Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 137 Chapter 137: Let me give you a ride

Chapter 137 Chapter 137: Let me give you a ride
Without staying any longer, Shen Xi left the castle-like building.

They also cleaned up several small buildings near the castle and the bodyguards inside.

Looking at Harry who was hanged to death, Shen Xi only sighed.

He found a car and went straight to Hong Baoshan's lair.

Tonight, eliminate the hidden danger of Hong Baoshan.

Tomorrow you can fight KLCC Park.

On the balcony on the second floor of the castle, Hina and Jennifer watched Shen Xi leave without saying anything.

Just watching quietly, Han En is dead, and everything about him will be inherited by Hina.

But Hina is not going to run these shady businesses anymore.

At this moment, she had her own plan.

At the same time, he has complicated feelings towards Shen Xi.

Counting it, Shen Xi killed Han En to help her escape, but in the end she killed her husband.

Therefore, the mood is very complicated, very complicated.

Like Han En, Hong Baoshan does not live in urban areas, but in suburban villas.

This environment is suitable for running and also has concealment.

This mountain villa, Hong Baoshan thought that no one knew about it, the apparent residence and several villas were just for cover.

Walking on the road, cunning rabbits and three caves, if you do too much illegal business, you will feel insecure.

What's more, Shen Xi is here now.

Originally wanted to meet Shen Xi, took the opportunity to tie him up, then blackmailed him, and then killed him.

He was relieved, but suddenly, for some reason, American intelligence personnel found him.

His cooperation is needed, and he has no choice but to cooperate.

Lure Shenxi to under the Petronas Twin Towers, the fountain at KLCC Park.

But this night, Hong Baoshan felt a little restless.

It was almost twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and he couldn't sleep peacefully.

Even, there is really an inexplicable palpitation.

Tossing and turning unable to fall asleep, Hong Baoshan sat up and wanted to drink water, but the glass on the bedside table was empty.

He got out of bed, took the cup, and left the room.

When I arrived at the living room and turned on the light, I was suddenly startled, with a terrified expression on my face, the cup in my hand also dropped, fell to the ground, and exploded with a bang.

The sound of the cup falling to the ground was very ear-piercing in the silent night.

But the villa was still quiet, not a single bodyguard or thug appeared.

Shen Xi sat calmly on the sofa, in front of him was a cup of steaming Longjing tea, and in his hand was a big cigar.

Just like being at home.

Glancing at the stunned Hong Baoshan, Shen Xi smiled, "Boss Hong, sit down and talk."

At this moment, Hong Baoshan's heart was broken.

It was too scary, Shen Xi was too unexpected for him.

I called in the afternoon and found his home in the middle of the night.

The bodyguards and thugs who wanted to come were also dealt with by him. It was meaningless to struggle at this time.

Gathering his mind, Hong Baoshan walked over.

Sitting down opposite Shen Xi, she was only wearing a nightgown, and it was still vacuum inside.

As soon as she sat down, her plump thighs were exposed, fluffy.

"Shen Xi, you surprised me, I have to say, you are very powerful, I really underestimate you."

Hearing this, Shen Xi just smiled and took a sip of tea slowly.

Hong Baoshan was in his early forties. He was tall and strong, and his face could also be seen to be fierce, especially his eyes, which were fierce.

This kind of person cannot stay.

Shen Xi felt that his idea of ​​killing Hong Baoshan was correct.

This is a huge hidden danger.

And it's not moral, you can see it when you draw a clear line with him in Manila, and he still wants to get a share.

And threatening people with family members at every turn is a bottomless line.

Maybe Hong Baoshan did this kind of thing a lot.

They are not fools, Hong Baoshan naturally understands Shen Xi's intention to touch the door.

I was also evaluating Shen Xi's strength in my heart.

Videos of Shen Xi fighting Zhao Yuanwu, and later fighting against Muay Thai Bakulen and killing Fujita Erwu.

Hong Baoshan has seen it all, and carefully analyzed his strength.

He was not sure that he could beat Shen Xi.

His horizontal practice of hard qigong has been wasted a lot in these years.

