Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 140 Chapter 140: Cruise Ship Journey

Chapter 140 Chapter 140: Cruise Ship Journey
The Twin Towers incident has been downplayed.

It was said to be an emergency drill against terrorism.

The next day, Petronas Twin Towers Park returned to normal.

Everything was cleaned up.

But there are all kinds of rumors on the Internet, and people don't believe what the official said.

There are even many small videos being circulated. From the videos, it can be seen that many people really died.

On the second night, Shen Xi came out, dressed as a tourist, and left calmly.

That night he went to Port Klang, bought a cruise ticket, boarded a huge cruise ship, and went to enjoy the scenery of the Indonesian archipelago.

However, the intelligence agencies of various countries have conducted research on this Twin Towers incident.

Shenxi and Hunter Treasure Discovery Company also fully entered their field of vision.

The United States naturally obtained first-hand information, and all the monitoring was forcibly taken away by them, because they lost dozens of elite agents this time.

It can be said that the spy teams in Malay and Indonesia were all disabled.

That Shenxi seems to be staring at their people to kill, which makes the person in charge of the CIA very annoyed.

The loss this time was really too great, and the Southeast Asian intelligence network was broken in an instant.

In a short period of time, additional personnel must enter as soon as possible.

All exit channels in Malay are also monitored.

But Shen Xi got on the cruise ship and left, but they didn't find out.

In the early morning, Shenxi got up, the sea was blue and the sky was blue, the sun went out to sea at the beginning of the morning, and the sun rose in the east.

He went to the cruise ship restaurant to eat leisurely, wearing low-key and comfortable cotton underwear, all of which were custom-made by Gu Youxuan.

Wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, he was originally fair and handsome, but now he is even more refined.

While eating breakfast, Shen Xi called Sun Xiu'e.

The main thing is to ask about the situation, whether there are any discoveries and progress.

In fact, he didn't hold out much hope.

It is not a day or two since Chicheng Mountain hides gold, and countless people are looking for it. RB officials have been looking for it for more than 100 years.

When Sun Xiu'e heard Shen Xi's voice, she was naturally overjoyed.

She has been paying attention to the matter in Kuala Lumpur, and now that Shen Xi is safe, how can she not be happy.

On the phone, Sun Xiu'e asked, "Then when do you plan to come over?"

Shen Xi glanced at the restaurant and said in a low voice: "I'm thinking of a way. It's unlikely that the plane will pass by. I'm thinking whether to go back to China first, and then go by sea."

"Well, you are making such a big fuss in Kuala Lumpur. It is estimated that the customs of various countries will strictly control it now. It is best for you to go back to your country."

"You should also be careful and be prepared to retreat at any time."

"I know, in fact, when we came here, we were stared at by the locals. The people in this place are very xenophobic, but there are many people who come to this place to hunt for treasure, which is a bit chaotic.

It is very beneficial to us, and it is convenient for us to hide our identity. "

"Well, that's fine, safety first, and caution first, I'll go and see if there are any beauties at the swimming pool of the cruise ship..."

In the end, Shen Xi deliberately made a joke.

Sun Xiu'e laughed out loud.

There are naturally many beauties by the swimming pool. Although it is morning, but it is located in the tropics, it is very comfortable to take a bath in the morning and go for a swim.

But Shenxi is now, the cold and heat are not invading, and there is no need to take a bath.

Not to mention seeing any beauties, but after breakfast, went to the casino on the ship.

Possessing divine consciousness, it seems unreasonable not to take a gamble.

The cruise ship goes to the Banda Sea, then to the Halmahera Sea, and then back to the Celebes Sea. The voyage is very long and takes many days.

This is a real leisurely cruise, and it takes about a month to go back and forth.

As a doctor, I have no interest in the human body, but I can gamble.

Of course, the main reason for not being interested in beautiful women is because of Gu Youxuan.

It's just that there was no one in the casino this morning.

Shen Xi couldn't help being speechless, so he had to turn around on the boat to get to know the whole boat.

Excellent people are always eye-catching, and Shen Xi's current temperament and appearance belong to this point.

He is not interested in beautiful women, but it does not prevent beautiful women from being interested in him.

Not all the people on the cruise are rich, and there are also many beauties who take the opportunity to hunt rich people.

Shen Xi gives people the impression that he has the temperament of a rich man.

The strong self-confidence and invisible momentum all give people a sense of oppression.

This is the temperament that only rich people and high-ranking people have.

It's just that Shen Xi is not interested in chatting with vulgar fans, especially Southeast Asians, there is nothing amazing.

It’s better for Chinese people, but for European and American people, it’s too loose.

Therefore, Shen Xi was still alone after walking around for a day.

In fact, Shen Xi also really wants to meet a friend, chat with him or something.

But during dinner, in the western restaurant, a blond woman came in, making Shen Xi take a second look.

The other party was young, about seventeen or eighteen years old, and his appearance had a peculiar sense of beauty.

It's rare to see such a little beauty.

But then Shen Xi frowned, this little beauty is sick.

Congenital heart disease again!
Is it really that the beauty is so unlucky?

Or are all congenital heart disease beauties?

Of course, Shen Xi won't make extra troubles, just eat steak and drink red wine on his own.

But at this time, the blond-haired, blue-eyed little beauty sat down opposite to Shen Xi, and said, "Sir, can I have a table with you?"

Shen Xi glanced at the empty tables around him, then at the little foreign girl, smiled, and said, "Of course, you can't."

The blond babe thought it was a matter of course, it was a great honor, this is what a gentleman should say.

But the oriental man made a sudden turn and made her dodge.

She froze for a moment, not knowing how to respond.

This man is so ungentlemanly.

Immediately, the little foreign girl said angrily, "You are very rude. It is very ungentlemanlike to treat a lady like this."

Shen Xi chuckled, this little foreign girl is quite cute when she is angry.

So he smiled and said, "Gentleman demeanor?"

The little foreign girl nodded, "Yes, a man should behave like a gentleman."

Shen Xi turned his head and saw a young man with blond hair and blue eyes at the next table who was also eating. He looked very slow and gentlemanly.

Immediately, Shen Xi pointed to the young man, and said to the little foreign girl: "See, the gentlemanly demeanor you want is there, go!"

The little foreign girl took a look, shook her head, and said, "I don't like him, but I like you. You look pleasing to the eye."

At this moment, Shen Xi suddenly understood something.

This little foreign girl has no money to eat.

He is belated and understands what is pleasing to the eye, isn't it just that he looks so foolish?

Immediately said with a smile: "Do you have no money to eat?"

The little foreign girl blushed and nodded, not daring to look at Shen Xi, and kept silent.

"Okay, then sit here and order whatever you want, I invite you."

"Thank you sir for your generosity and God bless you."

But at this time, the young man who was pointed at by Shen Xi saw Shen Xi pointing at him, and also heard what the two of them said.

The young man showed surprise to the little beauty. Although he was very ashamed at the little beauty who said that he didn't like him just now, he still smiled and said: "This beautiful lady, I think you should let me invite you, not a vulgar Orientals."

(End of this chapter)

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