Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 127 Chapter 127: I wish you could hurt me

Chapter 127 Chapter 127: I wish you could hurt me

Shen Xi doesn't do radiography, and doesn't watch the previous CT films.

Just casually pointing at the location of the window, some old doctors in the observation room frowned slightly.

Isn't Director Shen a little sloppy?

But after Liu Xiaodan cut it off with a scalpel, the patient didn't have any pain response.

Seeing this, everyone was surprised.

Is acupuncture anesthesia really feasible?

If it is feasible, it will be incredible. This is a very significant technique of Chinese medicine.

Many patients who cannot be anesthetized can use this acupuncture anesthesia method in the future without the slightest side effects. One can imagine how many problems it will solve.

Especially the promotion of the status of Chinese medicine is unimaginable.

But what Shen Xi did next subverted the cognition of these old doctors.

Without endoscopic or radiography, Shen Xi started the puncture directly, the movement was not cautious, but very smooth and quick.

Fang Yuanhe was terrified, this is his son, Director Shen is too serious, isn't he?

If it wasn't for Lin Pusheng's pressing, Fang Yuanhe would almost jump up and rush to the operating room.

But at this time, Shen Xi had already taken out the syringe, inserted one end of the catheter, and started to administer medicine.

Liu Xiaodan supported the puncture tube, while Meng Yu kept wiping the blood from the window with cotton balls.

At this time, Tian Mengmeng was obsessed with the boss to the point of admiration.

On the boss's operating table, this calm and calm appearance is really handsome.

At this time, Shen Xi finished the injection, and said softly: "I will leave it to you, I will watch, Xiaodan, you come, when you collect it, keep it steady, and don't shake your hands too violently.

Control your breathing, yes, slowly..."

Shen Xi stood by the operating table, watched Liu Xiaodan operate, and accumulated some experience for her.

In fact, any industry is the same, practice makes perfect.

The same goes for surgery, if you do more, you become a master.

And the more you do it, the better your mental quality.

Meng Yu was really convinced, he cast his eyes on the boss, and wanted to let the boss teach him acupuncture and anesthesia.

With this hand, he will be able to bear it in the future.

Shen Xi was originally his teacher, just like a master.

It seems that in the future, I will have to pester the boss to learn this skill.

At this time, Liu Xiaodan has successfully collected the tube, and the next step is to treat the wound and stitch it up.

Shen Xi was very satisfied watching Liu Xiaodan and Meng Yu cooperate.

"You don't want to learn my method. In the future, when you do this type of surgery, you still need to perform radiography and endoscopic administration."

Meng Yu answered, "Teacher, I want to learn the acupuncture and anesthesia method you just did."

At this time, Liu Xiaodan also glanced at Shen Xi.

Shen Xi smiled and said: "Okay, I'll think about it and see how to teach you, in fact, acupuncture anesthesia is not difficult.

The key is the depth, acupuncture points, it is difficult for you to control.

The acupoints of the human body are very magical. Sometimes the positions are slightly different from one person to another, whether tall, short, fat or thin, will affect the judgment of acupoints.

So, I can only try my best to teach you, whether I can master it or not, I can't guarantee it. "

Shen Xi told the truth, if he didn't have spiritual consciousness and internal strength, he wouldn't be able to do it.

But it cannot be rejected, making people feel that technology is unwilling to pass on to others.

Anyway, teaching is, learn to learn, let nature take its course.

Although Liu Xiaodan and Meng Yu couldn't be like him, at least they could improve their acupuncture skills, which isn't a bad thing.

With his divine consciousness, his understanding of acupuncture points is completely different.

Maybe it can really bring out a few acupuncture masters, which can be regarded as making some contributions to Chinese medicine.

After finishing his work and calling it a day, Shen Xi came to Fang Jishi and squatted down.

Looking at Fang Jishi's resolute black face, Shen Xi said: "Recover well, in about five days, you will be able to move around freely.

Don't be so lifeless, show some manliness. "

After speaking, he stood up and prepared to leave.

But Fang Jishi suddenly asked: "Doctor, do you mean that I can really be cured?"

Shen Xi replied: "Of course, otherwise, why did your father send you here after traveling so far?"

"Thank you, you are my reborn parents, doctor, I...I..."

