Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 168 Chapter 167: Come, add WeChat

Chapter 168 Chapter 167: Come, add WeChat

In the era of Internet self-media, the speed of information dissemination is amazing.

During the time when Shen Xi was rushed to the manager's office upstairs, the topic of kung fu genius doctors catching gold began to erupt.

Fu Guoyong got the news immediately.

Elder Qin also got the news.

The two were most worried about Shen Xi causing trouble.

But I didn't expect that this guy would be able to make big news even if he went shopping.

With a catch of 500 million, I don't know how many netizens are envious.

At the same time, because of this, they began to discuss whether the kung fu genius doctor could get this piece of gold.

Chen Dasheng Gold Jewelry, the largest gold jewelry company in Beijing, was also pushed to a high place by public opinion.

The company executives immediately notified the chairman.

On Shen Xi's side, when Manager Liu arrived at the office, he directly asked the security guard to take the gold brick from Shen Xi's hand, and kicked Shen Xi out of the office on the grounds that Shen Xi cheated.

This is the reality, how can businesses be honest.

Nearly 500 million gold was involved, and the first thing that came to mind was to play tricks and make something unnecessary for Shen Xi.

Shen Xi didn't resist either, but before leaving, he said to Manager Liu: "I still have something to do, I'm going to Beihu Garden to invite some old classmates to dinner.

I don't want the gold bricks either. If anyone is looking for me, please go directly to Beihu Garden. "

After finishing speaking, Shen Xi left as if nothing had happened.

Manager Liu also heaved a sigh of relief.

But soon, the sales executive downstairs ran up.

"Manager, it's not good, that person is kung fu doctor Shen Xi, an Internet celebrity, the video of him catching gold is all over the Internet..."

Upon hearing this, Manager Liu immediately took out his mobile phone and began to check.

Sure enough, some short video platforms, the video of Shen Xi catching gold, was pinned to the top.

This time, Manager Liu's face changed.

This is not an ordinary person. Once he said he didn't get the gold, he was driven away.

The impact on their brand is simply unimaginable.

Once the integrity is gone, the brand will also collapse.

At this moment, Manager Liu is very regretful, regretting that he made the decision without authorization and did not ask the headquarters for instructions.

At that time, all the responsibilities will be his.

Then he is really finished.

It's sloppy!

Still thinking about saving the gold bricks for the company, maybe there will be rewards, now it seems that pills.

Thinking of this, Manager Liu came to his senses in an instant, and hurriedly chased him out.

He wanted to chase Shen Xi back, but he chased him all the way to the street outside Shangchao, where there was no sign of Shen Xi.

But he remembered what Shen Xi said, going to Beihu Garden for dinner.

He also said that someone was looking for him, please go directly to Beihu Garden.

So he quickly turned around and prepared to go to the underground parking lot to pick up the car.

But the sales executive came after him again.

And this time his face was even uglier.

Manager Liu felt something was wrong and asked, "What's wrong?"

The sales executive said out of breath: "The chairman called and asked us to quickly cash the gold to Shen Xi, and we must not mess around..."

When Manager Liu heard this, he sat down on the ground. He knew that he was finished.

A mistake in one thought, a lifetime of regret!
At this moment, the phone in Manager Liu's hand rang.

Upon seeing it, Manager Liu's expression changed dramatically.

After connecting, he said in fear: "Chairman, I will go to Shen Xi, send him the gold brick, and try my best to save..."

The old Chen Dasheng roared angrily on the phone at this moment, "Who gave you the right to make claims? Ah! You know how big a disaster you have caused this time.

Now, immediately, you are suspended, waiting in the store, waiting for me to come..."

Manager Liu was completely paralyzed upon hearing this.

On the other side, in the Chen Dasheng Gold and Jewelry Headquarters Building, in the chairman's office, after finishing speaking, Chen Dasheng slapped his phone on the desk hard.

