Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 12 012: Don't be afraid, it can be cured

Chapter 12 012: Don't be afraid, it can be cured
The reputation of bullshit spread.

Shen Xi didn't know if he could gain anything, so he spent three days and took his parents to visit several places.

In mid-July, after sending off his parents, he finally had his ears clean.

Otherwise, his parents would talk endlessly, telling him to marry a wife and have children quickly, which is really speechless.

There was nothing wrong with the parents' physical examination, so Shen Xi was relieved.

The Jingshen Orchid that I raised, I asked my parents to take back five of them, and explained carefully that this kind of orchid is very rare, it can refresh people and help them sleep.

This is tested by Shen Xi himself, it is really amazing.

Shen Qingshan is an expert in digging herbal medicine, it is really ancestral, but he has never seen the Jingshen Orchid, after carefully smelling the scent, he also knows that this kind of bluegrass is extraordinary.

In mid-July, the temperature rises and Magic City enters summer.

After her parents left, Shen Xi was still troubled by the issue of merit points.

I thought that such nonsense spreading the name would receive a call soon, but I didn't expect it to be silent these days.

This morning, Shen Xi couldn't bear it anymore and went to the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

But just after arriving at the hospital parking lot, the phone rang.

When he opened it, it was an unfamiliar number, Shen Xi couldn't help being a little surprised.


"Excuse me, is this Director Shen Xi?"

"Haha, I'm not the director anymore, just call me Shen Xi, I wonder if you are?"

There was a man's thick and deep voice on the phone, faintly, and with a hint of momentum.

Shen Xi understood in an instant that the call was probably from the patient's family.

"My name is An Minsheng. I want to meet Director Shen. I wonder if Director Shen has time?"

Upon hearing the name, Shen Xi immediately thought of An Yufei.

Could it be An Yufei's family?
Immediately replied: "There is time, but I don't know why Mr. An is looking for me?"

"I heard that Director Shen has superb medical skills and has secret recipes handed down from his ancestors, so I would like to ask Director Shen to help my daughter take a look..."

An Minsheng's tone trembled slightly.

He is now a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and Shen Xi is like a life-saving straw.

This is the so-called emergency treatment.

Regardless of whether the rumor is true or not, he would rather believe it.

This is the psychology of patients and their families.

So this is also the reason why patients are easily deceived in society.

Shen Xi laughed, and said: "Mr. An, I believe you should know that I have been dismissed by the hospital because of a medical accident.

Let me take a look for your daughter, don't you be afraid..."

"Don't be afraid, our family believes in Director Shen. I also asked someone to investigate the medical malpractice. It's not your fault. There is something wrong with it.

As long as Director Shen helps my daughter to see a doctor, no matter what the result is, I will have someone thoroughly investigate your matter and give Director Shen a clean slate. "


Hearing the other party's tone, Shen Xi was also very surprised. It seems that An Minsheng has a lot of background.

And it has been found out that there is a problem with his medical malpractice.

What's the problem?
How could he not know?
Could it be that there was something strange about his medical malpractice?
Thinking of this, Shen Xi said straightforwardly: "Okay, I'm in the parking lot of the Chinese Medicine Hospital now, where are you?"

Hearing that Shen Xi agreed, and his tone was very calm, An Minsheng couldn't help being overjoyed.

What does this mean?
It shows that Director Shen really has the confidence!

"Director Shen, I'm in the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, VIP Room No. [-] of the Inpatient Department, and I'll come down to pick you up right away."

"No, I'll come by myself, just wait."

After finishing speaking, Shen Xi hung up the phone, tidied up his clothes, and went to the inpatient department building.

Soon came to the VIP ward area, many medical staff, seeing Shen Xi, also nodded to say hello, Shen Xi also smiled and nodded non-stop.

Passing by the No. [-] ward, he stopped suddenly, because the door of the ward was not closed tightly, he heard a familiar voice, which seemed to mention him.

So, he approached the door and listened carefully.

It turned out to be Hong Xueming's voice, but listening to it, Shen Xi couldn't help frowning, and anger flashed in his eyes.

"Old director, you really believe in everything, how could Shenxi have some secret recipe passed down from the ancestors, and it can cure all kinds of diseases, when the hospital is a place to sell dog skin plasters!
As far as his medical skills are concerned, being able to become the director of the department is not all about flattering Dean Lin.