"Okay, what about reborn parents? Am I that old? Take good care of me and don't move around."

"Hey, I take good care of it..."

At this moment, Fang Jishi no longer had the will to die in his eyes, but instead became excited and surprised, and also grateful, to Shen Xi, a doctor.

Tian Mengmeng and a few nurses started to pack their things. When Shen Xi went out, two nurses came over immediately. Shen Xi took off his rubber gloves.

A nurse helped untie the surgical gown, and the little nurse looked at Director Shen who had taken off his mask with admiration and respect in his eyes.

After tossing and tossing, Director Shen was still able to be invited back for surgery.

This is a great man, an expert.

At this time, Lin Pusheng, Fang Yuanhe, and some vice presidents, experts and professors of the hospital all came over.

Everyone looked at Shen Xi differently.

This operation, just acupuncture and anesthesia, shocked them, not to mention Shen Xi's blind acupuncture, which required decades of experience and feel.

It is also necessary to be familiar with the structure of the human body to an outrageous level in order to be able to perform surgery like that.

Sure enough, Director Shen was hiding something.

Kung fu genius doctor with folk remedies for cancer, and now he is showing his skills in surgery.

After some congratulations, everyone left, only Dean Lin and Fang Yuanhe remained.

"Dean, Professor Fang, Fang Jishi will recover in a few days, you can rest assured, it's getting late, I should go back to rest."

"Thank you so much, Director Shen, I don't know how much you need to pay for this medicine?"

Fang Yuanhe held Shen Xi, and asked excitedly and gratefully.

Shen Xi smiled, glanced at Dean Lin, and said, "Professor Fang, since it was introduced by my teacher, I won't charge you."

Afterwards, Shen Xi smiled and said to Dean Lin: "But teacher, you can't be stingy with the cost of this operation!"

Dean Lin laughed out loud, feeling very comfortable, this kid gave him too much face.

"The operation bonus will not be less, and more will be given. I know you boy, it is for your students, don't worry!"

Shen Xi didn't hide it, and said with a smile: "Then thank you, Mr. Dean. I won't be here in the future, and I hope you will take care of them."

Dean Lin glared at Shen Xi, "It's up to you to say, but there will be difficult surgery in the future, if you have time, come and help me, I just found out today, you are hiding so deep!"

Fang Yuanhe also nodded in praise and said: "Director Shen is a young hero, today I am convinced, amazing, Lao Lin, you have a good student!"

After another round of flattery, Shen Xi bid farewell and left.

But before leaving, he went to say hello to Liu Xiaodan, Meng Yu, Tian Mengmeng and others.

It was already late to drive the luxury car to Kunshan.

It was almost twelve o'clock when we arrived at the ancient family compound.

The bodyguards opened the door, Shen Xi handed over the key to one of the bodyguards, and entered the door.

At the entrance of the small courtyard of the guest room, there were two special police bodyguards and two bodyguards from the Gu family. Shen Xi nodded to them, and opened the door to enter.

After washing, Shen Xi entered the room lightly, and saw Gu Youxuan curled up, sleeping soundly.

Immediately, she went to bed gently and hugged Gu Youxuan from behind.

Almost instantly, Gu Youxuan woke up with a start, gave Shen Xi an elbow, and rolled over to the side.

Meanwhile, get ready to shout.

But when she saw clearly that it was Shen Xi, Gu Youxuan was relieved and did not scream at midnight.

Shen Xi also couldn't laugh or cry, this girl's reaction was too intense.

"I'm sorry to scare you, come on, give me a hug from my husband!"

Gu Youxuan glared at Shen Xi, she was indeed quite frightened, but lying in Shen Xi's arms, she asked guiltily: "Honey, didn't I hurt you?"

"I hope you can hurt me, that means you are invincible, so I can rest assured."

"You are so good, you can teach me martial arts! Isn't there a saying that a modern woman must be able to go to the hall, go to the kitchen, fight mistresses, and gangsters..."

"Then you should settle the kitchen first."

"My grandfather said, when I marry you, I will pay 3000 million nanny fees in one lump sum. I won't have to cook in the kitchen for the rest of my life, and I can ask a chef to cook for us, hehe..."


(End of this chapter)

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