Several company executives standing in front of the desk were all terrified.

I have never seen such a big temper from the chairman.

The reason why Chen Dasheng was so angry was because he received a call from Fu Guoyong.

When Fu Guoyong saw the video, he immediately found Chen Dasheng's cell phone number.

He was worried that Chen Dasheng's gold and jewelry would not fulfill his promise, and if he provoked Shen Xi to take action, he would be in big trouble.

Of course, Fu Guoyong was quite speechless to Shen Xi.

Chen Dasheng didn't delay, he had to deal with this matter as soon as possible.

Fu Guoyong had already revealed his identity and warned him.

Once Shen Xi made a move because of this, he, Chen Dasheng, would be responsible.

Chen Dasheng also knew about Shen Xi, a genius doctor of kung fu, who would either kill or injure him.

And through Fu Guoyong's tone, he also knew that Shen Xi should not be messed with.

Can't afford to offend.

Not to mention they are unreasonable.

Chen Dasheng took his people and hurried to the supermarket.

At the same time, people will send over the promotional gold bricks from another store.

Chen Dasheng planned to give another piece as an apology.

When Shen Xi arrived at Beihu Garden, it was still early, before six o'clock, and the old classmates and brothers hadn't left work yet.

Beihu Garden has beautiful scenery, clear lake water, continuous lawns, antique buildings, carved beams and painted buildings, like a paradise.

There is no box for dining, but an independent area with floor-to-ceiling windows and a panoramic view.

Shen Xi asked Qin Xin for help to book here.

Led by a beautiful woman in a cheongsam, they came to a pavilion half-stretched on the lake.

There are four girls who burn incense, zither and make tea, just beauties.

Shen Xi sat down by the bamboo curtain near the water, and immediately there was a tea making girl serving a cup of clear tea.

Guzheng music is elegant and the voice is not high, but it gives people an illusion that they have traveled to ancient times.

No wonder this place is so expensive, it's worth the price just for its elegance and tranquility.

This is the enjoyment of the rich!

Not to mention the average person who can't afford to eat, they can't get a seat.

The top private club in Beijing.

Look at the four women, they are all first-class beauties.

It is estimated that the appearance and figure have been carefully selected.

Not to mention talent.

Can tea art, can burn incense, can play the piano, can sing and dance.

Shen Xi couldn't help being very interested in the owner of this private club.

Thinking about it, he is also a person with ideas.

Drinking tea and listening to the zither, Shen Xi gradually felt peaceful in his heart.

The mentality affected by the killing seems to be being healed.

It used to be self-regulation, which belonged to suppression, but now it is different, like letting go.

Well, great place!
It seems that in the future, I will have to invite some beautiful women to burn incense and play the piano.

Why don't you choose a place with a good view on the island and make such an elegant place?

Shen Xi didn't come on a whim, but felt it was necessary.

Because he knew that with his bloody storm, the impact on his mentality would be even greater.

If it cannot be adjusted and cured in time, it may distort the mentality.

Just like this time when I came back from Japan, I was in a very bad state.

The first is that there will be inexplicable irritability.

Shen Xi doesn't want to make himself a murderous maniac, he can only kill bad people, and he can keep himself from being affected.

But normal people, whether they kill bad people or not, will be negatively affected if they kill too many.

Just like those who have experienced war, they will suffer from a disease called war trauma syndrome, also called post-war psychological syndrome.

Shen Xi felt that after he was in Tokyo, he seemed to have this kind of influence.

He is a doctor himself, so he is very aware of the importance of psychological counseling.

He was not traumatized, but had psychological rejection stress.

Fortunately, he has a strong will and can regulate himself.

Now it is completely cured, and the negative emotions are completely emptied.

So, today's harvest is great.

After taking a sip of tea, Shen Xi glanced at the four young beauties, and said with a smile: "Very good, come on, add WeChat, and send you red envelopes, just as a tip."

(End of this chapter)

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