Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 173 Chapter 172: I'm Angry About This

Chapter 173 Chapter 172: I'm Angry About This
Burning a bonfire, blowing the sea breeze.

The sound of the waves adds to the romance of the night.

Gu Youxuan nestled in Shen Xi's arms, and the two chatted without saying a word.

The blood gold dog is very well-behaved, squatting beside Gu Youxuan's legs, Gu Youxuan stroked its dog's head with one hand, the blood gold dog enjoyed this kind of petting very much.

The bodyguards of the Gu family and Zhao Ximing's people were worried, got off the yacht, and sealed off this beach.

On the island, there are now a lot of construction workers, and good and bad people are mixed, so we have to guard against them.

Regarding this, Shen Xi didn't say anything.

Sitting outside with Gu Youxuan for a long time, it was not until Gu Youxuan fell asleep that Shen Xi carried her into the tent.

From the next day, Shen Xi took Gu Youxuan to survey the whole island, and the whole process took three days.

You can see how big the island is.

Of course, there is also something about the two of Shen Xi traveling in the mountains and playing in the water, not in a hurry.

During the period, Shen Xi was still at night and left secretly.

In a mountainside, several large caves were dug out, and all the treasures obtained from the Tokyo National Museum were hidden in the mountainside.

The boulders dug out are also stored in the Valley of the Lost Realm.

Gold ore needs to be taken to Africa. Gold does not take up space, and there is not much room for more than 100 tons of piles.

Neatly, this thing is nearly twenty tons per cubic meter.

However, Shen Xi still felt that the place in the valley was becoming more and more insufficient.

Three yachts of different sizes took up a lot of space, as well as several off-road vehicles, oil tankers, and the fuel tanks of the two salvage ships that were brought in at the beginning.

A mountain of gold ore has been piled up, and so many boulders have been dug.

These take up too much space.

It would be great if the barrier could extend outward.

The space outside the barrier is infinite, but it cannot be manipulated by thoughts, unless he moves it out, even if he can move out, when he wants to take it out, he has to move into the barrier first.

Otherwise, it cannot be manipulated outside.

We can only wait for the mining company to get it right and solve the gold ore, and then a large area can be vacated.

Four days later, Shen Xi and Gu Youxuan left the island.

In mid-October, Shen Xi boarded a plane to London.

In this special period, Shen Xi doesn't want to stay in the country for too long.

That would easily lure bounty hunters and killers into the country.

Although Fu Guoyong said that the prevention and control is very strict, but there is no absolute thing.

Bai Mi still has a sparse, have to guard against.

This time he flew to London with a high profile and did not use a fake passport again.

On the plane, Shen Xi was thinking about whether he could pass the test after landing.

He does not have a UK visa.

Will the British let him in?
How would the British react?
What should he do if he is denied entry and ordered to return?
Break through?
Will there be another conflict?
Thinking of this, Shen Xi laughed.

And at this moment, a stewardess familiar to Shen Xi appeared in the first class cabin.

And walking towards Shenxi, holding a cup of hot coffee in his hand.

Chen Chen?

Shen Xi was a little surprised, but when he thought about it, he understood.

Chen Chen approached, grinned at Shen Xi, and said, "Mr. Shen, your coffee."

Shen Xi also smiled and said, "I'm glad to see you again."

After receiving the coffee, Shen Xi said again: "Do I want coffee?"

Chen Chen replied, "I invite you."

After speaking, Chen Chen turned and left.

Seeing Chen Chen leave, Shen Xi didn't drink coffee immediately.

After sniffing it carefully, although he didn't smell any unusual smell, he still didn't drink it, but he pretended to drink it, but actually fell into a state of despair.

Going out this time, we must prevent all possibilities.

Can't trust anyone.

Including Chen Chen.

Now he is a golden baby, and there are too many people coveting it.

Not only the governments of various countries, bounty hunters, mercenary organizations, and even international thieves and killers will try their best to deal with him.

