Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 166 Chapter 165: A man who grows old

Chapter 166 Chapter 165: A man who grows old

The process of Shen Xi feeding Elder Quan with medicine was actually monitored in the room and the whole process was recorded.

He also knew this. No one came to test his medicine, which was already a great trust in him.

Of course, the main thing is that the old lady can make the decision and allow Shen Xi to administer medicine.

Just like Mr. Qin back then, as long as Mr. Qin allowed it, no one objected.

Quan Lao is in a coma, but his family members are still there.

What's more, Shen Xi has a lot of trust in Shen Xi's upper management because of the matter of Mr. Qin before.

After Elder Quan took Fushen Pill, Shen Xi didn't leave immediately.

It's not that he doesn't want to leave, but the old lady is holding him back.

When asked questions, Shen Xi could only respond with a smile.

"Director Xiao Shen! Are you married?"

"not yet."

"Oh, well, it's fine if you're not married..."


Shen Xi is speechless, what's so good about not getting married?

Seeing that Shen Xi was stunned, the old lady smiled and said: "Don't worry, Madam, I will introduce you to a good one, and you will be satisfied. You stay in the capital for two more days, and I will arrange for you to meet first..."

At this moment, Shen Xi finally realized, and co-authored to introduce him to someone!
No wonder it's not good to be married.

He smiled wryly, and immediately interrupted the old lady and said, "I'm not married, but I have a fiancée, and I plan to get married by the end of the year."


Shen Xi finally left the hospital, but Fang Yuanhe was by his side.

Invite Shen Xi to visit his house at night.

Shen Xi told Fang Yuanhe that he was going to get together with some old classmates at night, which made Fang Yuanhe very disappointed.

Seeing this, Shen Xi promised to see how Fang Jishi was recovering at noon tomorrow.

Separated from Fang Yuanhe, Shen Xi went to Mr. Qin's place.

In the small courtyard, Shenxi and Qin were drinking tea under the old tree.

"Fu Guoyong reported to me the two things you asked for, and I also ventilated the above. It is not impossible to give you air defense weapons.

But this thing is very sensitive and needs to be studied further.

As for the money, it is easy to handle. The bank can open a 100 billion account for you, but the bank will supervise the flow of funds. "

As soon as Shen Xi heard Qin Lao's tone, he knew that Qin Lao was about to bargain again.

Otherwise it won't be so atmospheric.

As for bank supervision, Shen Xi doesn't care, anyway, he doesn't care about money, and it would be best if someone helps him with the accounts.

At least let him know where the money was spent in the end.

He is a doctor, not an accountant. He can still count hundreds of thousands and tens of millions, but he can't do it when it involves hundreds of millions and billions.

Therefore, not only bank supervision, but also a financial supervisor himself.

It seems that Sun Xiu'e must hire financial personnel and set up a financial department.

Shen Xi thought to herself, nodded to Elder Qin, and waited for Elder Qin's next words.

Mr. Qin paused for a moment before saying, "Director Shen, after studying the medicine last time, there was no progress..."

Sure enough, wait here!
This is because he is afraid that Shen Xi didn't ask for it, and if there is a request, it will be easy to handle!
Shen Xi tentatively asked: "Another one?"

Mr. Qin laughed, "It's not enough sincerity, it's already at this level, shouldn't you bring out the raw materials? Americans, Japanese, Europeans, chasing you around like that, why?"

Shen Xi also laughed, but he was still weighing things in his heart.

Finally said: "I can take out the raw materials of the medicine, and I can even provide the plants that grow the medicine..."

When Mr. Qin heard this, he was secretly happy. It really was a single fruit juice, and the analysis of the scientific research staff was correct.

Now Shen Xi promised to take it out, as long as the breeding is successful, it will really benefit the country and the people.

Of course, Elder Qin knew that Shen Xi would also have something to say.

But he likes to control the initiative, and won't let Shenxi Lion speak up first.

"Okay, Director Shen, I knew that you have always been a benevolent doctor, how about this, you take out the plants, and I beg my grandpa to tell my grandma to get you the anti-aircraft weapons.

When you set up a mining company in Africa, you must purchase smelting equipment, and these weapons will be sandwiched in these equipment and shipped to you. "

Shen Xi stared blankly at Mr. Qin, he is old and smart!

I can't accept it.

What tens of billions of accounts.

The hidden treasures he dug up before, and the hazy stones that were auctioned, add up to more than 100 billion to 200 billion, and they are placed in the bank, which is also under the supervision of several parties.

Promised to set up an account of tens of billions for him, after many calculations, Shen Xi had the illusion of taking his money and lending it to him.

And the 100 billion has to be repaid with interest.

Anti-aircraft weapons, from Qin Lao's straightforwardness just now, it is not difficult to think about it.

Of course, it is very likely to get him some anti-aircraft guns and bazookas, which are also anti-aircraft weapons.

Why does Shen Xi want those crap?

What he wants is a small anti-aircraft missile capable of fully automatic radar identification and locking, capable of hitting an altitude of [-] meters.

Even if it is two sets, one set has four or eight small missiles.

Both fixed and mobile.

"What model? You can't fool me with those obsolete gadgets. The all-in-one surveillance and combat machines in Europe and the United States are not ordinary anti-aircraft weapons. They can be shot down."

"I don't know, just wait! You won't be disappointed."

Speaking of this, Shen Xi couldn't say anything more.

But Mr. Qin asked, "When will the plant be available?"

Shen Xi came to his senses, and looked at Elder Qin thoughtfully.

The old man is too cunning, he must be careful.

Can't say when, can't say where.

Otherwise, it is easy to be targeted.

So, Shen Xi smiled and said: "This plant is very rare, it's hard to find, it needs luck, and I'll let you know when I find it."

Elder Qin looked at Shen Xi with a smile, and he could naturally see that Shen Xi was talking nonsense.

Then he said: "Director Shen, don't worry, we can't send people to track you down, and we won't find out where the things came from, but you must protect this rare plant.

I know you don't want to reveal where this plant grows, and I can understand your psychology.

When we need to protect you, you must not show off your strength, otherwise, you will be a sinner..."

Shen Xi nodded, and said: "I know, the reason why the plants are not revealed is for protection, I hope you understand, Mr. Qin."

After hearing the words, Mr. Qin thought for a while, nodded, and laughed.

Indeed, once the growing area of ​​this plant leaks out, it is likely to have a counterproductive effect, and it might really be extinct all at once.

There are too many private people, and the higher authorities cannot fully control them.

Thinking about it this way, Elder Qin also gave up on staring at Shen Xi's movements.

Let Shen Xi keep it alone!
Moreover, Shenxi also agreed to provide a plant, so that artificial breeding and various researches can be carried out.

It is necessary to set up a scientific research team and invite top botanists.

Afterwards, the old and the young chatted a lot over tea.

At 04:30 in the afternoon, Shen Xi also left.

Call Dalinzi and the others one by one when they go out.

Not bad, everyone was very happy to hear that Shen Xi had come to the capital, and they all rushed to invite Shen Xi.

But after Shen Xi reported the place to eat, no one snatched it up.

Beihu Garden is the most expensive in the capital, and the per capita normal consumption is as low as 1 yuan.

This is normal consumption, if it is abnormal, it is hard to say.

It is not uncommon for seven or eight people to have a meal of millions.

(End of this chapter)

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