me, just tell me if you have something to say."

Hearing Shen Xi's words, Han Feng's expression changed, knowing that it was Hong Baoshan calling.

Zhao Ximing also listened intently.

He will not let go of any possible changes.

"That's it. You have worked hard to find the hidden treasure this time. I decided to give you half of the share as a reward..."

Hearing Hong Baoshan's words, Shen Xi smiled, and quickly said: "Stop, Boss Hong, we have nothing to do with you, we made it clear last time in Manila.

Since you are pretending to be confused, let me remind you again, don't think about what you shouldn't, it will kill you. "

Hearing what Shen Xi said, Zhao Ximing's eyes changed, he took out his mobile phone and began to fiddle with it.

He knew the details of Hong Baoshan, Han Feng and others, and Hong Baoshan had surfaced a long time ago.

Han Feng and the others knew that Hong Baoshan really wanted to take a share.

"Hahaha, Mr. Shen, you are still young, you can't be too greedy about some things, and don't scare me, I wasn't frightened too much.

I would like to advise you, only if everyone earns money can you be good to me, good to everyone, right?

Otherwise, if you eat alone, you will get into trouble.

You can hide, but what about your family and friends?

So, don't think that if you can fight, you will be invincible. If you don't play this now, this is the era of hot weapons.

Originally, I spent a lot of manpower and material resources on this treasure hunt. I was about to find the treasure. You jumped out and picked the peaches. This is against the morals of the world and against the rules.

Now I only want half of it, which is already giving you face..."

"I'm sorry, Boss Hong, I have donated all of these treasures to the charity fund, and I will hold a press conference in the afternoon to announce the news of the treasures and the ceremony for all donations.

How about this!
Let's meet up, go to your site, or make another appointment, you arrange it.

Whether you want money or me, it's up to you, how about it? "

Shen Xi said with a smile, seemingly calm and indifferent.

But everyone felt an aura, invisible and pervasive, full of murderous intent.

Zhao Ximing was terrified. No one had ever made him feel such a strong sense of crisis.

Han Feng and the others also knew that Shen Xi was planning to kill.

Hong Baoshan was about to finish.

I don't know what Hong Baoshan said just now.

Yes, Shen Xi did make a murderous attempt. If Hong Baoshan threatened him, he would not be able to keep this person.

He doesn't care, but he has family, former colleagues, old classmates.

Most importantly, I now have a lover.

He can't take the risk of taking the big picture and underestimating Hong Baoshan.

Although now the official will protect the people around him.

But once a hundred secrets are neglected, it is irreversible.

Therefore, he will not take risks.

Any threats must be eliminated in the bud.

Although the press conference will not announce the exact number of hidden treasures, people like Hong Baoshan will not let them go even if they are hundreds of millions of hidden treasures.

I would also like to share a piece of the action.

Therefore, no amount of quantity will make greedy people stop being greedy.

Moreover, Shen Xi also realized that Hong Baoshan seemed to be in the country, but in fact his influence must be overseas.

Especially this area in Southeast Asia is Hong Baoshan's base camp.

The most fearful thing is this kind, there is a way out.

Domestic companies are nothing but a cover, or even a tool for money laundering.

On the phone, Hong Baoshan pondered briefly, and finally said: "Okay, see you in Kuala Lumpur in five days, I hope Mr. Shen will not be afraid to come!"

Shen Xi laughed, "How come, I believe that Boss Hong will treat guests warmly, so let's make it so, and I will give you an explanation when we meet to ensure your satisfaction!"

"OK, then I will sweep the couch to welcome you, and wait for Mr. Shen to come."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Xi smiled coldly.

Then he handed the phone to Zhao Ximing and said, "Check this number, where did you call from just now?"

Zhao Ximing immediately wrote down the number, got up and left.

Naturally, Shen Xi would not be stupid, waiting to go to Kuala Lumpur, first confirm where Hong Baoshan is, and then rush to kill it.

Unless you're really out of the country.

Even if he is not in the country, Shen Xi will let Zhao Ximing strengthen his guard.

In order to prevent Hong Baoshan from attacking first, he used his family as a bargaining condition.

Next, Shen Xi made some explanations and arrangements for Han Feng, Cheng Hu, Tan Wei, and Wu Qing.

Sun Xiu'e is also back, and she has already made an agreement with Bai Dongping, and Bai Dongping will come to the magic capital in the past two days.

Afterwards, Shen Xi took Sun Xiu'e and Cheng Hu away.

Zhao Ximing also left ten people here at the small pier.

Cheng Hu drove the Rolls-Royce Phantom, Shen Xi sat in the back seat, and Sun Xiu'e co-piloted.

While driving, Zhao Ximing from behind called.

"Mr. Shen, when that number called you before, it was definitely in Malaysia."

"okay, I get it."

Putting down the phone, Shen Xi smiled, Hong Baoshan was really careful.

It is estimated that after receiving the news of his cooperation with the government, he hid overseas first.

That's fine, then five days later, I will go to Malaysia.

(End of this chapter)

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