Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 135 Chapter 135: Fate is really amazing

Chapter 135 Chapter 135: Fate is really amazing

Will Shen Xi believe Harry?

Of course not, a gangster guarding a nightclub is just a thug for the gangsters.

The credibility of such a person is negligible.

Therefore, no matter what purpose Harry told him and offered to increase the money, Shen Xi would not believe it.

Showing his means, Shen Xi threw the deformed pistol on the desk with a bang.

Then he slowly picked up the [-] dollars and put them back in his pocket.

Harry watched and couldn't help but said, ""

Shen Xi pretended to be puzzled and asked, "What are you?"

When Harry saw Shen Xi's smiling face, he felt hairy, and immediately shook his head, "It's nothing, it's nothing."

At this time, Shen Xi asked very gently again: "Ha Rui, can you take me to see your boss now?"

The gentler Shen Xi's voice was, the more terrified Harry became.

Is this guy still human?
It is too scary to crush a pistol into scrap iron with one hand.

The little thought before was completely gone at this moment.

He believed that Rambo wanted to kill him, so to speak, it was very easy, as long as he didn't pinch the strength of the pistol, if he easily took away his pistol, he would surely die.

"Okay, I'll take you there..."

Harry stood up with a stiff face, Shen Xi grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him closer.

He smiled and said: "Relax, take me there honestly, otherwise, you understand..."

Harry nodded quickly, put on a smile and said, "Yes, I understand."

"That's good, I won't kill you when we get to the place..."

Harry shuddered.

Shen Xi still smiled lightly, just put a hand on Harry's shoulder, opened the door, and the two went downstairs under the surprised gazes of all the thugs.

The two seemed to be talking and laughing, and the thugs didn't pay attention.

Shen Xi didn't believe it at all, and Harry would take him to find the boss if he gave him money, so he could only use this tough method.

After leaving the back door of the nightclub, there was a car parked beside it.

Harry took out the car keys, opened the door, Shen Xi let him go and let him sit in the car.

Shen Xi sat in the back seat, just behind the driver's seat.

This is the psychological fear of not being able to see.

He sat behind the driver's seat, and Harry would always be in a constant state of terror when he couldn't see him.

The car left the downtown area and headed for the suburbs.

Shen Xi looked at the illusory map, and the direction was actually towards Klang. He came here from Port Klang today.

Could it be that Harry's boss lives in Klang?
On the virtual map, the light spots are dense and colorful, but there are only a few particularly bright ones.

Looking at the location, it seems that it is not suitable for digging, and it is a prosperous area.

However, Shen Xi was thinking about the Straits of Malacca. Following Hina's luxury yacht, Malacca seemed to be a golden nest along the way.

There are too many bright light spots, all of them are on the bottom of the sea, even some shallow shores.

But he also found out some things from Hina.

That is the Strait of Malacca, which cannot be salvaged by anyone who wants to salvage it.

From ancient times to the present, there have been countless shipwrecks, but the governments of Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia have prohibited any international treasure hunting companies and archaeological institutions from salvaging the strait.

Of course, these will not dispel Shen Xi's idea of ​​digging for treasure.

It's just not now, wait until the Chicheng Mountain incident is over, and then come again.

He still didn't believe it.

In the name of archaeology, is it not enough to conduct archaeological exploration of ancient Chinese merchant shipping routes?
Isn't it a good reason to investigate the Maritime Silk Road?

Therefore, he only needs a reason, then he can come to dig!

There is also a reason for being caught.

It is the practice of the international community to argue if you have rhetoric.

If reasoning doesn't make sense, you can play a rogue, and if a rogue can't make sense, you can only use force.

The car drove smoothly, and it was getting late, almost nine o'clock in the evening.

Of course, this is actually the time when the nightlife really starts.

Shen Xi didn't speak, and Harry didn't dare to say a word, and even glanced at the rearview mirror from time to time.

It's a pity that he can't see anyone, which makes him even more uncertain.

Before reaching Klang, the car turned a corner and quickly left the urban area, entered the mountainous area of ​​the boulevard, and stopped in front of a compound surrounded by mountains and rivers.

"Lambo, this is my boss's manor. I don't have enough status, so the car can't get in."

"Break it open, just rush in."




Harry knew that he would survive tonight if he didn't crash, he gritted his teeth, kicked the accelerator, the car accelerated instantly, and slammed into the huge iron gate.

Bang, there was a loud bang, and the iron door fell down, and Harry's car, rolling over the iron door, rushed in with a burst of bounce.

Watching the bodyguards monitoring at the gate, they moved quickly, and the alarm bell rang in the manor.

Harry's car rushed to the front of a castle-like building before stopping.

However, he was surrounded by bodyguards and gunmen who came after hearing the news.

Shen Xi pushed open the door and shouted: "Don't shoot, I'm looking for Mr. Han En to discuss a big deal."

While speaking, he raised his hands and got out of the car.

Harry did the same at this time, pushed open the door and got out of the car with his hands raised, and shouted, "I'm Harry, don't shoot."

Fortunately, no shots were fired, but they didn't get out of the way, but someone went to report.

In a study room, Han En, who was nearly fifty years old, had already heard the alarm bell and walked out of the study room.

After passing the huge living room, he glanced at his wife who was drinking, and then walked towards the gate.

The alarm rang loudly, but his wife still turned a deaf ear to it, Han En was secretly annoyed at this.

This woman's heart is no longer here.

Over the past year, the two of them have gradually become strangers.

At this moment, a woman appeared at the gate, and Han En asked loudly, "Jennifer, what's going on?"

Yes, this woman is Jennifer, that Jennifer on the luxury yacht that Shen Xi took.

And Hann's wife is also Hina.

Jennifer shook her head, "Mr. Hann, it seems that someone broke the gate and broke in, but it has been contained."

Just as Jennifer finished speaking, a man came in and explained the situation.

Han En held the gun in his hand, put it back into his waist, and said to the man, "Bring them in."

The man responded and left, and after a while, Harry and Shen Xi were handcuffed backwards and brought into the living room.

Seven or eight gunmen did not leave, standing not far behind the two of them.

Jennifer was stunned when she saw Shen Xi at this time, Rambo?

How could he come here?
Jennifer came to the sofa and touched Mrs. Xina who was watching TV, drinking red wine and smoking a cigarette.

Hina looked up at Jennifer in confusion, and Jennifer said, "Ma'am, Mr. Rambo is here."

Han En watched all this coldly, and also looked at Shen Xi, but as for Harry, he ignored it directly.

Seeing the situation, Hann understood what was going on.

He also knew that Harry was coerced, but in his heart, he had already sentenced Harry to death.

Hearing this, Hina turned her head and looked behind her, seeing that it was really Rambo, she immediately laughed.

"Rambo, my dear friend, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

Immediately she put down her wine glass, got up, came to Shen Xi, and gave Shen Xi a warm hug.

Shen Xi's nose was filled with the smell of cigarettes, alcohol, and perfume, and he couldn't help but sneezed.

Then he smiled wryly and said, "Yes! Madam Hina, the fate is really amazing."

And Han En, who watched this scene with cold eyes, became even colder.

(End of this chapter)

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