Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 175 Chapter 174: 1 Don't do it 2 Endless

Chapter 175 Chapter 174: Don't do anything

But even if it was a misunderstanding, it has killed people now.

As the saying goes, if you don't do one thing and keep doing it, you can only do it.

Anyway, the British are not at ease.

So, Shen Xi took out two more clips and put them in his waist.

It's just right now, and it's dark outside, so you don't need to sneak out, you can just type it out.

In this way, if you make a mistake, you will make a mistake, and if you hit the right one, we will see which country dares to block him at the airport in the future.

In fact, Shen Xi has been holding back his anger all day long.

If it wasn't for Gu Youxuan's company during this period of time and her peaceful mind, she might have made the move long ago.

Standing behind the door, Shen Xi didn't move, the automatic rifle aimed at the door.

Under the consciousness, the situation outside the door is clear at a glance.

He was waiting, waiting for these special police officers to arrive at the door.

Moreover, the position behind the door is also a blind spot of the window, and the snipers outside cannot see him.

Therefore, at this time, he could only be exhausted, and he didn't dare to rush out. There were many people outside. If he was hit by a stun gun in the chaos, he would really capsize in the gutter.

Fortunately, the special police outside finally moved slowly to the door. One special police pulled away the policeman who was killed, and the other carried the door hammer.

Shen Xi squatted down, and a grenade appeared in his hand. He stared at the special policeman who was about to hit the door with his spiritual consciousness. Seeing that the other party was gathering strength, he swung the hammer, and he pulled the safety catch.

With a bang, the door was knocked open, and Shen Xi took advantage of the situation and threw the grenade out.

The moment the door was knocked open, many special police officers arrived at the door and raised their guns to shoot at the door, but Shen Xi squatted, rolled over, and reached a corner of the room.

The same avoids the window.

With a bang, a violent explosion sounded from the door, and air waves and shock waves swept across the room.

For a moment, debris and dust were flying in the air.

At the same time, there were also people's wailing.

The opportunity was right in front of him, Shen Xi burst into a rage in an instant, rushed outside the door, held an automatic rifle, and started shooting out of the encirclement amidst the dust.

The narrow apartment corridor was in a mess at this time, many special police officers were blown to the ground, and those who managed to get up were also directly killed by Shen Xi.

After quickly solving these people, Shen Xi went straight to the fire exit and went down the stairs.

As soon as he entered the stairwell, he heard hurried and noisy footsteps from below. This was the person who heard the explosion and rushed to support.

Shen Xi took out another grenade, pulled the safety catch, and threw it down the stairs.

Grenade tumbling and bouncing down the stairs.

At this time, Shen Xi also directly opened the staircase window and jumped out.

Before the person landed, there was an explosion behind him.

When it landed, it was very stable, and the height of the three-story building was extremely easy for him.

But there were also gunshots nearby, and several bullets passed by Shen Xi's side at high speed, causing the air to vibrate and make a buzzing sound.

Shen Xi also started to fight back, and moved at a high speed, and soon encountered a dense rain of bullets from the outside.

Moreover, there were also sniper bullets flying towards him.

Shen Xi is not afraid of ordinary bullets, but sniper bullets still make him feel a slight sense of crisis.

It means that even if it can't penetrate his body, it will cause concussion damage to him.

Just like ordinary people wearing bulletproof vests, they will still be injured internally by the impact of bullets.

Shen Xi was worried that the sniper bullet would have this effect.

Even if he didn't, he didn't want to check his body.

The powerful sniper rifle has a bullet ejection speed of more than one kilometer per second.

In other words, Shen Xi has almost no reaction time.

Within a kilometer, it will be within a second.

Therefore, Shen Xi can only move at high speed and change the trajectory, so that no one can aim at him.

Nor can the sniper determine his direction.

The nearby buildings are basically guarded by people, and it is not easy for Shen Xi to find a blind spot.

At the same time, he can't charge hard, he doesn't want to be exposed directly, and he is not afraid of bullets.

At most, it can only be known that he relies on speed.

While moving at high speed, shoot and shoot, and look for a breakthrough.

From time to time, he threw a grenade into the crowd.

He almost turned around, constantly changing positions between several buildings.

The opponent's casualties are also increasing.

Gradually the firepower began to decrease.

At this time, Shen Xi felt that it was almost done, and it was time to break out from one direction and leave.

Therefore, the side of a building was selected, which should be a blind spot for snipers.

In addition, the light of the searchlight cannot be illuminated, and it is impossible to lock him by infrared.

After a few quick jumps, Shen Xi rushed over, and several special police officers hiding in the corner were also killed by him with a few shots, but his clothes also left a few holes.

The next step is to speed up and leave along the wall of the building.

Those who chased and blocked him couldn't catch him at all, and were quickly thrown far away.

Finally, Shen Xi ran to the barbed wire fence wall, jumped over it easily, and disappeared into the vast night.

On the nearby road, military vehicles and police cars were approaching rapidly, with piercing sirens.

The helicopter in the air roared and roared.

After leaving the airport, Shen Xi quickly rushed to the nearby residential area.

They are all single-family villas without high-rise buildings.

The fence is a wooden fence, and the height is only about 1.2 meters.

The lawn, small trees, and swings look good.

The residential area near the airport is quite large, with rows of houses, which shows that there are many people living in this area.

Shen Xi was looking for a hiding place, and wanted to hide in the Lost Realm, but he felt that he hadn't reached that level yet, so he looked around first before talking.

But after a while, sirens sounded nearby.

And the sound of many vehicles' engines, as well as the sound of chaotic footsteps.

It seems that this area will also be blocked soon.

Are these British people going to fight him to the death?
Shen Xi quickened his pace, thinking of finding a hidden place first and entering the lost realm.

In the Lost Realm, if you wait for two days, you won't be locked in.

When the time comes to put on makeup, I believe you can hide in the dark.

Finally, Shen Xi passed by a luxurious-looking house with a sign for sale hanging on the fence at the gate.

Immediately, Shen Xi jumped in, arrived in front of the house, looked around, there was no monitoring.

He didn't enter through the gate either, but jumped directly onto the terrace on the second floor, and entered the room through the terrace door.

Of course, the lock must have been sent directly to the Lost Realm.

The first thing you do when you enter the room is to check the alarm device. It is said that the houses of these foreigners all have alarms connected to the police station.

So Shen Xi is also cautious.

Not to mention, he really found the alarm device, but it was only at the front and rear doors on the first floor.

He didn't move, and returned to the second floor, and didn't enter the Lost Realm, but went directly to the room he came in, and lifted the white cloth covering the furniture.

Sit down on a small sofa.

It's finally time to rest.

I didn't turn on the light, and I didn't need to turn on the light. I just lay on the sofa and felt very comfortable.

But after a while, a car stopped outside, and a beam of light from a flashlight shone into the room through the French windows on the balcony.

The lights flickered, and someone came to the door and seemed to turn the doorknob.

Shen Xi listened carefully, but no one came in.

The police officers who searched at last also left.

At this time, Shen Xi had a thought and entered the lost state.

(End of this chapter)

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