Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 121 Chapter 121: The son-in-law eats soft food, that is the pinnacle of life

Chapter 121 Chapter 121: The son-in-law eats soft food, that is the pinnacle of life

After agreeing with Dean Lin, Shen Xi also heaved a sigh of relief.

Society is like this, and many times favors must be returned after all.

Dean Lin is his mentor, and has always been very supportive and caring for him.

Especially in terms of medical skills, there are a lot of guidance.

Please ask that there is no way to refuse, and if you get the medicine, it can be regarded as repaying the person's information.

When we returned to the ancient house, it was already sunset.

Shen Xi stopped the car, took a bag of vegetables, and entered the small courtyard of the guest room.

With these dishes, he was going to make supper and vegetable salad for Gu Youxuan.

The cucumbers and lettuce in the Lost Realm are more delicious when eaten raw.

When Gu Youxuan wasn't there, Shen Xi entered the small kitchen. After putting down the vegetables, he thought for a while, entered the bathroom, locked the door, and entered the Lost Realm.

After a while, he came out with some wild fruits in his hand, as well as brook fish and a hare.

Then I sent a WeChat message to Gu Youxuan: I'm in the small courtyard of the guest room, girl, where are you?
Soon, Gu Youxuan replied, it was a voice.

: Coming soon, hee hee!

Shen Xi chuckled, put down the phone, and started to go into the kitchen to clean up the hares.

After a while, Gu Youxuan arrived excitedly.

As soon as he came in, he entered the kitchen and hugged Shen Xi from behind, obviously missing Shen Xi.

Now she has only one heart, pretending to be Shenxi, and it feels like a long time after being separated for a day.

This is the difference between sleeping and not sleeping.

Especially for a woman like Gu Youxuan who has never been in a relationship before, after last night, Shen Xi is her everything.

"Honey, I miss you!"

Shen Xi's hands were bloody, and he was skinning the rabbit, but he couldn't hug him back, and he was afraid that the girl would be frightened when he saw it.

"I miss you too, why don't you watch cartoons first, and I'll make you something delicious."

"What's delicious, let me see..."

"Hey, don't look..."


Gu Youxuan screamed and ran out of the kitchen.

A small face was pale.

The scene just now was terrible.

Shen Xi is actually skinning?
If it was a pheasant or something, she might not have seen it very well, but skinning a rabbit was a bloody scene.

Shen Xi quickly left the rabbit behind, washed his hands, and left the kitchen.

"Look at you timid, come and hug me!"

Gu Youxuan felt relieved when she was hugged by Shen Xi.

"What was that just now? It's scary! Can you eat it?"

Gu Youxuan asked, Shen Xi couldn't help laughing, and said with a smile: "It can be eaten, a hare, after watching cartoons and getting hungry, we will eat roasted rabbits."

"That's a rabbit!"

"Well, I finally got it, and it's as delicious as the pheasant that day."

"Going to buy it again? You can't eat game now, it has a virus."

"Really? I'll eat it by myself at that time, don't eat it."

"Then I'll eat a little and try it."

Gu Youxuan smiled, she still wanted to eat, so she kissed Shenxi after speaking.

Shen Xi couldn't help it, and immediately counterattacked. Gu Youxuan was unwilling to be defeated, so the two fought with each other.

In the end, the two drew a tie and called a truce.

Shen Xi said softly: "You eat some fruit first, watch cartoons for a while, and I will take care of the rabbit."

Gu Youxuan looked at Shen Xi with tender eyes, and nodded.

But she just had dinner for a while, and she is still not hungry, and she can't eat wild fruits.

He asked, "Did you come back from dinner?"

Shen Xi smiled and said: "Of course, that's fine, I'm going to get busy."

"Well, you are busy. I have something to tell you. It doesn't matter if you are busy."

"Oh, that's fine, tell me!"

Shen Xi entered the kitchen and played with the hare again, while Gu Youxuan stood at the door of the kitchen.

"Grandpa said that this small courtyard will be refurbished, and we will live in it together in the future."

"It's not very nice here, why are you still decorating? Besides, we can't live in your house forever!"

"Then we come back, don't we need a place to live, we can't live in my parents' yard?"

Shen Xi stopped, thinking about it too.

Gu Youxuan's room is in her parents' yard. This old house of the Gu family has the same layout as in ancient times, divided into many small courtyards.

But it suddenly occurred to him that he had no place to live outside now.

The seaside villa is too remote to let Gu Youxuan pass by, as the protection there is not good.

It seems that it is better to have a nest in Gu's house, so that he can rest assured when he goes out.

It is impossible to build a big villa. He went out and left Gu Youxuan alone.

After thinking about it, he immediately said, "Ok, if your grandpa wants to decorate, then decorate, you decide what style you want."

"Really, do you agree?"

Gu Youxuan was very happy, and she also hoped to be able to stay in the Gu family compound with Shen Xi.

She is not used to strange places.

From childhood to adulthood for 20 years, she basically lived in this compound.

"I don't seem to have any reason to disagree with such a good thing. People need to prepare a house and a car when they are looking for a wife. My wife owns it, and I pay for the house instead.

Am I considered a married woman?

Did I become a son-in-law if I was not careful?

After Shen Xi finished speaking, he laughed loudly, as if he was very happy to be a son-in-law.

Gu Youxuan also laughed, "I see you are happy, why do you like being a son-in-law?"

Shen Xi said: "Of course, if the son-in-law eats soft food, that is the pinnacle of life! In fact, according to the values ​​of marriage in modern society, we should change it and let women marry men."

Gu Youxuan asked curiously: "You mean, let women also experience the difficulty of marrying a husband?"

Shen Xi shook his head, "It can also be said that there is a little meaning in this regard, but what I want to say is that many daughter-in-laws are unwilling to live with their parents-in-law after they get married.

Living together is also prone to conflicts.

But if it was her parents, living with them, there would be few conflicts.

The son-in-law will also be respectful to the father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Therefore, I suggest that the woman marry her husband so that the family is harmonious. "

Gu Youxuan came over and hugged Shen Xi again, and said, "Are you unfilial because you see too much in the hospital, or are you worried that I will treat your parents badly?"

Shen Xi laughed, and said: "I'm just talking nonsense, you think too much, hahaha..."

Gu Youxuan raised her small fist and thumped Shen Xi's shoulder.

Then he leaned his head on Shen Xi's back and murmured: "Actually, I understand what you mean, my grandfather told me today, and specifically told me to treat your parents and family well.

What else to say, every family raises good daughters, but none of them marry a good wife.

I understood the meaning of this sentence, and I will be a good daughter-in-law in the future. "

Shen Xi was very touched, and said: "You are so good, but don't worry! There is no parent in the world who doesn't want their son and daughter-in-law to live happily."

Gu Youxuan said again: "Well, my grandpa said the same thing. Many mothers-in-law have a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart. After all, it's for the sake of the children. Let me not get angry just because of a few words."

Shen Xi is speechless, what does this old man teach?

Immediately, he said seriously: "I don't agree with your grandfather's words. A knife mouth and a tofu heart are not right. Even a knife mouth kills people. What's the use of a tofu heart?

If it is a tofu heart, how could it be a knife mouth?

A good word warms the winter three times, and a bad word hurts others and the six months are cold. Most of the conflicts in the society and family are caused by the bad words hurting others.

Talking harshly, his heart can be punished, there is no tofu heart.

So, don't listen to what your grandpa said. "

Hearing what Shen Xi said, Gu Youxuan was thoughtful and thought it made sense.

(End of this chapter)

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