Otherwise, there would be no medical accidents, and there would be a lot of noise. As a chief physician, he even made a mistake in the dosage of the medicine. One can imagine how his medical skills are. "

Listening to Hong Xueming's words, Shen Xi suddenly realized that there was indeed a problem.

He also began to question, how could he take the wrong dose of medicine, was he really careless about such a low-level mistake?
Something is wrong, could it be that someone tampered with the medical records?

What's more, the family members of the patients started arguing very suddenly. How did the family members of the patients know that it was the wrong dose of medicine in the first place?

Suddenly, Shen Xi understood a little bit.

Hong Xueming!
It is very likely that Hong Xueming did all of this.

It was a very common patient who died of ineffective treatment, but after the dosage was tampered with, it became a medical malpractice.

In this way, it shows that he did not take the wrong medicine carelessly, but only the data on the medication list.

He was tricked.

Hong Xueming is the biggest suspect, because only he, the deputy director of the department, can easily tamper with the treatment list.

It is really not easy for Hong Xueming to be able to imitate his handwriting.

Thinking about the cause and effect, Shen Xi seemed to be enlightened, and he roughly guessed the truth in an instant.

The anger in his heart surged up even more, but in the end he suppressed it.

Don't be impulsive, wait and investigate slowly.

At this time, there is no evidence, and it is easy to scare the snake and make it ready.

Since An Minsheng said that before, he naturally has this ability.

Then why not wait.

After thinking it over, Shen Xi calmed down, walked away, and went to Ward No. [-].

When he reached the door of Ward No. [-], he glanced through the observation window and saw a few people inside before he knocked on the door.

When An Minsheng heard the knock on the door, he quickly came to open the door, and recognized Shen Xi at a glance. It can be seen that he also inquired about Shen Xi's situation very clearly.

"Director Shen, please excuse me."

Shen Xi smiled, "Mr. An doesn't have to be so polite, I'm also here to see if it can be treated, I don't know for sure.

You also know that I am only a surgeon who combines traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and I am not very good at treating tumor patients..."

"I understand, I understand, Director Shen, please come in!"

An Min was very polite when he was sick and went to the doctor in a hurry, not to mention that after his investigation, Shen Xi has always been outstanding in medical skills in traditional Chinese medicine hospitals.

The qualifications of chief physician are well deserved, not just bragging.

"Director Shen, you're here."

Wang Zhenping, the director of the oncology department, was also there. When he saw Shen Xi, he greeted him with a smile.

Shen Xi was not surprised, and smiled apologetically: "Director Wang, I'm sorry, Mr. An's kindness is hard to turn down."

Wang Zhenping laughed, didn't take it seriously, and said: "Understood, you came just in time, this is the patient's information, please take a look, and give me some reference."

Wang Zhenping was in his early fifties, but he was very easy-going, and he was not unhappy because Shen Xi rashly intervened in his patients.

Shen Xi smiled and said: "Director Wang is polite, you are an expert in this field, I'm just scratching the surface."

Even though he said that, he still took the documents and looked at them carefully. He also held a CT tomographic scan and looked at the window carefully to check the location and size of the tumor.

An Minsheng looked at Shenxi with hope, and An Yufei and his mother, too, looked at Shenxi as if they were looking at a life-saving Bodhisattva.

After reading all the information, Shen Xi couldn't help but sigh in his heart, without his dispelling fruit, An Yufei's hope of healing would be almost non-existent.

Especially the location of the tumor, the risk of surgery is too great, and if it is not done well, it will die on the operating table.

Astrocytomas, also called brainstem tumors, and brainstem gliomas.

Mortality is high, and even with successful surgery, recurrence is high.

Its operation is also the most difficult, because it is difficult to remove completely because it is together with the brainstem tissue.

After reading the information, Shen Xi looked at the patient with a smile on his face.

An Yufei's mother also nodded to Shen Xi at this time, as a greeting, while An Yufei stared at Shen Xi, her eyes were full of longing for life.

And the extreme fear of death!

Seeing this pair of eyes, Shen Xi also sighed, and immediately said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, it can be cured!"

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(End of this chapter)

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