When people reach middle age, their energy and blood are not strong.

There was a strange short silence, the two of them just sat like this, Shen Xi drank tea calmly, Hong Baoshan's eyes rolled around.

Finally, Hong Baoshan opened his mouth and said: "Let's fight, if I lose, I hope you will let my little one go."

It has to be said that Hong Baoshan is a ruthless person, and he is willing to let go.

Shen Xi nodded and said: "Okay, you're dead, we're both clean."

Hong Baoshan stood up, Shen Xi also stood up, Hong Baoshan clasped his fists, Shen Xi also clasped his fists.

There was no place to choose, so Hong Baoshan directly punched and opened his fists.

But Shen Xi put his foot on the tea table, and the tea table hit Hong Baoshan's calf, and Hong Baoshan fell down.

But there was nothing wrong with his calf, he turned over and stood up, attacking Shen Xi again.

At this moment, Shen Xi picked up the teacup with one hand just now and stood there calmly.

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any.

With just one move, Hong Baoshan knew that he was not Shen Xi's opponent.

But he still didn't stop attacking, Shen Xi also wanted to see Hong Baoshan's horizontal kung fu, he didn't go all out, but dodged.

Just wanted to get a feel for it.

Chinese martial arts are extensive and profound, and many folk styles can also be learned from.

Holding the teacup in one hand, he moved left and right, and gave Hong Baoshan back from time to time.

It is worthy of practicing hard qigong horizontally, and the ability to resist blows is indeed very strong.

Of course, Shen Xi didn't use all his strength.

The sofa was kicked away by Hong Baoshan, the living room was in a mess, Hong Baoshan seemed to be crazy.

But after a long time, I was out of breath after all.

Relying on his explosive power, Hong Baoshan couldn't last long.

At this time, he was desperate in his heart, and he was shocked by Shen Xi.

There is such a master, in those videos, Shen Xi doesn't seem to have contributed at all.

Ten minutes later, Hong Baoshan stopped and collapsed on the ground, breathing very rapidly.

And Shen Xi was still holding the teacup, and took a sip slowly at this time, the cigar was also clamped in the other hand.

At this time, he approached, squatted in front of Hong Baoshan, and said, "I'll give you an account, and you can put most of your assets into it, and I can let you settle it yourself."

For merit, Shenxi asked Hong Baoshan to donate to domestic charitable funds.

Not all, just half of it.

It can also be regarded as leaving a way for Hong Baoshan's family to survive.

Hong Baoshan knew he was going to die, so in order not to let Shenxi take the blame on his family, he agreed.

Another half an hour later, when Hong Baoshan finished making donations, Shen Xi threw a gun to Hong Baoshan.

Hong Baoshan looked at the pistol in front of him, picked it up, and looked at Shen Xi.

At this moment, he has an impulse in his heart, that is to shoot Shen Xi twice.

But looking at the appearance of the old god Shenxi, he was also a little uncertain.

Slowly, he aimed the pistol at his temple.

Sweat flowed down his forehead, Hong Baoshan's body trembled slightly, his eyes fixed on Shenxi.

There is unwillingness and regret in the eyes.

Of course there is also hatred.

Suddenly, he quickly aimed the gun at Shen Xi, and pulled the trigger.

Bah, bah, bah...

A series of gunshots rang out, startling the birds outside the villa and in the woods.

Hong Baoshan was still pulling the trigger until he ran out of bullets.

And with a happy smile on his face.

But suddenly found that Shen Xi, who was not far in front of him, was still standing, still smiling lightly.

And there was no blood flowing out of the holes in the clothes.

Hong Baoshan was stunned, his brain froze.

what happened?

Are the bullets fake?
No, the holes in Shen Xi's clothes are real!

At this time, Shen Xi spoke, "It's a pity that this dress, I just bought it today, is still a famous brand!"

Hong Baoshan didn't speak, because he really couldn't figure it out.

Shen Xi said again: "Let me give you a ride!"

After finishing speaking, he stepped forward and slashed at the neck of the dazed Hong Baoshan with a palm knife.

(End of this chapter)

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