Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 132 Chapter 132: You can call me by my English name, Rambo

Chapter 132 Chapter 132: You can call me by my English name, Rambo
Jennifer smiled, "Wang Dalong, Mrs. Xina would like to invite you to dinner."

Hearing this, Shen Xi felt a little surprised, had dinner so early?
But although he was surprised in his heart, he was grateful on the surface, and said with a smile: "Miss Jennifer, you can call me by my English name, Rambo."


Jennifer repeated it, Shen Xi nodded, and said with a smile: "Yes, Rambo."

"Mr. Rambo, please follow me!"

"it is good."

Shen Xi tidied up her clothes, then followed Jennifer out of the room.

Walking through the corridor to the deck, looking at the vast sea, you can feel that the luxury yacht is not driving fast, it is still slow.

It seems that it is really a vacation to enjoy, no rush.

"Miss Jennifer, may I ask, where are you now?"

Shen Xi asked tentatively, Jennifer was in front, without turning her head, said: "The Gulf of Thailand, go around and go to Singapore, Rambo, we can only put you in Singapore."

"Oh, that's fine, thank you very much."

From Jennifer's last sentence, Shen Xi could tell that their destination was not Singapore.

So, he tentatively asked again: "Then where are you going?"

"Kuala Lumpur."

Jennifer didn't hide.

This Rambo is just a drowning man who was rescued by the way.

Their itinerary is not shady either.

But when Shen Xi heard it, he was happy.

What a coincidence, you can go directly to Kuala Lumpur.

And by mistake, she concealed her identity.

I don't know if he disappeared in the stormy sea, the people looking for him, or the people staring at him, would they think he sank in the sea?
This is good, follow the boat directly to Kuala Lumpur.

Save a lot of trouble.

Hiding in the dark is also an altruistic action.

You can also check Hong Baoshan by the way, just in case.

The meeting with Hong Baoshan this time was like dealing with matters face to face when two big bosses had conflicts in the rivers and lakes.

But now the situation is complicated, Baobuqi Hong Baoshan has already cooperated with the Americans.

This cannot be ignored.

Although he wanted to solve Hong Baoshan once and for all, but Shen Xi warned himself that he must be cautious.

It was not a fluke that Hong Baoshan got to where he is today.

There must be something special about it.

Maybe Kuala Lumpur is the base camp of Hong Baoshan, and that is the local snake.

After mixing in American agents and some international treasure hunting organizations, Kuala Lumpur is now the dragon's pool and tiger's den.

Shen Xi thought in her heart, but she had already reached the door of the original living room.

But Jennifer didn't stop, and continued walking until she reached the gangway and went to the fourth deck.

The large open-air platform behind the cockpit is supported by parasols, and under the parasols are snow-white tables and chairs.

The woman from before was sitting alone at this time, with three strong bodyguards standing not far away.

The dinner plate has been placed on the table, and in the middle basin, you can see a big lobster that has been cooked, it is bright red.

A bottle of champagne was placed in an ice bucket.

"Ms. Hina, thank you for your life-saving grace. It is also my luck to meet such a beautiful and kind you."

Shen Xi took the initiative to speak, no matter what, if someone finds a drowning person and can stop to help, he should be grateful.

Mrs. Hina smiled slightly, looked at Shen Xi twice, and said: "Mr. Wang, please sit down!"

At this time, Jennifer possessed Hina and whispered something in Hina's ear.

Hina immediately said again: "Mr. Rambo, please!"

Shen Xi sat down, sitting opposite Mrs. Hina.

At this moment, Jennifer picked up the champagne and poured it for the two of them.

Mrs. Hina lit a cigarette and started smoking.

"Mr. Rambo, why are you in the sea, can you tell me?"

Hina squinted her eyes, looked at Shen Xi, and asked.

Shen Xi smiled, picked up the wine glass, and said: "Mrs. Xina, I offer flowers to Buddha, and I respect you as a token of my gratitude!"

Hina grinned, showing the alternative temptation of exotic style.

Rambo didn't answer her question, which was a tact, that is, he didn't want to tell her why.

It seems that this Chinese American also has his secrets.

Xi Na was right, Shen Xi suddenly felt that instead of lying and making up stories, it would be better to pretend to be mysterious and not say anything.

Just don't talk about it, foreigners pay attention to privacy and will never get to the bottom of it.

To do otherwise is to disrespect people.

Xi Na also picked up the wine glass and touched Shen Xi lightly.

After taking a sip, he asked again: "Our ship is going to Kuala Lumpur, Lambo, what's your destination?"

Shen Xi drank the champagne in one gulp, said with a smile: "I think we can have a wonderful journey."

Hina nodded, got it, this guy is also going to Kuala Lumpur.

Out of courtesy, you can only bring it with you.

Of course, the most important thing is that she is very curious about this man who was picked up from the sea.

The sea area where he was rescued was near the Kunlun Islands in Vietnam.

Probably came out of Vietnam, but I don’t know what to do in Vietnam.

Seeing that his face is fair and clean, his breath is gentle, but full of mystery, which is very contradictory.

Especially with the name of Rambo, which is so strange.

The name on the passport is similar to that of a Chinese, Wang Dalong.

I wanted to get something out of it by having a meal together.

But now it seems that this person is watertight, but it doesn't matter.

This is just a little curious.

Shen Xi also knew at this time that Mrs. Xi Na was probably British.

Of course, that's just speculation.

As an outsider, it is not easy for him to inquire deliberately.

It would be great to be able to take this luxury yacht and reach Kuala Lumpur.

We meet by chance, so don't check each other out.

After coming to Kuala Lumpur, there will be no more intersections.

Shen Xi also won't explore what the other party does.

Although I am very curious, I think it is better not to add extra details.

At least this Mrs. Hina, although cold and aloof, but being able to stop the boat to save people shows that she is kind-hearted.

As for what to do, even if it is a shady business, what does it have to do with him?

Besides, judging from the current situation, it is very likely that it is really a game.

In other words, the business is in Kuala Lumpur, and this time I brought some business partners out to relax.

From the little old men with big bellies I saw before, it can be seen that Hina is trying to make these people happy.

Those tall beauties are all serving those people.

Perhaps this is the business field!
Shen Xi is not in business, and most of the outside entertainment and communication are heard from hearsay, or seen from movies and TV.

I don't really understand, and my knowledge in this area can be said to be very shallow.

Next, Shen Xi chatted with Hina about irrelevant topics.

The two people no longer involve both sides, and they don't want to talk about things.

Finally, after the dinner was over, Mrs. Xina said to Shen Xi: "Lambo, you have had a good time these few days. I hope we can become friends. Your clothes can be washed by the maid."

Shen Xi smiled and said: "It's my honor for Madam to say that. When Madam arrives in Los Angeles, she must call me. When I arrive in Kuala Lumpur, I will leave my address and phone number in Los Angeles to Madam."

Hina smiled and shook hands with Shen Xi, "You said this, I am very curious about you, and I will really go to you when the time comes to see what business you do, it's so mysterious."

Shen Xi didn't know if what Hina said was true or not, but what he could leave for Hina would definitely not be the real phone number and address.

I hope you don't really go to him!
Life on a luxury yacht is indeed very leisurely, and Shen Xi is also completely relaxed, not thinking too much.

A few days later, the luxury yacht bypassed Singapore, entered the Straits of Malacca, and arrived in Kuala Lumpur.

And Shen Xi also became good friends with Hina, at least on the surface they talked and laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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