Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 152 Chapter 152: Night Dive into the Abyss

Chapter 152 Chapter 152: Night Dive into the Abyss
The treasure was dealt with earlier, and it was better to deal with some troublemakers.

Continue to hit, the same sentence, until it hurts.

Hit until no one dares to come and stare at him, there is no return, no one is not afraid of death.

As for Sun Xiu'e and others, this trip is of little use, but if they hit the right track, they can also take the opportunity to experience it.

It is also the cultivation of loyalty.

In the future, some things can be handed over to them.

For example, mining companies in Africa, such as island construction, all need manpower.

Managerial talents are on the surface, but without people like Sun Xiu'e and Han Feng, some things can't be done.

When things are over here, Han Feng and Cheng Hu can go to Africa to make a stand.

And to find mercenaries, first create a mercenary team.

Otherwise, if you want to engage in mining in Africa, you will have a lot of trouble.

It's different when armed.

Of course, they cannot be called mercenaries directly, but the security team of the mining company.

This is a legitimate armed force.

Tan Wei and Wu Qing were flirting with each other, so they put them together, just as the island also needs to start construction, let them be responsible.

Sun Xiu'e is a girl, so it's better to be stationed at the small pier of the magic capital.

Just in time to cooperate with the construction of the island.

As for the palm-sized island in Indonesia, Shen Xi is ready to build it himself if he has time.

It shouldn't be difficult to prepare some boulders in the Lost Realm, and then study the architectural structure of the castle.

Of course, building materials such as wood, doors and windows, and tiles are also essential.

There are only a few people like Du Yueqing on the small island who know that it belongs to him, Shenxi.

I believe that in a short time, no one will pursue this information.

Can be used as a temporary foothold.

After breakfast, Shen Xi had nothing to do, and dozed off on the recliner, which was very comfortable.

The foreigners in the camp over there also left with the RB girls.

But when Shen Xi was leisurely and contented, a few more people came on the mountain road.

A group of men and women were chatting and laughing, looking very happy.

But Shen Xi didn't understand a word, it was all in Japanese.

The most speechless thing was that when these people saw Shenxi's tent camp, they also chattered and walked over in the end.

A young man greeted Shen Xi very politely, "I'm afraid you will ride a baby!"

Shen Xi couldn't pretend to be asleep at this time, after hearing this person's words, he thought of something and laughed secretly.

This is because he is afraid that he will ride their baby!

He sat up and said in English: "What are you talking about, can you speak English?"

The young man smiled and spoke English immediately, "Hi, excuse me, we want to be here with you, is that okay?"

Shen Xi finally understood, it turned out that these people chose the camp, and they took a fancy to him.

But yes, the terrain here is flat, and there are a few trees, unlike other places, which are bare.

But Shen Xi was naturally unwilling, pointing to the camp of those people last night, and said: "I think there is something suitable for you over there, you see, I am alone, I like quiet, I don't like too much noise."

The young man immediately apologized and said: "Oh, sorry to bother you, if you want to drink, sir, you can come over, we have brought a lot."

Shen Xi nodded, "Okay!"

Afterwards, the young man turned back and told everyone, and the group of men and women left happily.

There were still a few of them who bowed to Shen Xi before leaving.

In this regard, Shen Xi also has to admire the etiquette of the RB people.

Carved to the bone.

A small episode, harmless and did not affect Shen Xi.

As for going to drink or something, Shen Xi naturally wouldn't go either.

But at noon, there were two women who brought over some drinks and food.

It's hard for Shen Xi to refuse.

The two women should not be young, and they must be 30 years old.

These people, Shen Xi judged, should be colleagues from a certain company who went camping together.

After a while, the young man from before also came over.

The four of them ate and drank together, and it wasn't boring.

After eating and drinking, the three chatted with Shen Xi for a while before leaving.

Shen Xi also continued to take a nap. When it was dark, one of the women who had been here at noon came to invite Shen Xi to have a picnic with them, but Shen Xi refused.

When the woman left, she was still a little disappointed.

Shen Xi is a little worried, whether a woman will touch her at night, it seems that it is not impossible!

His British-Chinese identity makes it very possible for these ordinary working women to dream about things.

Forget it, look at the sky, it's getting dark too.

Make some supper, pack up and leave after eating.

For more than half an hour, Shen Xi ate and drank enough.

Afterwards, he quickly packed up everything, turned and left, and headed for Black Cypress Peak.

But it's not in a hurry, just go slowly.

At nine o'clock in the evening, there are still people in several scenic spots on the Black Cypress Peak.

Shenxi went around to the remote place on the other side, and came to the edge of the sunken lake.

There are two sunken lakes on the top of the peak, and the light spot is the small lake.

Standing on the shore, you can see the lake rippling slightly, and the mountain wind is not very strong.

The water in the lake is deep, if it wasn't for an adventure, in the past, Shen Xi wouldn't have dared to go down into such a lake at night even if he was killed.

I was scared when I saw it, and I felt hairy.

After a short pause, Shen Xi began to put on the diving suit and put on the oxygen cylinder.

Put on the helmet, this set is deep diving equipment.

The human diving depth limit is 60 meters. In fact, 50 meters is more than [-] meters, which is almost the same.

Of course, it is also possible to dive hundreds of meters or thousands of meters deep, but the decompression time will take several months.

Even so, there will be repercussions.
Extreme deep diving once had a record of more than 500 meters, but it was a fast dive.

That is to say, pulling the big iron block, diving rapidly, and letting go at the limit.

In this way, in order to break the record, I don't know how many deep diving enthusiasts died.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable that there are few foreigners.

Chinese people rarely play life-threatening projects.

After putting on the equipment, Shen Xi slowly walked into the deep lake.

With night vision, he still couldn't see very far.

Finally reached the cliff by the lake, Shen Xi looked down at the deep lake bottom, and jumped out.

The body began to fall at an accelerated rate, and the temperature of the lake also changed drastically.

The further you go down, the colder the lake becomes.

No sign of volcanic hot springs.

Shen Xi glanced at the depth gauge on his wrist, it was already 130 meters.

And the bottom of the lake is still deep.

Shen Xi didn't know if there was a magma channel.

But after tens of thousands of years, the rocks and soil scoured by the mountains around the lake should also block the gushing path.

It is impossible to go a few thousand meters deep, at most a few hundred meters, and it will be as high as the sky.

The water pressure is getting bigger and bigger, but it still doesn't even have a bottom slope. This cliff-like depth is really scary.

Perhaps, this is the magma gushing channel!
The depth is still going on, if it is not for the cultivation of the golden body, Shen Xi will retreat.

Even so, he didn't know how much water pressure he could withstand.

Where is his limit, he has no idea.

300 meters, 400 meters, and finally, when he was about to reach 430 meters, his feet fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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