Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 161 Chapter 160: It's all over

Chapter 161 Chapter 160: It's all over

The helicopter roared in the sky, and the police lights flashed on several nearby roads.

Shen Xi had an illusion, as if he was on the battlefield, there were special forces soldiers everywhere.

There are also many agents in body armor.

Ambulances drove over one after another, transporting the people injured by the Shenxi grenade.

Shen Xi limped on purpose, looked like he was injured, and was looking for the headquarters.

Finally, he stopped beside a black box car.

I found it. There are various electronic devices and display screens in the box car.

Five middle-aged men were staring at the screen with ugly expressions.

One of them is Japanese, the remaining three are white, and one looks like a Southeast Asian.

This is the command vehicle, Shen Xi grinned, and immediately put a grenade in his hand.

After pulling out the safety, he paused for a while before opening the door and throwing the grenade into the car.

Quickly close the door and walk away.


The command vehicle exploded into a fireball.

And Shen Xi also took advantage of the situation to get down, and a grenade appeared in his hand, and he began to throw it around.

Then he got up, and in the confusion, started shooting.

The bullets are flawless, and the night is a boost for him.

Because he shot among the soldiers, many people did not know who was the enemy.

There was no command again, and immediately, the scuffle began.

Relying on the speed of movement, Shen Xi fired two shots to change places, making the chaos even more, and there were gunshots everywhere.

He is not afraid of bullets, so he just crossed the line of fire and guns like that.

More and more people died, and the scene was completely out of control.

Many people fled outwards, Shen Xi accidentally picked up a bazooka, he looked up at the helicopter hovering in the sky.

This is a US military helicopter.

So he carried the bazooka and pointed it at the helicopter.

With the experience of hitting the helicopter last time, he hit the helicopter very easily.

The helicopter exploded, then lost control, circling and falling with fireworks.

This made the scene even more chaotic.

And Shen Xi also felt that it was almost the same.

There is no need for him to kill the police and medical staff.

The special forces and agents have almost killed them.

How much, he did not count.

Time to retreat.

Afterwards, he followed the example of those fleeing special forces, and also ran towards the dark night around him.

Finally disappeared completely into the night.

Not long after Shen Xi left, military vehicles arrived one after another, completely sealing off the scene.

And expanded the scope of the blockade.

More than ten kilometers away, Shen Xi was sitting in a taxi, fiddling with a satellite phone.

At this time, he applied makeup again, fine-tuned his facial features, and became a Chinese backpacker.

He was searching for cruise ship information, and he left from a cruise ship last time.

So, now he wants to do it again.

But unfortunately, no cruise ships set sail for these two days.

If he wants to leave, he must leave immediately.

Taking advantage of the chaos now is the best time.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to leave after all parties react.

I'm not afraid, but he doesn't want to expand the incident.

Accept it when you see it, otherwise it will become a deadlock if all parties are unable to step down.

This is not what he needs.

At least not for the time being.

Finally, I took out my passport again and looked at it, and decided to go by shipping.

Tell the taxi driver immediately and go directly to Haneda Airport.

At the same time, you can check the information of the fastest flight to China on the Internet.

He is betting once.

See if you can get through with a fake passport.

When you enter the visa, it has already been done once when you come, so theoretically, there will be no problems.

Although it is false, it is also true.

Shen Xi finally chose the flight to the capital.

After twelve o'clock in the night, there was an extra flight.

There were still tickets, and Shen Xi immediately booked them.

Arriving at Haneda Airport, it was already past eleven o'clock, and the boarding just happened to start, Shen Xi immediately went to line up to exchange for the boarding pass.

And in his backpack, there is only a change of clothes, which is very simple.

After changing the boarding pass and passing through the checkpoint, Shen Xi was relieved.

It was so easy, it passed.

After getting on the plane, find a seat and sit down.

There are not many people on this flight.

There are many empty seats, and the side of Shenxi is also empty.

This is also good, you can take the opportunity to take a break.

After killing, one also needs to relax and adjust psychologically.

After adjusting the seat, Shen Xi leaned back, feeling okay.

He just closed his eyes and rested his mind, but the previous scene was still shaking in front of his eyes.

He longed for a glass of wine, or a cup of tea, and a cigarette.

Killing is exciting, hearty.

But the peace of mind afterwards is the most important thing.

But you can't drink alcohol or smoke on the plane.

Not even a cup of hot tea.

Shen Xi looked outside the porthole, and could see many planes parked at the airport.

He looked at the watch on his wrist again, it was twelve o'clock.

It's time to stop boarding.

Ready to take off.

Looking at the watch, a trace of irritability that Shen Xi himself didn't notice dissipated inexplicably.

I feel relieved.

Gu Youxuan bought this watch for him. I don't know how much it cost, but he knows it is Patek Philippe.

Seeing the watch, Shen Xi thought of Gu Youxuan, so he naturally relaxed.

And at this moment, a flight attendant with long legs came over.

When she got to the seat next to Shen Xi, the stewardess stopped.

She smiled at Shen Xi: "Sir, please come with me, we have prepared a first-class cabin for you."

Shen Xi was puzzled when he heard the words, and asked suspiciously: "I bought a first-class ticket, right?"

The stewardess grinned, her red lips and white teeth, and her good looks made people feel happy. "Mr. Shen, please!"

As soon as the other party called out Mr. Shen, Shen Xi instantly understood.

His passport is not surnamed Shen, this stewardess does not seem simple.

Without saying anything else, Shen Xi nodded and got up.

He took out his backpack from the luggage locker, followed the stewardess, and headed to the first-class cabin.

There are almost no people in the first class, only a bunch of young men and women sitting in the front.

The stewardess arranged for Shen Xi to sit in the last seat.

When Shen Xi sat down, the stewardess asked, "What would Mr. Shen drink?"

"Would you like a cup of hot tea?"

The stewardess laughed, "The tea is not good, I dare not let Mr. Shen drink it, why don't I bring you a cup of coffee?"

Shen Xi nodded. Seeing this, the stewardess breathed a sigh of relief and turned to leave.

But Shen Xi suddenly asked again: "I want to smoke a cigarette, I wonder if I can?"

The stewardess hesitated, but finally laughed, "We don't have cigarettes."

Shen Xi grinned, and casually took out a big cigar from his pocket.

Seeing this, the flight attendant could only smile and went to prepare coffee.

And Shen Xi also slowly lit the cigar and took a puff.

At this time, the phone seemed to move, sliding slowly.

The on-board announcement also rang, asking passengers to fasten their seat belts, turn off their mobile phones, and so on.

Shen Xi exhaled a puff of smoke, thinking again in his heart, whether this temporarily increased flight was because of him or not.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the flight attendant to know his identity.

It is estimated that there will be increased flights in these two days, especially at night.

But why didn't Zhao Ximing notify him?

It seems that I can only ask the stewardess for a while.

But when Shen Xi was thinking about this, the young man and woman in front, the man among them, turned his head and stared at Shen Xi.

Pointing at Shen Xi, he said arrogantly: "Bastard, put out the cigarette."

(Thanks to the book friends, for the reward and support of Dependency Origin and Destruction Fate! By the way, please ask for a few monthly tickets or something, I am very grateful!)
(End of this chapter)

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