Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 185 Chapter 185: You Are the Princess

Chapter 185 Chapter 185: You Are the Princess

Half an hour of high-speed travel.

This is also the fastest speed for Shen Xi to arrive.

If you take a car, you don't know how long it will take.

Before the video connection was disconnected, Shen Xi knew that there was no problem for the time being.

Without looking for the exact address, I saw three people shaking at the door of a house from a distance.

Shen Xi breathed a sigh of relief, at least these people haven't broken in yet.

He wanted to go there, but he stopped suddenly.

Is there anyone in the dark?
Shen Xi was very surprised, and slowly walked towards a car.

Under the consciousness, there were two people sitting in the vehicle. After careful inspection, Shen Xi understood.

It's someone from the CIA.

I really didn't expect it!

The CIA has been eyeing Zhou Lan for a long time.

Presumably, they found out that Zhou Yunxi was Shen Xi's daughter.

It's really hard to guard against!
Something happened to Zhou Lan. It was a coincidence that he found him, otherwise what would happen?

Shen Xi didn't dare to think about it, but he knew that if something happened to Zhou Lan, Zhou Lan and Zhou Yunxi would definitely be used by the CIA to coerce him.

These secret agents and intelligence personnel have no bottom line, what can't they do?

In order to cover up some things, it is normal to kill people and kill people.

Then warn the CIA!

Immediately, Shen Xi walked to the side of the car, opened the door, and sat in the back seat.

The two agents in the front seat who were in charge of tracking Zhou Lan's mother and daughter were joking, as if they were discussing what would happen if Zhou Lan killed someone.

But when they heard the sound of the rear door, both of them reacted quickly, and quickly drew their guns.

It's just that the two encountered Shen Xi, and it was useless to react quickly.

The two only felt the back of their necks being pinched, and then heard the sound of their own neck bones breaking.

After that, Shen Xi got out of the car, closed the door, and left.

Walking towards Zhou Lan's house, everything was clear in his consciousness.

Both Zhou Lan and her daughter were there, as was the body in the garage.

The three white men are all very strong, the door cannot be broken open, it is very strong, and they just want to enter through the window.

However, Zhou Lan usually has a high awareness of safety, and the steel mesh installed in the window has been put down by Zhou Lan, and there is no way to enter if the glass is smashed.

At this point, a person finally pried open the garage door.

I also saw David's body, and finally understood why no one answered the phone call to David.

It turned out that something really happened.

The bodyguard's expression immediately showed fear.

David died, and they couldn't live either.

At this time, the two people at the gate also arrived at the garage door, and they were also stunned.

"How to do?"

One of them looked at his companion and asked.

"What else can we do? Call Master Fei Xie, otherwise can we escape?"

Fei Xie Mikil, David's father, is also the second person in the Mikil family, quite cruel.

This is why the three of them were terrified when they saw David dead.

They were beaten to death for picking up a girl, and the three of them were trash.

If they were killed by people from other families, they at least have an explanation.

Shen Xi stopped and listened carefully.

The Mikel family?
Lord Fisher?

Shenxi checked the nearby surveillance cameras, and Shen Xi was relieved.

It's remote enough that the neighbors are far away.

But the environment is really good.

This is also in line with Zhou Lan's personality preferences.

It's just not safe enough, and no one knows what happened.

No more delays and no letting them call people.

Hearing the news was about the same, Shen Xi walked over.

The three of them also noticed someone walking from the lawn, and they all turned their heads to look.

By the light of the garage, it is clear that it is a Chinese.

The three of them instantly thought that the visitor might have something to do with this woman.

Shen Xi grinned at the three of them and asked, "Guys, what are you doing at night?"

After finishing speaking, the person has arrived in front of the three of them.

The three white men were taken aback, very surprised, what's going on with this man, it's so weird.

He was still on the lawn just now, but he came to them with a single sentence.

Didn't see this person run away?

And just when the three of them were surprised, Shen Xi had already made a move.

The three of them only felt something pricked their necks before they lost consciousness and fell limply to the ground.

Shen Xi entered the garage and turned off the garage lights.

Afterwards, the four corpses were taken into the Lost Realm and thrown into the edge of the forest.

The next step is to clean up the blood on the ground and peel off a layer of ground directly.

The Cross Wrench is also relegated to the Lost Realm.

Remove all traces.

He took out his phone and turned on the garage lights.

The video is still connected.

Shen Xi smiled at the phone: "Guess where I am?"

Zhou Lan and her daughter, who were curled up on the sofa, looked at Shen Xi in the video and the familiar background. Both of them were in disbelief, but they were overjoyed immediately.

Get up and run to the garage.

Opening the garage door, she saw Shen Xi, looking at the two with a smile.

The corpses on the ground were gone, not even the bloodstains.

At this time, the mother and daughter looked at Shen Xi and felt very relieved.

All the panic from before seemed to be gone at this moment.

Zhou Lan wanted to hug Shen Xi, but in the end she didn't go forward.

But Shen Xi came over and squatted in front of Zhou Yunxi.

Zhou Yunxi hugged her father naturally, her eyes were full of sparkle

Shen Xi also hugged her daughter tightly, the blood feeling was very strong at this moment.

Looking at the father and daughter, Zhou Lan felt mixed feelings.

At this time, Shen Xi said: "You take your daughter to pack things first, and I will clean up some traces."

Zhou Lan nodded, she knew she couldn't stay here anymore.

Must leave as soon as possible.

Shen Xi let go of her daughter, looked at her with a smile and said, "Father will take you to live in the castle tonight."

Yun Xi nodded and said, "Everyone who lives in the castle is a princess."

Shen Xi smiled, "You are the princess."

Zhou Yunxi laughed, very happy.

Fatherly love is magical, she felt it for the first time.

Afterwards, Shen Xi got up and rubbed his daughter's head, feeling an inexplicable sense of happiness.

And Zhou Yunxi hugged Shen Xi again, as if she couldn't bear to part with her father's embrace.

After a while, Zhou Yunxi let go, and followed her mother to pack her things.

And Shen Xi went out of the garage, looking for the car driven by these people.

After finding it, I looked around, and then with a thought, I sent the car into the Lost Realm.

Then go back to the car of the two agents, check whether there is a driving recorder or the like, and remove it after discovering it.

Can not leave any traces.

It can be suspected, but not confirmed.

Shen Xi would not think about clearing Zhou Lan of his crimes or anything, that would be too childish.

Not only is time wasted and energy is involved, but it is also easy to be passive.

It is best to come directly to the dead without evidence.

After checking back and forth, and feeling that there was nothing missing, Shen Xi returned to the garage.

Enter the house and help carry several large boxes to the warehouse for loading.

Everything is settled, the three of them get in the car.

Zhou Lan was driving, and Shen Xi sat in the back seat with her daughter.

Shen Xi gave the address, Zhou Lan turned on the navigation, and drove towards the suburbs.

In the car, Zhou Yunxi held Shen Xi's arm and leaned against him.

Having a father for the first time, the little girl is very happy.

The previous panic also magnified her peace of mind at this moment. She felt very peaceful when she was by her father's side.

Also unconsciously fell asleep.

Shen Xi is very distressed, such a young person must have been terrified after experiencing such a scene.

Seeing this scene in the rearview mirror, Zhou Lan couldn't help feeling a little jealous.

But she is also relieved, and knows that in her daughter's heart, only her father can bring her a real sense of security.

Mom can't do this anyway.

 Some people may not like these chapters, but in order to enrich the characters and the ups and downs of the plot, I have to write a little bit, and it will pass soon, forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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