Treasure Shenhao

Chapter 196 Chapter 196: It's still real money

Chapter 196 Chapter 196: It's still real money
Early the next morning, Shen Xi received a call from Aida.

The huge bounty offered in the underground world has been cancelled, and the cooperation negotiation will also speed up the process.

For this, Shen Xi expressed his gratitude, of course with a smile.

However, Shen Xi was relieved to speed up the process of cooperation negotiations.

This kind of cooperation between countries involves too many things. If we don't speed up the progress, we don't know when it will be delayed.

And he had to act tonight.

The museum project must be opened tonight.

On this day, Shen Xi didn't go out, thinking about the influence caused by the looting of the museum.

and a series of consequences.

The incident at the Tokyo National Museum can be said to have a very large impact.

The world was in an uproar, and Interpol was stationed in Tokyo to conduct a comprehensive investigation.

It is conceivable what kind of impact it will be if the British Museum is looted again.

In the afternoon, Mayfair sent someone to deliver some materials.

There is the Mikil family, and there are also pre-preparation matters for the treasure hunt cooperation.

After reading the information about Mikil's family, Shen Xi decided to make a move tomorrow night after thinking about it.

Such a family is very powerful and has the strength to attack the country, so it cannot be left behind.

For the sake of his daughter, he could not leave such a family behind.

Isabella was at a loss, but it seemed that Shen Xi didn't intend to kill her, which also made her feel relieved.

This guy is terrible, even though he killed Mawson, the British still treat him as a VIP.

Nothing at all.

The most important thing is that she didn't understand why Shen Xi didn't respond to her hypnosis.

This really confuses her.

Since she was a child, her eyes have been fixed on people, and no one will not be affected.

Later, after some hypnosis and psychological studies, her hypnosis was invincible.

But when I met Shen Xi, it failed for the first time.

Lying in the sun is very comfortable.

This season is suitable for basking in the sun, but this season in the UK is very cold.

Shen Xi glanced at Isabella, saw that the foreign girl was also secretly looking at him, and immediately teased: "What? Do you have ideas for me?"

Isabella quickly avoided her eyes, and when she heard Shen Xi's teasing, she said, "I'm just curious about you, I have no idea."

Shen Xi smiled lightly, and said: "It's fine if you don't have any ideas, just give me a job in the future, don't have any unreasonable thoughts, otherwise, you won't live to die... Haha..."

At the end of Shen Xi's speech, he was amused by his own words.

Isabella's face was also a little red, and she felt that she was afraid of death, which must have made this guy laugh.

Shen Xi glanced at Isabella again, saw her appearance, and immediately said: "It's normal to be afraid of death, who doesn't?

I'm afraid too, so I'll get rid of the threats first.

You don't want anything because of this, no one laughs at people who are afraid of death. "

I don't know if Shen Xi really said this, but Isabella still said: "Thank you!"

"You don't need to thank me, now you are under my house arrest, so just don't hate me."

"I won't hate you, really, I like working for you, and I like you..."

It has to be said that Isabella has a strong desire to survive.

Shen Xi wanted to say something, but at this moment the old housekeeper came over.

"My lord, we have a visitor."

Hearing this, Shen Xi got up, looked up, and could see several cars driving into the manor.

Soon, the car arrived in front of the castle.

Shen Xi also got up and walked across the lawn.

Seeing the people who came, Shen Xi knew who they were, Xiang Zejin, and some embassy personnel.

After exchanging greetings, he did not enter the castle, but sat down on a chair on the lawn.

The maid quickly brought English black tea, as well as pastries and fruits.

Xiang Zejin is middle-aged, and his hairline is a bit high, but he looks very shrewd.

After chatting with Shen Xi for a few words, he went straight to the topic.

"Exchange preliminary opinions with all parties, and cooperate to set up a scientific research group to conduct comprehensive and in-depth research on cancer specific drugs, and share research results.

But they ask you to provide at least ten drug samples..."

"Stop." Shen Xi quickly waved his hand and said with a smile: "Ten copies is not impossible, but it will cost money to buy, [-] million euros per copy.

Also, I don't need shares of your research results.

Realize it directly!
50 billion euros, a buyout price.

The interests of the transformation of your research results in the future have nothing to do with me.

Payment in advance, including money for ten drug samples.

As for how you negotiate, I don't participate, and I don't have the energy to participate.

By the way, one more point is that I need the sovereignty of an unowned island. Of course, I haven't found the island yet. I'll talk about it when I find it. "

Shen Xi's words made Xiang Zejin ponder.

The others also looked at Shen Xi, feeling that it was incomprehensible for Shen Xi to ask for money.

60 billion euros is really not much compared to the value of cancer drugs developed.

It's a multi-trillion dollar industry.

There is also island sovereignty. Are there still unowned islands?

What do you want?

Do you still want to reclaim the sea and build islands by yourself?

Still thinking about founding a country?

The staff of the embassy didn't understand what Shen Xi was thinking.

Of course, they were only cooperating with Xiang Zejin's work.

Won't chime in.

"Mr. Shen, I will talk to all parties at night about your request. I think it is easy for all parties to accept it. In fact, I think you should keep some equity."

Xiang Zejin was very considerate of Shen Xi, but Shen Xi insisted with a smile, "That's all I want, I like immediate benefits, equity is something that I can't see, I can't touch it, and I don't know what to do.

Besides, if I give up the equity, I can occupy more for the country, which is not very good.

After all, I am an individual, and if I am involved in it, I will be very passive in the future, and it is real money. "

Seeing Shen Xi's insistence, Xiang Zejin didn't say anything more.

Remembering the conditions proposed by Shen Xi, he finally joked and said: "Mr. Shen, you need reclamation equipment, you can ask me for help."

Shen Xi laughed loudly, "Okay, just don't get annoyed when the time comes."

In the evening, Adar and others also came, and a small reception was held in the castle.

During the period, Xiang Zejin also gave the conditions proposed by Shen Xi to several parties for reference and discussion.

60 billion euros, in such a cooperation, it can be said that it is not a big deal, but I just don't understand why Shenxi wants euros.

Could it be that Shenxi is planning to develop in Europe?

Although curious about Shen Xi's plan, Shen Xi did not talk to them, and seemed not interested in participating in the cooperation, only selling formulas and drug samples.

During the entire reception, Shen Xi and Isabella sat on the sofa and played with their mobile phones.

At 09:30, the reception ended, and Xiang Zejin, Aidar, Nelson, Ball, Koichiro and others, as well as the embassy personnel from all sides, left one after another.

After the preliminary intention is determined, the next step is to enter the practical stage.

And Shen Xi also asked Isabella to rest early, and he was ready to take action.

During the reception, he paid special attention to Nelson with his spiritual sense, but he didn't see any strange eyes from Nelson towards Isabella.

This actually surprised him a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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