The bounty offer is just a distraction, and the one who issued the bounty should be the CIA.

The purpose of the CIA is not to take down Shenxi by offering a reward, but to take the opportunity to set up traps, dig holes, and all kinds of conspiracies and tricks.

Even if someone comes to negotiate, there may be hidden tricks that are hard to guard against.

Chen Chen was probably from Guoan, but it couldn't be explained, it was absolutely credible.

Appeared on this plane out of the blue and delivered a cup of coffee out of nowhere.

Shen Xi is a fool if he can trust her.

During the flight, Chen Chen appeared several times, but nothing seemed unusual.

But after the plane landed in Hong Kong, Shen Xi didn't see Chen Chen anymore.

It took seven hours to transfer, so Shen Xi went to a hotel near the airport and slept.

By the time we boarded the plane again, it was already midnight, and the departure time was twelve o'clock at night.

Not long after takeoff, Chen Chen appeared in front of Shen Xi again.

Another cup of coffee.

Shen Xi also took it, but didn't ask anything.

Arrive in London, the time is local time, five o'clock in the morning.

After flying for more than ten hours, the time difference is eight hours.

Domestic time is one o'clock in the afternoon.

Similarly, when getting off the plane, Chen Chen disappeared again.

I don't know if I got off the plane early or was somewhere else.

But at this time, Shen Xi no longer paid attention to Chen Chen.

He is thinking about how to enter the UK.

Out of the channel, into the customs inspection.

This place has been surrounded by London special police.

Shen Xi smiled, as expected, the news of his coming to London has been leaked.

Shen Xi was empty-handed, without saluting at all, a middle-aged Caucasian man with a beard, leading two strong special police officers, came in front of Shen Xi.

"Mr. Shen, welcome to the UK. I'm Paul, the head of the London Police Headquarters. Mr. Shen, please follow me."

Obviously, Paul didn't want to say anything to Shen Xi in this crowded place.

Shen Xi naturally doesn't want to be here, and conflict with these people.

So, Shen Xi followed behind Paul, surrounded by a group of special police, and left the airport hall.

Heathrow Airport is far from central London.

To the east of the airport building are some buildings of the airport management office.

Shen Xi was brought here.

And here are all heavily armed special forces soldiers, as well as some special police and special agents.

Treating Shen Xi is like facing an enemy.

Shen Xi was not afraid, and followed Paul into an empty hall.

In the center of the hall, place the table and chairs.

Paul made a gesture of invitation to Shen Xi, "Mr. Shen, please sit down and talk."

After finishing speaking, Paul himself sat down on the chair on the other side of the table, and Shen Xi sat down on the chair opposite.

He looked at Paul with a smile.

The hall was very quiet, no one came in, and the door was closed.

But the outside is surrounded by layers.

Paul took out a pack of Marlboro cigarettes, took out one and lit it, then looked at Shen Xi, his eyes were full of examination and speculation.

And Shen Xi miraculously took out a big cigar, slowly cut off one end, rubbed it in his hand, and then took out a box of matches and lit it.

The two people looked at each other amidst the smoke.

Finally, Paul said, "I want to know, what is Mr. Shen doing in London?"

Shen Xi smiled and said, "I said to travel, Mr. Paul, do you believe it?"

Paul shakes his head, believe me you ghost.

The number one dangerous person in the world, the reward is as high as 5000 million US dollars.

He actually said that he would travel to London to coax the children!
"Mr. Shen Xi, you do not have a visa and cannot enter the UK. I am very sorry about this."

"You mean, I'm flying back home now?"

"No, as long as you don't enter the UK, you can choose where to go, and we will do our best to help you coordinate."

"I am very angry about this. You, the UK, are very unfriendly to me. This makes me feel humiliated. You must give me an explanation for this matter.

And I'm telling you now, I have to enter the country, you'd better convey what I said to your London government..."

(End of this chapter)

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